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The girly`s ......giggle box

The Sale

Well, I went to the town garage sale today.  It was a gorgeous day, and there was massive turnout.  Many homes had sales in their yards and some of the businesses had stalls on the streets.  I found one nice piece - an art deco narrow stand with drawers, which will work great as my bedside table, as it's tall enough and gives me the storage I need for that space.  It's solid wood with original handles, dove-tailed joints and just needs to be repainted.  Got it for $5.   Since I was mainly looking for storage type items, I didn't do as much rummaging as I might otherwise, but we had a good time.  My friend found a great lamp for a few bucks which just needs a new shade.  I'll definitely go out to check on other sales throughout the summer.  The stuff out in the county is nicer than most of what I've seen in the city yard sales, and there were some really nice antique pieces for great prices - just not items I needed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2981#2981 waterlilybarb's post

Yay! That sounds like so much fun, I would've had a field day if I'd gone!



How many handy-women do we have here?  I suspect quite a few.  :)

Today I changed the lock on my front door, and will change both the locks on the back door tomorrow.  None of the ones I had had any keys to go with them, so I couldn't exit the back way - kind of a pain since my car is out back.  Plus, I kept worryig I might accidentally lock myself out by clicking the lock on the doorknob on the front.  If I feel well enough tomorrow, I'm hoping to do some more painting.

Can't wait to get settled.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2983#2983 waterlilybarb's post

Good for you Barb, taking matters into your own hands! I can do a little handiwork around the house, but let's just say that not all my handiwork comes out a work of art! I am good at painting though (small rooms haha!)!!


Reply 2984#2984 studiojek's post

I tried to change the locks on the back door today, but for some reason the ones currently on there aren't standard size.  I'll have to borrow the drill bit to make the holes a bit bigger to fit the new locks in.  I was a little bummed as I wanted to tick something else off of my list and that was about my energy level today.

My Gran was one who was great at DIY (my Grandpa's work schedule was odd), and I lived with my grandparents for a while was I was kid.  Also, coming from a single parent house makes one have to learn how to do things for oneself.  I'm really glad I'm pretty good at basic home maintenance, as if I had to wait on a landlord or family/friends it would take forever for anything to get done.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2985#2985 waterlilybarb's post

Congratulations on finding such a great bargain, a 5 dollar bedside table, that is so awesome! Made me feel like I over charged the people at the flea market I sold a bunch of  slightly used makeup for equivalent of 5 dollars each

I hope the painting goes smoothly, easy on the paint though, you don't want your migraine to start up again.

My knee is bothering me again, I wore like a 3 inch pin heeled sandal at the wedding so I think that made it worse again. I dread the doctor sticking that big fat needle in my knee tomorrow...

I've been up and about since early morning today so I'm a bit exhausted but I cannot sleep, do you all every get that? Maybe its a bad idea to play games before bed lol.
I don't know how many of you watch the movies at the movie site, I watched confession of a shopaholic and it was so funny I think that also made me more hyper I think

I think I'm also hyper from killing a whole bunch of tiny brown bugs with my sister  that infested my dad's spice box (my dad used to run restaurants before he retired recently ) and I seriously hate bugs... but we had to get rid of them quickly before they multiplied and my chihuahua was shiverring from the bugs flying around him

It's Friday early morning here in Tokyo now, ah finally its the weekend!


Reply 2986#2986 writemako's post

It's raining here today.  I've taken a little break from the painting as I have had a couple migraines, and on other days I've just not been feeling well.

I was amazed at the price I got that bedside table for too - especially as it's solid wood - not press board like most new stuff.  I don't know what it was used for initially, but I think they just wanted to get rid of it.  Made my day though.

I find I can't play games before I want to sleep.  I get insomnia too, and doing anything that will stimulate my brain or make me more alert just makes sleeping that much more difficult.  Same with movies - I don't watch them when I want to go to sleep.

