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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3120#3120 gabsimom's post

Congratulations Tina!  You'll just have to try again in a couple years for a girl.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply  3115#3115 serena75's post:
Happy 1 Year Anniversary, Serena75!!! How has this site changed your life in the past year?? Hopefully, for the better! Ever since I've been on this site, my life has changed in a negative way...since I want to be on here 24/7 and I was never able to get anything done. lol! I'm slowly trying to learn a balance. No but seriously, I LOVE this site!!!

Reply  3120#3120 gabsimom's post:
Congratulations!!! I was also secretly hoping that you would have a girl so Adam could have a little sister. Like Barb said, maybe next time. ^_~ Either way, I'm really happy for you!


Awe thanks.
Now to find a good boy name.


Reply 3123#3123 gabsimom's post

2 boys well you know what to expect


Reply 3120#3120 gabsimom's post

Thanks and congratulations, Tina! Picking a name can't be easy, but I guess you have some time to think about it.


Reply 3122#3122 nye87's post

Thanks Jannah! It's been great, but sometimes frustrating. There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to watch everything I want to watch And sometimes I get frustrated when I can't hear exactly what they're saying. I'm used to watching foreign movies and shows with subtitles, and I've noticed that I tend to get a bit lazy when there are subtitles
I also find it interesting to read about people from different parts of the world, their thoughts and feelings about things, what they're doing in their everyday life.
I've also learned some new English words and phrases, like the difference between it's and its. Never noticed that before. Or the meaning of "in the ballpark". I google it, and learn something new


Reply 3126#3126 serena75's post

Well i find if you don't have job it solves that problem of having enough hours in the day to watch everything I want to watch


Reply 3127#3127 bala's post

And there's always nighttime


Reply 3128#3128 serena75's post

that isn't a good idea last thing you need to do on job is make a mistake-now-a-days bosses know they can fire people for anything no shortage of people unemployed


Reply 3129#3129 bala's post

I was kidding, Bala Of course, you shouldn't stay up all night watching shows if you have a job. Sometimes the pain keeps me awake and I watch something to keep me from thinking about how I feel.
Have to go offline... there's a thunderstorm coming...


Reply 3130#3130 serena75's post

Well good i was bit concerned about your tv addiction

trust me it hard balance both that i'm enjoying time i have on here because i could get phone call anytime with a job interview.


Reply 3131#3131 bala's post

Good to know someone is watching out for me


Reply 3132#3132 serena75's post

Well someone has keep eye on people-think of me as  friendvista big brother


Reply 3133#3133 bala's post

Big Brother Bala


Reply 3126#3126 serena75's post

I know what you mean, I actually prefer subtitles. lol! I guess I picked the habit up from living overseas so long and (like you) from watching many foreign films. I didn't realize that English wasn't your native language (sorry, I've been away from this site far too long; so I guess I missed that); but I know how it feels to not understand certain phrases because I had the same problem with learning french. And yes, it feels amazing to finally know what the saying, phrase, etc. means.


Hey Tina, that's great the Adam will have a little brother considering it's what he wanted

Serena, I think your written English is extremely good. I guess most of us wouldn't have known you were Swedish unless you told us!


I agree your English is good and it is fun learning new phrases in another language or even your own.

I keep joking with Adam and asking him if he Prayed for a boy. He gets this sneaky laugh and says yes. I asked him if next time if we could pray for a girl since now he has the little brother he wanted. He answers maybe or we will see.

Funny how kids pick up on stuff you tell them and translate back at you.


Anyone feel like helping me paint?   I'm trying to work up some incentive, since I'm feeling a bit under the weather, but well enough to do some.  Feel free to light a fire under my backside.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3138#3138 waterlilybarb's post

i usually encourage myself to do work and afterwards i get watch new episode that get updated. so the quicker i get work done the quicker i can come on here to watch it

don't know if that helps but i always if you want to do something use something you enjoy that as incentive


Jannah: Welcome back
I prefer watching a show with subtitles that has a lot of dialog, even though they don't translate everything. But it's annoying when they get things wrong, or when you can read what they're going to say before they actually say it

Shinny and Tina: Thank you   That makes me happy to hear. I've always found languages (my own too) and other countries interesting. It's fun learning new things.

Barb: Music always helps That is, if it doesn't make your migraine worse.

