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The girly`s ......giggle box

I'm here to vent.....

...I apologise in advance!!

Why do people, who clearly don't have one ounce of talent or creativeness, always try to tear down others who do? Is it just the plain old green eyed monster???

I'm not talking about myself, btw!!

I just want to shake people like this and say so lets see you do better!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8......


Reply 3181#3181 shinny's post

I hear ya'!  That's a pet peeve of mine too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3182#3182 waterlilybarb's post

Glad it's not just me so!! I just think it's such a horrible characteristic to have. If someone I know does something that involves some form of natural talent then I'll be one telling everyone about it!!


Reply 3183#3183 shinny's post

I'm the same.  I love to applaud people for talent, but there are those who just see something they can't do, and so look for any little thing to find fault with.  Sad really.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I feel like I'm coming down with something again.  I hope I don't, but if I do - I'd just as soon have it come on fully & be done with.  This in between stage leaves me tired, achy & a bit cranky (poor cats).
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3185#3185 waterlilybarb's post

Ah no, hopefully it will just be a 24 hr thing and you will feel better tomorrow.


Reply 3179#3179 waterlilybarb's post:
Sorry to hear that...I have been exhausted for the longest. I keep telling myself that I'm going to get a nap in somewhere, but I never have time to. lol! I'm glad the Ginger is helping some.

Reply  3181#3181 shinny's post:
I think that people like that are in so much denial about the talented person's talent that they need to vocally degrade that person in order to convince themselves. Its ok, though, because in the end; the talented person will shine and they will a.ways have a gift no matter how much envy or hatred the other person feels towards them.

Reply  3185#3185 waterlilybarb's post:

For some reason, whenever the weather changes (from warmer to cooler) I am always stuff with the "cuts in the throat", sore, scratching feeling in my throat. It like never becomes an actual sore throat, I just have to deal with this annoying feeling for days. It takes like 50 cough drops to heal. But I just stick with lemon and honey and endless cups of tea. I hate it so much cause then I have to pee like every 20 minutes (lol!), so I know how you feel being in that "transition" mode. Hope you feel better, Barb!


Barb - Sorry I corrupted you a few weeks ago with that chips suggestion. I wasn't doing to well afterwards either! hahaha  Oh man, I just realized I forgot soup for work.  Although you have seen my office food supply, so I think I'm good!

And Jannah I feel you on the sore throat. I get like that too.  It's horrid!  Thankfully Halls Refresh cough drops were free at Walgreens last week, so I'm stocked up! hahaha

Shinny - I get annoyed at that too.  And because I am a creative person it sometimes causes me to not share what I do and hide.  Kinda sad what happens when you get torn down!

On the flip side... it is finally getting cool here in So Cal.  I made a new beanie and I have actually had the weather to wear it! yay!


Reply 3187#3187 nye87's post

Thanks Jannah.  Unfortunately it has become a full blown head cold, with a side order of wicked nausea.  It's a virus, so I'll ride it out with soup, plenty of fluids, rest along with some "assistance" from pharmaceuticals that help alleviate the symptoms.

Meg, it's OK about the chips. lol  It's given me the incentive to try & eat better food.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


  I'm trying to eat healthier too, Barb.  but the just stocked pumpkin beer in my local Trader Joes.  Too bad it goes right to my tummy & I look prego. hahahah


Reply 3190#3190 themegababe's post

That doesn't sound appealing.  Is it alcohol or like ginger beer?  You should make sure to drink some before visiting the relatives over the holidays (the ones you don't see often) and give them something to talk about. LOL
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey girlies!!

Meg, I've never heard of Pumpkin Beer either. Is it nice?

Jannah, I'm like that too and I always wake in the morning like I have a head cold. I'm going to buy a humidifier as I feel like it's because the air is too dry in my house.

Barb, how are you feeling?

I just realised it was 2 years ago, on Oct 6th, that I found this wonderful site. I can't believe that!!!


Reply 3192#3192 shinny's post

On the mend but still not great.  A little feverish and still have the laryngitis (super frustrating) but my appetite is starting to improve.

Two years!  Time sure flies, eh?   Sure glad you stuck around.   My sign up date is in March, but I discovered the site in February of 2007 - when there was only and just a handful of shows.  I was delighted though, as I could watch the episode I had missed of Heroes (the weather had knocked out the power when it was on).  I didn't actually join until I wanted to post a thank you to Dan for his suggestion on how to get that flash player to work.  I've been here ever since.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Barb, hope this cuppa tea helps.....

Careful it's hot!


Reply  3188#3188 themegababe's post:
Free Halls?! That sounds AWESOME. I wonder why they never do stuff like that near my house. lol! You made a! Did you knit or crochet it?? I'm trying to take up either or both but I have to buy the supplies and wait until my mom has enough time to teach me. I'm also curious about the pumpkin it alcohol or like Root Beer??

Reply  3189#3189 waterlilybarb's post:

Yikes! When it gets cold, I sleep with a skully on every night and sometimes a scarf (depending on how cold it is) to prevent head colds. They're so annoying because they make you so miserable.

Reply  3192#3192 shinny's post:

Happy belated 2 year anniversary, Shinny!!! I'm also a "2 year-er"; welcome to the club! I joined in May of 2007 but I found the site in March or April of that year.

Reply  3194#3194 gypsiegirl66's post:

Tea! Its my favorite companion during this time of year until it gets warm again. I though of you all when I made Braided Sweet Bread yesterday. The smell was divine and I was wishing that I could share it with you all. I'll post a pic.


It was soo good. Its actually a Moroccan tea time pastry bread.I'm sending you all some through my pics. ^_~


Reply 3194#3194 gypsiegirl66's post

Thank you Gypsie.   It's getting quite chilly here and a cuppa is just what the doctor ordered.

Reply  3196#3196 nye87's post
Jannah, that looks yummy!  Wish I could click me a piece off the screen.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


They look lovely Jannah! Making me hungry lol

I also found the site before my reg date. I was using TV-Video for about a month or so before I joined VIPtv and the forum.


Jannah, those pictures just made my mouth water!!

Hi ladies! How's life in the Giggle box? =) Life with the little one is busy busy busy, but she is growing up and even napping sometimes during the day, so I even had a chance to watch a couple episodes of Brothers & Sisters, unbelievable!! Being a mom is amazing -- it's sooooo hard but I laugh and smile all the time, she's so funny and fun. I'm enjoying it all, except the colic which she gets before falling asleep at night, that's no fun at all, poor thing.

Barb, hope you're feeling ok. It's always something, you poor dear.


Reply 3199#3199 studiojek's post

Glad to hear you're enjoying motherhood so much, and that your girl is so delightful.    I feel for you on the colic, but thank goodness it's not a constant.  Apparently I was an extremely colicky baby, and my poor Mum was only 18 and did her best to find a solution.  I screamed so much that I wound up giving myself an umbilical hernia ('til my little belly popped, my Mum used to say)...not fun for anyone, I imagine.

This cold just won't go away, but I'm OK.  Trying to muster an appetite today - though yesterday I had a pretty good one and managed a couple bowls of soup.  I got a little bit more painting done.  I think it's the fumes that have put my appetite off today.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

