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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3099#3099 shinny's post

Great pictures, Shinny. Thanks for sharing them with us


Reply 3099#3099 shinny's post

Boy, your brothers sure look a lot like your Dad.  I love the one of you at the church.  I wish we could get away with hats here.  If you try and wear one even for weddings) people think you're putting on "airs", but I look awesome in hats (she says, oh so modestly ) and really like them.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Barb: If you'll feel better, it'll be worth the hassle. I've been eating food free from gluten, lactose, soy and egg (and some other things as well) for many years. If you need any pointers, let me know
Tina: Interesting to read about Ramadan, and how you deal with the fasting during your pregnancy.
To everyone: I'm on facebook too. If you want to add me, send me a PM. Be prepared for some Swedish though. Just ask Barb


Reply 3103#3103 serena75's post

Once I get things in order here I'll definitely get some pointers from you.  My 1st priority is painting & unpacking.  

My brother has some time off work this week and has offered to help paint, which will be great.  My friends would love to help paint but some have severe chemical sensitivity (worse than me) and most are working...and I really need to get it done.  I'll get more help with the unpacking.   Even if someone can only give me an hour we could get a lot done.  Plus having people come specifically to do it helps give me incentive to get off my arse.    Today is a migraine day , so I have an excuse not to move.  Unfortunately, it also means I'll have to get off the computer soon too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3104#3104 waterlilybarb's post

I wish I could help you with the painting and unpacking. A bit far to travel though
So sorry to hear you're having a migraine day. Hope you'll get better soon.


Reply 3105#3105 serena75's post

The weather has changed drastically here within a couple days, which is why I have this migraine.  It started yesterday.  The real downside is that it's ideal weather for painting.  I have the pain under control, but I can't really move my head and definitely can't bend over to get paint on my rooler and/or brush, so I'm hoping the cooler temperatures will stick around this week.

There is a hurricane heading for Canada's east coast - Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, but NFLD is expected to get the worst of it.  I know that's part of the reason for the improvement of our weather (cooler & less humid), but I feel bad for the ones there.  Hurricanes are not common to Canada, so I hope people will be smart & heed the warnings.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3106#3106 waterlilybarb's post

I'm also sensitive to the weather changing, and know what you mean. I had a migraine day myself here the other day and wondered why, but then the weather changed and I knew why I was feeling the way I did. My husband said that he didn't have to check the weather forecast anymore, he could get the forecast just by asking how I was feeling
We don't get hurricanes that often here. I think the last one was in 2007. Three people died, so the warnings shouldn't be taken lightly.


Thanks for the pics shinny!  i love them!


You're welcome everyone. I love seeing people's wedding pictures!!

Barb, they definitely do. Although my brother who got married (one nearest the camera) looks very like my Mam. I didn't have this picture of her earlier, but she's the one on the left and my sister in law's mother on the right:


Reply 3109#3109 shinny's post

You're right.  I could tell which one was your Mam right away.    They both looked smashing!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thanks for sharing the pics everyone looks so wonderful.


Reply  3096#3096 gabsimom's post:
Happy Ramadan to you too, Tina!!!

Reply  3098#3098 themegababe's post:
Thanks, Meg! I can't wait! I actually have a job interview tomorrow, so I'll try to start as soon as I can (depending on how things turnout -lol).

Reply  3099#3099 shinny's post:

Aww, Shinny!!! You're pics are so nice!!! You guys look like you really had a good time!


Sorry all for being so rude about your posts before I posted the pics, I was flying yesterday so didn't get a chance to read them.

Barb, I cannot believe your neighbour complained about you like that. It's so odd. I wonder is he just a complainer!?

Jannah, those dreams that your Mom had while pregnant are funny!

Tina, I always wondered what Pregnant women did during Ramadan, so that makes a lot of sense.  I have to say that culture wise we are very lucky in Ireland to have a lot of different ones. I love the Farmers Markets that we have here all through the country, and that's were you get to experience all the different foods from the different cultures we have here.

Oh Barb, yeh hats are the thing here for weddings. Although I'm actually wearing a "Fascinator" lol - I actually didn't know it was called that until a few weeks ago. I was calling it a head piece, haha. It's also tradition that no one removes their hat/fascinator until the Mother of the Bride has removed hers.

I know I'm biased, because it was my Brother's wedding, but it was a fantastic day. My family all play music and most of my siblings are in bands. So during his speech my brother serenaded my sister in law with the help of my other brother; the best man. We didn't know he was going to do that so it was extremely sweet!!

Then after the band and dj had finished playing, we went to a smaller room where my Dad got out his guitar and his friend got out his accordion and we had more music from in a more intimate group of friends and family for a few hours after.


Reply 3113#3113 shinny's post

That sounds great!  I love personal touches like that at weddings, especially if the family is musically inclined.  At my Grandparent's 50th I sang a song I wrote for them, but my brat of a brother didn't show to accompany me on guitar, so I had to do it acapella.  As for your "Fascinator" (LOL) I could tell it wasn't a full on hat, but didn't know what to call it.  Now I know.

I don't think the neighbour is generally a complainer, but there was a man in this apartment before.  Maybe he doesn't like the fact that I'm generally home rather than gone to work all day.  Who knows?  I will have to talk to him but I'm on day 3 of this bloody migraine and it's all I can do not to puke.  Still bummed because it's another great day for painting.  My brother has from Wednesday off, so I hope the humidity stays low.  When it gets too high the paint won't cure properly.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Just realized that I've been a member for over a year now

Edit: Thanks, Barb for the present

[ Last edited by serena75 at 8-25-2009 22:08 ]
Recent Ratings
  • waterlilybarb Points +10 Here's a present for your anniversary. 8-25-2009 13:06


Reply 3115#3115 serena75's post

Happy One Year Anniversary !!!


Reply 3115#3115 serena75's post

Congrats on being able to stand us for a whole year.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3116#3116 shinny's post

Thanks Shinny. It's been a great year


Reply 3117#3117 waterlilybarb's post

ROFL Barb. This is one of the friendliest sites I've ever been to. Can't think of a better way to spend my time online


Congrats Serena!!
Well It is official I am expecting a boy.
Everyone Thought I was having a girl including me, poor little guy.

