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The girly`s ......giggle box

Meg, thanks for posting that spoiler.

My brother and family arrived this afternoon, so there was much excitement. They are all gone to get some rest as they have been flying for 22.5 hrs and travelling for a lot longer than that. It's such a harsh trip and I've done it 3 times


no weird dreams about the baby, but did dream hubby and I were on Dr. Phil and boy did he get an earful, hehe
thanks everyone.


Reply 3082#3082 gabsimom's post

LOL!  That's a hoot.

Hey Meg, that's cool about your friend.  I have a friend teaching English in Taiwan, and another who was, but had to come home for health reasons.  If my health would improve, I would SO do that.  I try to keep up the little Mandarin I've already learned just in case.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Dr Phil!  haha

Wow you speak Mandarin, Barb?  I'm impressed!


Reply 3084#3084 themegababe's post

Only a little.  I still have all my books though, and am hopeful of taking it up again as things improve.  I really love languages, and haven't given up on my health improving.  Even if I don't improve enough to travel overseas there is a large Chinese population in my city, as well as Toronto, and I use the bit I know whenever I can.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


feng shen he jing barb and hao yun! i'm not sure if it's mandarin... that's some words i learned from my chinese friend...

[ Last edited by rickman at 8-19-2009 10:14 ]


Hi Everyone!

Just thought I'd drop a line.....

Sorry I haven't been around, It's been an effort to just get out of bed in the morning, but life is still stomping forward. I've been "hangin' in", but been having a bit of a flare up, so haven't been able to do much. I'll be going to DC, first week of September. I have so much stuff to do, I just don't have any desire to deal with any of it. Been putting everything off, so now it's all piled up. The girls have headed back to school (well to set up their apartments), their both living off campus this year.

Sorry, I didn't really read the upper posts, to see whats been going on with everyone (just skimmed this page).

Tina, how far along are you now? hope the preggo isn't reeking havoc on your body.

Barb, glad to hear you are feeling better. I'll probably be calling you, in the next few days. We'll catch up then.

Hi meg, shinny & everyone, hope you're all doing great!

Well, talk to ya'll later!!


So annoyed

I came home today to find that my neighbour had complained about ME to the landlord.  I'm the quietest neighbour possible.  He says he's had bugs in his apartment, but I haven't, so he needs to clean his place.  Idiot!  Why he couldn't talk to me instead of "running to the principal", which is what it felt like.  He also said my apartment is smelly (that he could smell it from his) but the landlord was here a week ago and I asked him if he thought it was and he said no...which I knew.  People are stupid.

Anyway, the upshot is, I finally bought the paint, and I have to get the place painted &'s been nearly 4 the landlord is worried the unpacked boxes could be a fire hazard.  He's a little paranoid, but I don't want him to think I always live like this.  Normally I would have been unpacked & settled within the 1st month.  It's hard for people who don't know you to understand when life goes upside down & you aren't yourself.  It's even harder to try & pull it together just to make them happy.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply  3064#3064 penny3760's post:
Granny Penny! Its so nice to hear from you as well! I'm just trying to get a job and go back to school. How have you been?

Reply  3065#3065 gabsimom's post:

You are most welcome and I'm glad to hear that.

Reply  3066#3066 themegababe's post:

Hey, Meg! There really is no place like home. I'm loving being back and the fact that everyone speaks English. lol! I'm glad that at least one other person feels my pain when it comes to wanting to watch shows with mature content. How have you been?


Reply 3067#3067 shinny's post

Oh, I LOVE Private Practice!!! I have to catch up, though. I've only seen about 5 episodes of Season 2.


Reply 3079#3079 waterlilybarb's post

Yeah, when my mom was pregnant with her first child, she had a dream that her baby was born with a horse head and another time she dreamt that the baby was born with a tail.

I'm on Facebook and Myspace and would love to add everyone. On Myspace, you can find me in Tina's or Barb's friend list but I don't have anyone on Facebook.


