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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2993#2993 studiojek's post

Hey you, I hope the little baba makes an appearance soon. My sister went 10 days over with my Nephew and then he ended up being born on the 29th of Feb as it was a leap year that year. Which I think is kinda special.

I'm not a well bunny today. I was out last night with some of my old school friends and we didn't get home until 5am! There is a reason why I very rarely do this. I was wide awake at 10am this morning so I'm a tad tired now  *Yawns* !


get out
The Mod Police Are Watching You


Reply 2993#2993 studiojek's post

Ahh, the waiting must be hard, but I'm sure the girl will arrive when she's ready.  Try to rest as much as possible before she comes.

Shinny - that's a late night!  Hope you had enough fun to make your fatigue today worth it.

Gary - nice to see you.  Even when you're being crotchety, we like to see your "face".
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3001#3001 shinny's post

Old school friends are the worst!  You end up doing stuff that you used to do all the time when you were in school.  It's easy to think that we can still behave like we are 20 but the next day we remember just how long ago school really was


Reply 3003#3003 waterlilybarb's post

I know, it was really worth it. We had such good fun!!

Reply  3004#3004 cshapiro's post
You are so right. We are 17 years out of school this year. I'm still close friends with some of the girls I went to school with but there was a few that I hadn't seen since we left school so we had a lot of catching up to do !!


haha I always stay up way later with friends from undergrad, and then I'm done for it the next day!

And thanks barb for answering the question, as you know me outside of this site too, yes I am out of school for reals. I was studying for my Masters in counseling psychology and I just couldn't handle it anymore.  It was too depressing and taking away from my marriage. Plus, I just want to be a stay at home mom, and don't need a masters degree for that!

On the flip side, it seems like everyone here is preggers!  What's going on, is there something in the cyber-water??


Reply 3006#3006 themegababe's post

Thanks i understand your reason


Reply 2999#2999 studiojek's post

Come on baby!  I bet she's (do u know what it is) here now??  We'll find out a few days afterwards, when Mommy's had time to rest up!


Reply 3006#3006 themegababe's post

Well, if the silence is anything to go by, studio may have had her little gal by now.    Tina's delighted to be expecting #2, and her son is hoping that Caillou's sister Rosie is who will arrive. LOL  Kids are too cute.

You had a lot on your plate, with the new house, fairly new hubby, school & work - so it's no wonder it was too much (especially with the degree you were taking).  School will always be there if you decide it's something you want to do later.  No babies on the horizon as of yet though, are there?  My Mum was able to stay home part of my growing up, and I loved it.  I don't know anyone who's regretted making that decision, and these days that often means living a simpler life...but it's well worth it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3009#3009 waterlilybarb's post

yeah it was a LOT on my plate. It feels so nice to have it lessened now. And I can focus on my craft selling business (which I can do from home when I  have children) and a newlywed blog that my cousin and I are trying to get running.

and no babies yet... I'm trying to be patient! haha  My hubby wants to get the house in a bit better condition (replacing the AC and roof) before we bring any kiddos into it!

And we live pretty simply already, trying to cut budget corners wherever we can.  We use the old fashioned envelope system.  hahahaha


There really must be something going on lol. I have 4 friends expecting too, one finally delivered this week being  3 weeks over due, and I have another expecting in a week and 2 others in November.

I also wanted some changes in my life too and left work in January and just relaxed up till now, visiitng my relatives overseas etc.  but I feel like I'm getting bored and wanted something new so after 16 years of working in the game software industry I finally decided to add something new to my resume and going for a job interview for a managerial post at a human resource consultant agency next week.  I really hope the interview pans out, its in a posh area, posh office working with mainly expats and executive level people - it might be exactly what I want right now.  Something totally different than working in an electronics town full of gamers.


Reply 3011#3011 writemako's post

good luck


Reply 3011#3011 writemako's post

Well best of luck, I hope you get it !!


Reply 3010#3010 themegababe's post

Hi Meg, nice to see you here

I think Studio has had the baba by now.


I know! I miss you all!  And yeah, I bet she has had that baby!   Not only does it seem like everyone here is having a baby, but a lot of my friends are as well. It's a good thing I like babies!

Good luck with the interview writemako!


Reply 3011#3011 writemako's post

I hope the interviews go well and you find yourself in a job you'll be comfortable in.  Sometimes a change is as good as a rest - so they say.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


reply 3011#3011 writemako's post

Gambatte Kudasai!!!


reply 3014#3014 shinny'spost

hi shinny! baba in japanese is grandmother


Reply 3018#3018 rickman's post

Haha, really? That's funny.

In modern Irish we say Babaí (so very like baby in English) but in old Irish it's leanbh  (which means small child).

And just for the laugh Grandmother is Seanmháthair (which literally means old mother) but in modern Irish it's Mamó (Granny)

[ Last edited by shinny at 6-25-2009 11:30 ]


Thank you guys! Now I just have to write a killer resume. It's kind of hard to do when you've worked for like 8 companies now and I didn't need to submit one for the last 10 years or so as I kept changing companies through connections. I don't even know what the trend is lately.

