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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3140#3140 serena75's post

I usually do turn up the tunes when I work around the house.  I didn't get anything done last night, and today has been a rough one too.  I have to plaster a little more, which I'll do this evening, but found out the other day I was allergic to the product so I'll take the Benedryl before finishing up patching the holes.  The joys of DIY home improvement.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Agree with playing music helping to do work around the house. I love to do this and it seems to make the time fly by!!

Barb, hope your allergic reaction to the product is at bay


I just have to brag on my hubby a bit. I have been extremely exhausted this pregnancy so we will say my housekeeping has been less than steller. So my hubby who only takes 2 days off a month on his day off cleaned the house for me, except bathroom and dishes of course. He even scrubbed the floors. Now lets see if he can keep up the good husband act.


Reply 3143#3143 gabsimom's post

That is very sweet!  Bragging is definitely allowed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


what a sweet hubby!  and barb i would help you paint if i lived closer!


Reply 3145#3145 themegababe's post

Thanks Meg.  My brother called yesterday to let me know he definitely has a few days off this week as he's being sent out of town for a month, and he offered me 1 of the days to work around my apartment (he's a good painter), so I'm delighted.  I also have some assistance coming from some friends who I had supper with the other night.  My bro says he expects me to have things pretty much in order by his return.  It's doable, and will give me the extra incentive to get it done.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Isn't it wonderful to have good friends who can help you out with projects?  I'm glad your bro can help too!


Reply 3147#3147 themegababe's post

The 1st coat is done in the kitchen (just walls, not cupboards or trim).  What a difference!  I helped a bit, but my brother did the bulk of it.  It looks 100% better already.  No more dark cave.  He also cut the bathroom for me.  I should be able to that myself as it's quite small.  He said if I could cut the kitchen he should be able to roll the second coat before he goes away.  YAY for helpful "little" brothers.   

I REALLY like the colour I chose.  It's a light grey - called "eternity"...the trim is called "steam" - my theory being the colours will help me retain my steam for eternity. LOL!  I bought Benjamin Moore paint, which is quite a bit pricier, but is self-priming, low VOC and guaranteed to cover in 2 coats.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply  3140#3140 serena75's post:
Thank you, Serena. I'm so glad that I've only had to experience bad subtitles about 3 times and it IS so annoying.

Reply  3141#3141 waterlilybarb's post:
Playing good music makes cleaning way more fun to do. I especially love listening to oldies (stuff from the 70s and 80s - My mom's music) that make you want to dance while cleaning. Good luck with painting!!! We have to paint, too, but we're putting it off for now. DIY projects can be such a headache.

Reply  3143#3143 gabsimom's post:
That was soo nice of your husband! I'm glad that you got to relax a little. 22 weeks?!!! WOW, the baby is going to be here before we know it!


Reply 3149#3149 nye87's post

Yep and I expect lots of presents,
Just kidding, pm me if you need shipping info.
I feel full of myself tonight.


Reply 3150#3150 gabsimom's post

I would think you'd feel full of your son.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I think it is lack of sleep, I am at that stage where you have to pee all the time because you can't fully vacate. Also the cramping from the stretching and sore back from the bones moving. And heartburn and the little guy likes to kick me all night.
But I am glowing


Reply 3152#3152 gabsimom's post

You make it sound so appealing. LOL!  

My cousin's wife was a bit annoyed (not the word I'm looking for ) at your stage because her body was changing - especially the bones moving - making room for the baby, but also preparing for childbirth, as it does even months ahead, but she was having a scheduled C-section.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I'll never understand women scheduling in having babies and especially having major surgery to do it.
I know some women have no choice and it is for health reasons, but if you can do it the old fashion way it is healthier for baby and mommy.
And yes I will be breast feeding


Reply 3154#3154 gabsimom's post

Hers was for health reasons.  Better than emergency least she was able to prepare ahead of time.  My sister had to have an emergency Caesar for her 2nd child and was frustrated because she didn't know what to expect...and her mother (she was living back at home then) was no help at all.  I think she would have been a little better if it had dawned on her that sometimes they're necessary and she had read up about what to expect afterwards.  My little nephew was strangling himself on the umbilical cord and his heart had stopped.  Now he'll be 2 years old this month, and he's just a going concern (and a real chatterbox).

What I also find puzzling is women who schedule them just for convenience sake...and the doctors that go along with it.  Like you said - it's major surgery.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Wow that is scary. I hope I never have to have one. But if I do I guess I will see if they will throw in a tummy tuck

Adam had to have his cord cut when just his head was out, it was choking him too and hmm he is a chatter box as well.


Reply 3156#3156 gabsimom's post

Maybe there's something they remember about not being able to breathe that makes them suck up all the air in the room with their chattering.  I love it when they're little though.  They're voices are so cute, and they come up with some very interesting ideas.

I hope you never have to go through anything like that either.  It WAS scary.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Sounds scary!  My friend had to have a C Section with her first and was really disappointed about it, like she wasn't doing it the right way.  But she was able to have a successful vbac for baby #2!  Hope things continue to go well for you, Tina!  And barb, are you still enjoying those paint colors?  I saw that your bro was able to help you get a lot done!  woo hoo!


Thanks Meg


Apologies in advance to any of the guys reading this, but it does say the "Girly's" Giggle Box!

My sister in law's OB/GYN's name was Lionel, in Australia. And he was known as "Vaginal Lionel" because he would do everything to avoid a C section. Obviously if things got extreme he would, but his record for C sections was extremely low.

My cousin is a Midwife in one of Ireland biggest Maternity hospitals and she said she's shocked at how quickly some of the obstetricians in her hospital will just go with a C section at the smallest problem, but of course it would be her job if she ever said anything.

[ Last edited by shinny at 9-13-2009 21:48 ]