Sorry to hear about your knee - but wearing 3 inch heels can do that to you.  It sounds like you get "water on the knee".   My cousin used to get that, and I remember the needle they had to use on him to drain it off.  I sure don't envy you.

ICK about the spiders.   I'm ot afraid of them, but I sure don't like them in my house.  Poor little doggy - I'd be shivering too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thought I'd show something interesting going on in Tokyo at the moment,(till today I think)McDonalds is holding a rose color campaign and for a limited 5 day only they turned 1 store in Japan all pink and sold limited numbers of Tshirt just at the store and since they have this only at 1 store in East of Japan and 1 store in west of Japan I'm starting to see a lot of these shirts being auctioned off. I got my hands on 1 and 1 for my sister. I hope its okay to add a link here . I'm not promoting McDonalds just wanted to show something interesting. ... donalds-in-shibuya/


Reply 2988#2988 writemako's post

It's fine to post links like that.  The only types not allowed are sites that would compete with what is offered at friendvista, personal businesses (though you can add those to your profile page as long as the type of business doesn't break the forum rules) or spam.

It is interesting to see the trends in other countries. The pink McDonald's was pretty cool, and very different from anything you'd see in North America.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2989#2989 waterlilybarb's post

I haven't found any website that is as good as this-does this site have any competition ?




Hey girlies!

Just checking in.  I just returned from a way too short weekend trip to New York to visit some friends.  It was nice, but like I said too short!

I've been working a lot lately which is why I haven't been around.  Work is good though.  I think I mentioned I'm working at the Clinical Research Center for University of Miami Hospital.  The work the lady I'm working for is mostly in prevention and learning about how different minority communities learn about and deal with cancer so we can set up the best programs to spread cancer awareness and prevention.  I'm doing a lot of work with photoshop making things because my boss discovered my talent.  

Sounds like everyone is doing well =)  I need to go check out the new shows that have been added and find some to watch this summer!


Hi all,
I'm just checking in too. Right now I am 3 days past my due date and this little girl just doesn't  seem to want to come out! I hope to be back on soon with good news though!

Hope everyone's doing well!


Reply 2993#2993 studiojek's post

That must be so uncomfortable - thank god I'm a man


r u ??
The Mod Police Are Watching You


Reply 2995#2995 magic4u's post

i'm not allowed to post the proof


Reply 2993#2993 studiojek's post

I hope so too Studio!  You & your hubby must be getting really excited & anxious to meet your daughter.  She may just be one of those gals who likes to make an entrance.

Hi Arielle!  Glad you had a nice visit to NYC.  Your work sounds interesting and it's nice that they are able to put your photoshop skills to use.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2993#2993 studiojek's post

stopped in to check on studiojek - we were thinking it was getting close. hopefully no post yesterday means the little one is already here and everything is smooth sailing (til the terrible twos and the terrible tweens and the terrible twentys... hahhahhahahaa!) we've been thinking of you here too, studiojek!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 2998#2998 sddvasquez's post

Aw thanks!! Unfortunately, still NADA! Oh well, the little one apparently isn't quite finished cooking yet...hopefully SOON!!

How are you doing sddvasquez?? It's been a while!


Reply #2999 studiojek's post

same old, same old chaos round these parts. i haven't even been getting in my rda of gaming  i've got a new course in the fall - only 3 students plus it is basically whatever i want it to be on so you think i'd already have it under control but of course with so many options i fall in my usual trap of being unable to focus on any particulars, argh!

anyway, i'm sure you're probably ready to get rid of the little alien but you will be amazed at how quick it goes (i know, i know, everyone says the same things but it really is different when it's your little one ) some poor little monkey across the courtyard has been having colic recently and it just wrenches the heart but it was cooler last night and hopefully he's back to sleeping like a baby (should, that is!)

has anyone in your family come over to be with you? after you get a bit of riposo your virtual family out here will be glad to share in the celebrating ( as long as the particulars aren't too particular, bwaahahhahaaa)

come on, little one - the world is ready and waiting for you!  take care all of you!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me

