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The girly`s ......giggle box

AWw I'm so sorry. I can't imagine that pain.  I hope the weather gets better and you feel better!


Reply 3030#3030 themegababe's post

Yeah, my sister is going to the same school as I.  So far she is loving it!  I can't wait to join her up there in August.


Aww that will be so fun!  I'm glad you get to share those experiences with her!


Hey girls

Back from my weekend away, but taking a couple rest days.  Feels like I'm coming down with a cold or something, so I mightn't be as visible for a couple days, but I'll still check in.

Arielle, that's really nice.  No wonder you're so excited about going back to school.  After being away last year in Israel before starting uni it ought to be a treat to have your sister at the same school.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi all! I just wanted to drop in and say thanks to all who wished me luck for my job interview,  well it turns out that they wanted someone who can do part time for a few hours for the first 6 months and then they wanted to hire as full time as the business isn't going too great right now but I really would rather go in as full time from start so no luck this time! Just  wanted to drop in and say thanks!


Reply 3045#3045 writemako's post

Sorry to hear that


Better luck with the next one writemako!


  Where are all my girls? It's so quiet in here..... so let's see... what is your favorite summertime treat?  Mine would probably be an orange creamsicle... or a mikes hard lemonade (the raspberry ones are delish!)


Reply 3048#3048 themegababe's post

I've been around - just feeling like crap lately.  I think ice cream is my favourite...though I love it all year 'round.  For just summer I'd have to say seasonal fresh fruit - especially berries.  Better than any candy I've ever tasted.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


  aww crap-feeling is not good!  and yeah, berries are quite tasty!  I also love homemade ice cream!  


Hey all! Just wanted to stop by and say "hi" and that I have neither forgotten this site nor everyone on it. I miss everyone! My life kindda took a 180 turn in March, so I moved back home to the US and I'm trying to go back to college and get a job and all that stuff. I really miss how I used to be on this site like 18 hours a day while I sat home. I just got internet in our new place, so I hope to be on more often. I hope everyone is well. How's Granny Penny? Shinny? I kindda keep up with Barb and Tina on Myspace.  I know that I probably missed some really awesome games/quizzes by RSP. Lol! I hope everyone is well (even those I forgot to mention)!


Welcome back we missed you! A lot good new shows have been added so you may need to get on a 20hr a day schedule lol.


Reply 3051#3051 nye87's post

Hey Jannah!! Lovely to see you back here, we missed you! You've so much to catch up with on the site! I hope you are enjoying being back home.

Meg, my favourite thing to do during the summer months is BBQ !! I love them. We usually have a few family ones and they are always great craic.

Writemako, just wanted to say sorry to hear you didn't get that job. As my Nana always used to say "What's for you, won't pass you by"


Reply 3051#3051 nye87's post

Hi Jannah!  So nice to see you.    Looking forward to seeing you around when you're able.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3051#3051 nye87's post

we have missed you but don't worry about time you missed because you got all time in world to watch the shows. there are not going anywhere I'm glad you life has become more interesting


Thanks, you guys! I've missed everyone and being on here soo much! I am so backed up on shows. I've never been behind on Supernatural and now I have to try and catch up before the new season starts. So, what is the best new show??


So, what is the best new show??
Reminds us type of show you like

My Top 10 choices in no particular Order

  • Flashpoint
  • Legend of the seeker
  • Mental
  • Kings
  • Harper Island
  • Crusoe
  • Eleventh Hour (US)
  • The Beast
  • Being Human
  • Son of Anarchy


Reply 3056#3056 nye87's post

I would say definitely watch True Blood (another vampire show!!). It can sometimes have graphic scenes but it's very cleverly written and just draws you in.

Agree with Bala on Flashpoint, however the first 5/6 episodes are not great so you really need to stick it out. Season 2 is much better!!


Howdy all!

Just wanted to say hey.  It's been an exhausting week, and I'm vegging out this weekend.  It's a long weekend here, so no worries about having to make more calls or take care of things that need doing out of the house until Tuesday.  I plan to try & sleep as much as possible....YAWN!  My brain is finally getting a bit of a break, which will make sleep SO much easier.

Jannah - I haven't really watched any of the new additions as yet, so I couldn't say - but since you were a Moonlight fan, I'm sure the suggestion of True Blood is up your alley.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Lol! Thanks! I've actually caught a few episodes of Flashpoint and it did seem really good. I'm kind of a Sci-fi fan but I also like drama. Wow Bala, I would have thought that True Blood would have been on your list. My brother watches it, but I have been skeptical about watching it due to the mature content. I am a newly converted Twilight fan, but I guess I'll have to see. Thanks for the feedback.

