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The girly`s ......giggle box

There are some graphic sex scenes especially in the 1st half of the 1st season but after that shock wears off like all hbo shows it goes on to actually tell story.

You might like being human too.
I like Mental too and Sons of Anarchy is really good.


Reply 3060#3060 nye87's post

Well i'm not a big fan of true blood it's ok but like you said it mature content which I'm very uncomfortable watching i like watching shows that don't have those type of things.That's just me


Reply  #3061 gabsimom's post:
Oh, ok. Thank you, Tina! I can't believe your almost halfway through your pregnancy already! How are you feeling??

Reply #3062 bala's post:
Yeah, I'm the same way; so I know what you mean.


Reply 3063#3063 nye87's post

Hi Jannah!!!   It has been a long time since I have seen you online.   How have you been?  Great I hope!!  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 3063#3063 nye87's post

I am so tired but Thanks to God we are ok. thank you.


Hey Jannah!  welcome back!  I tried watching True Blood also, but couldn't get past the mature stuff in episode one. oh well. haha   I miss some good shows because of that (big love!).  Anywho, hope you are getting settled back in! Tina I need to find you on facebook too!    haha


Hey Meg, hey all. I just watched Season 1 and Season 2 of Private Practice!! It's been on my list for a while and I wanted to watch it altogether. It's a great series. I knew it would be with Grey's and all, but glad I finally got to watch it!! Roll on Season 3 now. What a cliffhanger at the end!

Next week my brother is home from Australia with his family. They are over for 3 months so it will be great to have them. My other brother is getting married in less than two weeks so it's all go!


Reply 3066#3066 themegababe's post

Hey Meg, look in my friends and you'll find Tina on FB.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


finally bought some maternity clothes today, walking around with my pants unbuttoned and wearing the same 3 shirts just was not working.


Reply 3069#3069 gabsimom's post

I was just wondering the other day if you were beginning to actually look preggers yet.   Clothes that fit (or are appropriate) definitely make a difference.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3069#3069 gabsimom's post

sorry but why not wear your old maternity clothes ?


reply 3071#3071

it's her first i guess...


Reply 3072#3072 rickman's post

she already has a kid  i think

this is her second



Don't you hate it when yo go to the store and forget to buy one of the main things you went for in the first place?!  I just got home, and realized I forgot popsicles.   I did look, and the store I was at was pretty much sold out, but I have to pass another store on the way home, and completely forgot to stop.  Bummer!  Now I'll have to wait until tomorrow...but maybe then my throat won't still hurt and I'll have been upset for naught.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


My last child is 4, and most of what I wore before is either worn out or given away.
Sorry about your throat Barb.


Reply 3075#3075 gabsimom's post

It still nice you make time come on here let us know what going on-it's very considerate of you .


Reply 3075#3075 gabsimom's post

Thanks Tina.  It doesn't hurt as much today - though I still sound terrible.  I did remember to pick up some cough syrup last night (poor neighbour is probably worried I have swine flu LOL), and they changed the formula so it also numbs the throat.  Made for a better sleep.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3077#3077 waterlilybarb's post

Glad to hear you are feeling better Barb


Reply 3078#3078 shinny's post

Thanks Shinny.

Hey Tina, any weird dreams yet of what you'll give birth to?  When my Mum was preggers with me she dreamt she gave birth to a clown baby - in full make-up.  She wasn't far off, though I gave the make-up a pass.   I wonder if that has anything to do with my innate dislike of clowns?  Hmm.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


haha a clown baby?  that's crazy!   

and new maternity clothes!  yay! you're going to be such a cute lil preggers gal!

shinny, Private Practice is awesome. I just got a spoiler tho, so I'm gonna head over to the forum and chat about it!

My old friend is teaching English, in Vietnam, I think. I'm not sure, she keeps moving around. She actually got swine flu though, but thankfully is okay!

