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The girly`s ......giggle box

Well I know in the States it is good to keep your resume to one page. Not sure what it's like in other countries!  Good luck!


Reply 3021#3021 themegababe's post

That is recommended but it should less than 2 pages based on experience gained


Reply 3020#3020 writemako's post

I've been in the job I'm in now for more than 12 years so it's been a long time since I wrote a CV !! However, I've read a lot of them!!

What I would say is to pull out the areas from the jobs you have done previously that would make you a good candidate for this job. It means the person reading it doesn't have to do a whole lot to figure out what experience is relevant to their needs.


Thanks for the advise guys! I know ideally it would be great if I can fit it all in one page but I've worked at like 8 companies now so just putting my name and address and company names and years I worked for at that specific company without writing any info would probably fill up a whole page LOL.

I've looked at some samples on the internet and many of them listed accomplishments before they listed the work experience. Is this common?  If I listed a few of this as well then I definitely can't fit it in one page more less barely fit it in 2 pages maybe.

The interview is next Thursday so I plan to email the resume on Monday so I guess I have the weekend to fiddle with it.

I'm excited about the interview and I hope to get it, but if I do then I need to go buy some more suits LOL. I only have a few now as I only needed to wear jeans to work unless I had meetings with clients. We're so relaxed about clothes in the software game industry. Even for meetings half the people still wear jeans lol.


I've looked at some samples on the internet and many of them listed accomplishments before they listed the work experience. Is this common?
That depend type of job you are going for but important write what relevant to job you can bring current job -what skills do you have that makes better than rest of the other candidates. the aim sell yourself to best of your ability based experience and skill.


It's often recommended to put only your last 3 or 4 jobs.  Or the ones most relevant to your current position. That's just my take on it tho.


Thank you so much guys! I just finished writing it and my sister is going to check it for me tomorrow for typos etc and fancy it up as she's much much better at using MS Word than me.

Writing this resume made me feel really nostalgic and made me remember all the great times I had making incredible software and miss working with many of the really talented game developers. I think my high point was my late twenties and early thirties when the economy was great and the game market was really huge with many original games. I hope the economy improves really soon.


Reply 3027#3027 writemako's post

Sending good thoughts your way writemako, as the new week begins, and you go on your interviews.

One good thing for me - my brother installed my air conditioner today.  Thankfully it's cooled down a little, but it won't be long before the humidity has it sweltering here again.  One of the strange things about this area of Canada is the extremes in temperature.  Most people think of Canada as a wintery place, and the winters are longer, but the couple months of real summer weather are equally hot & humid.  I tolerate the cold much better than the heat, so y'all can imagine how delighted I am to have the AC finally installed.  Still, I'm hoping this summer won't be too bad.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey girlies!

So I though things would settle down for me this summer and i would have more free time to spend lazing away online, but that doesn't seem to be the case.  In some exciting news, I just got home from dropping my sister off at college.  Her summer session starts tomorrow.  I still have trouble believing she is old enough to be in college (then again I sometimes still think of myself as being 18 not 20...which is still a bit weird for me!)

From what I can see you all have been discussing resumes.  Well I can't really help out there since I've never properly applied for a job so I've never needed to do a resume other than for school assignments.  Good luck Writemako on your job interviews!

As for everyone else I hope you all are doing well and I will check back in soon =)


  Arielle, I thought the same thing as you, that I would have tons of time for the forum once school was out. But I never seem to have enough time!

and that's exciting about your sis starting school!  is she going to the same school as you??

Barb, glad you finally got AC!  We have a unit but it's too old. and summers get to the 100s and hotter where I live. It's going to be a long one!


Reply 3030#3030 themegababe's post

It gets in the 100's here too though not usually for the entire summer.  It's a bit cooler & drizzly today - which is fine by me.  I'm hoping for a nice big thunderstorm and a good downpour.  I don't have a full-blown migraine, but it's always lurking these days, and a good rain may be helpful.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3028#3028 waterlilybarb's post

People seem to think that about Sweden too. But it's actually warm during the summer. Right now (8 pm) it's 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit) in the shade. It's about the same indoors. We don't have AC, and I'm melting away...


Reply 3032#3032 serena75's post

Well it's just bad over here i have change t-shirt twice a day because they stink of sweat . it always nice cold showers that cool me down in the evening but it doesn't last more half an hour your back feel all hot.


We had a crazy thunder storm last week which just makes the atmosphere feel so much better (in my opinion!!) but it woke me at like 2am until 3.30am it was that loud. Apparently we had another one last night but I was so tired yesterday, I didn't wake up. That's very unusual for me as I'm a fairly light sleeper!!

We had some rain today but it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow. Not too warm for us though, 21C (70F) tomorrow which will be just nice :-)


Reply 3034#3034 shinny's post

I completely agree about thunderstorms.  I don't know why, but they do something that seems to make me feel a little better.  It's another cool day here (ranged from mid-50's to low 70'sF), and a bit drizzly, so no migraine - YAY!  I went to the eye doctor & hair dresser, so am feeling not too bad...just tired, as I didn't sleep at all last night.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


cool down this week

Finally today was a cool day with raining through out

it's nice to have cool day


Reply 3036#3036 bala's post

That's nice.   It's been better here too for the last few days.  I've had 2 migraine-free days!  YAY!

I'm gone this weekend, so doubt I'll be online.  Catch y'all when I return (or before I go, since it's not until Thursday. )
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Yeh, it's been a little cooler (and overcast) here the past couple of days. It's nice when you're in an office that isn't air conditioned


Yay for 2 migrane free days!  I'm assuming you've done all the research barb, but have you tried chiropractic?


Reply 3039#3039 themegababe's post

I have, but not recently.  It's awful but, when I'm so exhausted and feeling ill, I really don't have the get up and go to even get to my GP, never mind any other treatment.  I'll have to try something else soon because this is just miserable.  I haven't had them so bad in years - though other friends of mine who get them say they've had more this year, so I'm really thinking the weather has a lot to do with it.  

I was out shopping for the weekend today and felt a migraine coming on.  I thought I was going to be sick in the store.   I got it under control, but it's not the same as being migraine free.  Those days have become precious gems to me.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

