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Gossip Girl Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 149#149 bala's post

Apparently the judge decided she can bring her kid with her to shoot GG, so we're not losing Lily just yet! Though, if they had to kill her off, having her have a heart attack caused by Chuck's living in their house would have been pretty believable!



Reply 153#153 bala's post

thanks bala.  That's a different preview than they showed on TV.  I wonder what's in "Chuck Bass Narnia" lol


Reply 154#154 imarielle626's post

Here 2 more


Gossip Girl 2x17

Finally a decent episode of gossip girl-the last few have been boring but ending to this was fantastic. I'm speechless and Blair is not going going to be happy when she finds out but that's not the big issue they did it and no going back now all we need is for her to get pregnant with dan kid and we got fantastic next season   that what i would do if i was the writer for the show. .


Reply 156#156 bala's post

I agree this was a fantastic episode!  I really thought the "affair" was going to be fake (and it was) but then we got the twist Oh what will happen now when/if Rachel gets reinstated as a teach? dun dun dunn lol  It is sort of funny though because the actress that plays Rachel isn't that much older than the actor who plays Dan so seeing them together is less weird than Nate and Jenny.  Is that just me?


Reply 157#157 imarielle626's post

no it just not you but Nate with older woman was much stranger



Gossip Girl: Kate French



Gossip Girl 2x18

Wow Blair get reality check as who she really is



Reply 163#163 bala's post

Wow blair gone off the rails but i can see nate and blair getting close

[ Last edited by bala at 3-25-2009 14:50 ]


Gossip Girl 2x20

Well not much to say blair and nate-let see how long that last? but chuck and Vanessa was surprise


Reply 165#165 bala's post

That was quick thinking by Scott's mother to delete the incoming call from Dan


Reply 166#166 codebreaker's post

yes it was but i suspect he find another way


Well well well, this was a mixed up episode ! Nate with Blair, Chuck with Vanessa and Serena back to her old ways??? I wonder how she knows Gabriel? She was calling herself Savannah then. It must have been Georgie she was with then !!

The phone call to Scott was just silly. First off, what teenager/early twenty something year old leaves their mobile phone out of their hands? It's almost like an extra limb to them, lol. Secondly, they might have deleted the incoming message, but that only got rid of the immediate threat. You know this is going to come back at them.

A good episode though. I'm not so sure about Nate and Blair though. I don't think it will last very long.


Reply 168#168 shinny's post

completely agree with you on Nate and Blair though. I don't think it will last very long.


anyone else notice how holier than thou Nate is with V telling her she has become just like B?!?!
Yes she left him at the party but

a) it was his family's party not like she left him somewhere by himself in the bronx
b) N was the one who pretty much canceled their summer plains without even a word to her she ended up finding out via his cousin.
c) after that he considers it V's fault and doesn't talk to her for a week, all the while hanging out with his x B.

he may be a pretty boy but as his track record shows - money matters and V doesn't.  He kinda even messed with her over little J.

all and all Chuck at least is up front - this is who i am take the Good with lots of Bad. Nate is just a prissy spoiled brat who was slumming it for a bit and now that his house is in order it back to the upper class.

"Don't warn the tadpoles!"
"Don't warn the tadpoles?"
"I... I have frog fear." -- Willow


Gossip Girl 2x21

Well this was an eventful episode to say the least but I'm glad serena wasn't married

