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Gossip Girl Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 131#131 studiojek's post

Sorry i just put guy's perspective on the situation-all you girls probably feel sorry for blair and i thought chuck need a voice on this fourm, i might not like him but i felt bad for him.


Reply 132#132 bala's post

Bala, did you forget that all Chuck wanted before was for Blair to say those three words to him, but she couldn't (or wouldn't) which is why they never worked as a couple in the first place.  Now she finally realized she really does love him and was able to say the words to him and he responded by disappearing.  Yeah he's going through a rough time, but i htink he was a bit harsh on Blair!


Hey all, just got a chance to watch the episode. So Josh Schwartz contacted me to see if I would write on the show, lol !!

Studio, yeh i think it's going to be an adopted child so we get a new cast member.

Poor Chuck, I think he was projecting a lot of his guilt onto Lily. He wasn't on the best of terms with his father when he died. It's a pity that he couldn't give into his feelings and stay with Blair. If he doesn't change, then he'll grow up to be just like his father: Mistrusting and destructive.

Are we ever going to see Lily and Rufus make it? Destiny really doesn't want this couple to get together, lol. If they do though and Serena and Dan get back together, then they'll both be related to the same half brother/sister and if Lily and Rufus get married then Dan and Serena will be step brother and sister. Plus Lily's daughter/son will be a half sister/brother to her step son, who is also her son in law. And the same for Serena and Dan, ahhhhh, too weird !!!!


I'm intrigued to see how the writers can figure the Dan/Serena and Rufus/Lilly thing out. It's just...too weird.

I understand that Chuck's going through an upsetting time, but I agree, brushing Blair off after she said those 3 words was really harsh. I liked the scene at the end though...gah, I'm becoming a Blair/Chuck fan!


I'm becoming a Blair/Chuck fan!
Welcome to the club


Reply 136#136 bala's post

I know, I never thought I'd see it happen, but I really hope they work it out!!


Reply 137#137 studiojek's post

Well they suit each other-Blair was fantastic in this episode-i was amazed how compassionate she was toward chuck i mean we never seen that side to her .


Reply 138#138 bala's post

Yeh, it was nice to see. I want Chuck and Blair to work out too. He's her lobster (lol) !!


Reply 139#139 shinny's post

She should win an acting award for her performance in this episode


Q& A


Blair turning her back on chuck but than realise that she needs get chuck back on track really proved how much she loves him. That's what i call love


I'm glad Blair went and saved Chuck, it'll be interesting to see if she manages to turn him "around," though he is after all Chuck Bass! I hate that obviously something happened between Blair and Uncle Jack Bass though...couldn't they spare us the drama just once!? LOL!

As for Dan and Serena: yeah, that's pretty much OVER, what with a sibling between them and all!


Reply 143#143 studiojek's post

That was the secret i wasn't sure what she meant by that


Reply 144#144 bala's post

from the scenes for next week, i'm pretty sure that's the secret Blair meant.  Plus this show is kinda predictable so assumptions are usually right (like with the lily/rufus bastard child) speaking of which I am very curious to see how that story line plays out...are they going to find him? how is this going to affect their relationship? how will it affect Dan and Serena?


Reply 145#145 imarielle626's post

forgot most important question what actor is going to play him?


Great episode!  I so called that the dad was lying and Lily and Rufus's son is not really dead.  They just wanted to stop them from looking more.  I do think however now the son is going to find out and search them out because they wouldn't play up this whole storyline just to disappoint the audience like this.

I really don't like Chuck's uncle!  He's even worse than Chuck is!

Oh and I just don't get why Serena and Dan are making such a big deal about the fact that they share a sibling.  It's not like they are really related or share any DNA so other than the shock of the fact that the kid exists this fact shouldn't affect their relationship. They may share a brother, but they aren't brother and sister so their relationship is not incest!  It just bothers me that they are trying to use that as an excuse.  Josh Schwartz pulled something similar on the O.C. too.


Reply 147#147 imarielle626's post

Well this was a good episode but chuck needed to grow up and his uncle did him a favour because we all chuck mortality is like eventually he would be caught with his pants down it's just a matter of time. the hardest thing was blair i think she given up on him after all she been through


Serena's mom on "Gossip Girl" could face an untimely death unless a judge lets her fly.

Kelly Rutheford (Lily van der Woodsen) has a big problem. We've learned she went to court last week and pleaded with the judge in her divorce case to let her go to NYC with her two-year-old, Hermes. The judge shut Kelly down, telling her he'll take the issue up a week from today.

Kelly's going through a mega-nasty divorce with her hubby of 2+ years, Daniel Giersch.

Now here's the problemo. Sources on "Gossip Girl" tell us Kelly is supposed to be in New York to shoot by January 27. If the judge shuts her down next week that's not going to happen. Producers could deal with a small delay and shoot her out of sequence, but if the delay is longer they could just shoot her -- as in her character.

Kelly is pregnant with their second kid. Giersch doesn't want Hermes to travel to NYC because he claims Kelly works insane hours and gets totally stressed out when she's shooting.


Gossip Girl 2x16

Wow what an episode-that new teacher really taught blair a lesson but i can't wait to see Blair go to war. i didn't think they had detention in that type of school . Lilly afopting chuck does she know what she getting herself in for?


Originally posted by bala at 1-15-2009 15:37

Serena's mom on "Gossip Girl" could face an untimely death unless a judge lets her fly.

Kelly Rutheford (Lily van der Wo ...
I thought I saw a baby bump.

