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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3160#3160 shinny's post

LOL!  I don't know that I'd like a nickname like that - no matter what my profession.

I agree though.  Some are way too quick to go to a C-section.  It reminds me of how quick they were to give hysterectomies back in the '70s - like it was a cure-all for any "women's problems".  My Mum had one then, but she was one of the few women I know who had a doctor that did everything to try & prevent it...and from all my reading, she's one who actually did need one.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


that is one nasty nickname, I bet it gave him trouble when dating


  hahahaha  yeah it must have been hard to get a date for him!  probably left his work life at work... like really tried to! haha

That is awesome tho, that he was so for the woman having a natural birth!  Go Vaginal Lionel!  hehe


Can I scream now?!

I am SO frustrated with feeling so crappy!  My place is in complete disarray as I still have everything in the middle of the rooms because I need to do the 2nd coat of paint in the kitchen & bathroom, as well as needing to finish the living room.  The migraines make it nearly impossible to get anything done, and the unceasing fatigue just compounds the problem.  I have friends who will help, but school just started up again, so their schedules are a bit hectic at the moment.  I so wish it was as easy as it is on the Home Depot site where you upload your photo & click where you want the paint.  C'est la vie.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3164#3164 waterlilybarb's post

Sorry to hear that, Barb. But I do know how you feel. I have been away for so long because Ramadan can get exhausting. My bedtime has now become between 2am and 4 am; I always wake up around 8 am or 9 am and I often find myself dozing off. As much as I love the month, I am glad that it is over because the whole rushing to get dinner finished by sunset and the extra worship at night has really worn me out. That, in turn, leaves the chores to be done after 10pm. I really wish that I could help you some way (because we just moved not too long ago and I know how frustrating a disorganized living space can be). Try not to worry too much and I hope your headaches stop. Hope it gets better.


P.S. I am totally for natural birth. My mom actually had my sister outside of the US and her OBGYN gave her a shot to stop her contractions so that she'd had to perform a C-Section and get paid double (the medical rule over there). It was terrible because my mom couldn't speak the language. Also, my grandmother was a victim of the "Hysterectomy Movement"and she has told as many women as possible to never ever allow anyone to do that to them.


Reply 3164#3164 waterlilybarb's post

This is why you need a man in your life

Women think there can doing everything by themselves but having a man around could help you out .

At least you are not as bad some of my female friend who trick guys to help them out and they get nothing in return .


Reply 3167#3167 bala's post

The things I need done do NOT require a man.  They require better health.  I've done all of these things before.  They aren't difficult, and aren't heavy jobs.  I wouldn't get into a relationship for such an idiotic reason.   I have male friends, and my brother, for jobs that require brute strength.  Honestly, I'm a lot handier than some men I know.

Reply 3165#3165 nye87's post
Thanks Jannah, you're a sweetie.   One of my friends is coming on Thursday to paint, and told me even if I don't feel well enough she'll do it and I can rest.  She even offered to bring me to her place while she does it if I have a migraine & can't tolerate the fumes, which is really nice (since I can't drive when I have a bad one).

I imagine, from what I understand about Ramadan, that it can be tiring, especially since you still have to take care of all your regular responsibilities.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I've been pretty much offline for days now (and will be getting off again in a minute).  This migraine just won't quit.  I'm glad for the site & my old VCR or else I'd miss all the season premieres since I can't really watch TV either with head like this.  Day 5 and counting,  I pray I don't wake up with it again tomorrow.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3169#3169 waterlilybarb's post

I hope that you get better, Barb. Do you have any Ginger or Ginger Tea? It always helps my headaches, so maybe it could help your migraine. I'm so glad that you have such a nice friend to help you out! Please feel better soon.


Reply 3170#3170 nye87's post

I do keep ginger on hand (and ginger tea), but they only help me with nausea...though I'm thankful that it works for that.   I'm finally feeling somewhat better today.  My friend is coming tomorrow, and if her hubby doesn't have to work, he's coming too.  Though I don't want him losing $$, I kind of hope he doesn't have to work, because an extra pair of hands would get things done more quickly.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


  Oooh get better Barb!  I'm crossing my fingers for ya!  I hope you were able to get a lot done!    Our house in a total mess too.  Because we were both in a wedding last weekend and haven't done any cleaning or organizing for a week. ugh.  I finally got out the mop & broom last night!

And catch up on premieres... I just realized I will probably miss Grey's tonight because of  Bible study.  Then again. it's out at 8 30, so I just need to go home and not chit chat, then I'll be home in time!  


Reply 3172#3172 themegababe's post

Thanks Meg!

Well, My friend & her hubby both came today & we got the walls done in the kitchen, bathroom and the part of the living room that was ready to be painted.  Still to do: one wall in the living room, all the trim, kitchen & bathroom cupboards, but we got SO much closer today.  I didn't feel great, but was able to help some, and they were absolutely fabulous!  Aren't friends great?    Banner day, even if the health wasn't optimum.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Meg, you corrupted me with your bad dinner suggestion.  LOL!  Although, I daresay the chips are making the paint fumes seem much more tolerable.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3174#3174 waterlilybarb's post

OK, I was mistaken.  Chips, dip & paint fumes do NOT equal feeling good.  Very bad combination indeed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3175#3175 waterlilybarb's post

This made me lol - hope you are feeling better.


Reply 3176#3176 shinny's post

Glad I could give you a giggle Shinny.  I'm still a bit queasy, but it's the paint fumes.  Not complaining - I'm delighted to have so much done.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Glad you're feeling better...or at least you were. Now sounds like a good time to make a cup of ginger tea to help that queasiness.  ^_~


Reply 3178#3178 nye87's post

I have definitely been drinking the ginger tea these past few days.  It's a little wonder of a treatment.

I'm so tired today...just waiting for another hour or so before going to bed, so I have a chance of sleeping through the night.  I think it's partly the paint fumes that are wiping me out.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Weird browsers (only tried Firefox & IE) would open on my computer for ages.  I had to reboot my computer to get it to work.  Since I was busy doing other things waiting for it to load, it took me a while to suss it out though.  All is fine now, but it was odd.  Just thought I'd share.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