I am doing good, I have a nasty cold. But the upside is I haven't gained any weight yet.
Glad to see everyone, Jannah I am on facebook too.
Lissa so good to hear from you
And Barb that is one idiot of a neighbor..
Ramadan started today
So Happy Ramadan to everyone


Reply 3092#3092 gabsimom's post

I had that cold too, and find it a bit lingering.  Glad you're doing well otherwise and still looking good.  

Query regarding Ramadan.  Since you're pregnant, do you have to make a some adjustments with the fasting during the day?  I remember you explained lat year how diabetics do so.  Is it similar?  Just curious.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


When you are Pregnant or Nursing if you fear it could affect your pregnancy or milk supply you don't have to fast. However you still have to make up the 30 days later. Some people think feeding 30 needy people is all you need to do and some people feel you must do both. Since I am only at the half way point I am not fasting this year and most likely will not next year either. I will make up the 60 days later.
Of course when I am around someone fasting I do not eat or drink in front of them but I do eat normally as not to make myself sick.
I do get up and make my hubby breakfast, did that at 4:20 AM this morning it will get earlier each day too.
I made a big dinner tonight and will every night until I send my hubby and son over sea;s next month.
Just an example of a typical dinner, it starts with dates stuffed with butter, some sort of soup, Tunisian Brik (an egg meat and potato stuffed in a spring roll wrapper. {I can post the recipe if you like} Of course a main dish, usually something dipped and eaten with bread but sometimes pasta or cous cous. And of course Dessert not to mention fruit served much later.


Reply 3094#3094 gabsimom's post

Thanks Tina, that's very interesting.  We have a large Muslim community in my city (actually in my neighbourhood) and I like to have a better understanding of how observances are kept, especially in different circumstances.  I find if I understand things better and am respectful of their beliefs, they have more respect for me & my beliefs.

The Tunisian Brik sounds delicious, but I am quite sensitive to eggs (they are one of my migraine triggers) so if the recipe is "eggy" (I know, it's not a word ) I would have to steer clear of it.  I'm actually doing some research on doing an elimination diet to see if I can pinpoint more triggers so I can avoid them and hopefully feel a little better.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


No problem, every culture has their own foods but most Muslims include dates and some sort of soup.
you'll have to stay away from the brik, it is mostly eggy.


Reply 3096#3096 gabsimom's post

Too bad.  I love middle eastern food.  We don't have many from Tunisia around here, so some of the recipes you've mentioned in the past are ones I'm not as familiar with but they sound yummy.  When I get going on the elimination diet I'll have to let you know and maybe you'll have some recipes you can share.  

I know there are more things in Asian & Middle Eastern food that I could probably tolerate than traditional European and North American food.  From my research so far, I'll have to go gluten & dairy free for sure to begin with (along with some other things), and then try reintroducing items one at a time.  At the moment it sounds like a lot of work, but when I'm ready for it I'm sure it will be worth the hassle if I can feel any better.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Barb, I'm sorry you have a rotten neighbor.  I don't like it when people just call up the landlord rather than just talking to you - and you're still in the middle of the grieving process!

Jannah, Private Practice is awesome. Head on over to our little discussion when you're all caught up. The finale is crazy!  It must be nice to hear English again.

Tina, thanks for telling us all about Ramadan & what you guys eat. That sound so cool.  I tried to fast for a week before (only eating fruit & veggies & nuts, it's been called the David fast), and I could not do it.  For me at least, I needed much more.  Plus I hadn't really prepared myself like i was supposed to  (gradually going to less and less food).  

Gypsie, like we said before, just keep getting better.  I'm here if ya need me tho.  I do miss you.  Hope moving in the girls goes well... must be weird for them both being out of the dorms now, it's like they are on their way to real life!


Hey all, we had a great day on Friday (and yesterday) for my Brother's wedding. Here a a couple of pics!

My Brother and his new wife:

My Brother, his new wife and my nephew (my sisters boy):

Bridesmaids (Bride's sisters) flower girl and page boy:

Another of the happy couple:

Celebrating at the reception:

Me at the church

My two sisters:

My Dad and 3 of my 4 brothers:

Mucking about:

These were just taken by myself and my sister so no "official" pictures yet!!

[ Last edited by shinny at 8-23-2009 11:11 ]


Reply 3099#3099 shinny's post

Thanks for sharing them

