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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2960#2960 imarielle626's post

Nice to have you back in the giggle box Arielle.   

How did your trip to Israel go?  Was your group able to get a lot done?  Also, what kind of work are you doing for the summer?  Something related to the medical field, or just something to earn some $$?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2961#2961 waterlilybarb's post

My trip to Israel went really well.  We did a lot to help the communities by building gardens, cleaning up trash, serving food in a soup kitchen, did some landscaping, we did one to two little projects a day.  We also got to go to the dedication ceremony of a secure indoor playground that was built for the children of Sderot with the money was helped raise through our fundraising.  That was my favorite part of the trip.  Just being able to see those kids so happy and playing was amazing because they have pretty much grown up in bomb shelters living in fear.

This summer I am working on a research project as a volunteer.  I start working next week so I don't know the exact details of what I'll be doing, but it involves cancer research.  From my understanding we will be helping set up a program in a community of South Florida through which people working in beauty parlors are trained to spread awareness about cervical cancer to their clients.  I'll learn more about what exactly the project is when I go into meet with the lady running it next week.


Reply 2962#2962 imarielle626's post

I remember how much you wanted to go & help in Sderot, so that's really nice you got to go to the dedication ceremony for the secure playground.  I'm glad your trip went well.

Also, great summer job.  That should be interesting to see just how the shop owners/workers can help spread awareness.  Your summer ought to be very interesting & I'm sure you'll learn a lot and meet some cool people.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I just stopped by to say hi to everyone.  So, how is everyone doing?  Great I hope!  I am doing ok.  Just got over a bad cold, but I am feeling a lot better now.  Love ya all!   Granny Penny  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 2964#2964 penny3760's post

Glad you're feeling better Penny.  It's never fun being under the weather.  I'm still not 100% myself, but am a bit better today.  Hoping it just continues to get better.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi Giggle Box ladies (and lads)! Welcome to the newbies too! =) And welcome back Arielle!

Barb, did you go to the town sale this weekend? Get anything good? HOpe your migraine stayed away so you could find the good deals!

Nice to hear from you Penny!

Tina, how's the belly? =) I am officially full term (38 weeks tomorrow), so I'm just waiiiiiting!


Reply 2966#2966 studiojek's post

I was just thinking you should be due about now.   How are you feeling?  You must be getting excited - along with ready for the pregnancy to be over.

The sale is next Saturday, so I'm hoping to feel better by then.  The migraine seems mostly gone, but I feel a tension headache brewing, which might retrigger it.   I REALLY need a magic wand, as living in the chaos of boxes is NOT helping.  I have to paint this week - no matter if I feel well or not.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


OMG I found the chat thread. Hi peoples I is the Woothdye and you will probably only see me on Tuesday mornings when the WoW servers are down.


Reply 2968#2968 woothdye's post

Well we also chat forum called free chatting where you post any topic you want


Reply 2967#2967 waterlilybarb's post

I'm feeling pretty well, thanks Barb - very READY, but of course this is Lesson #1 in Motherhood: I am not the one who will decide when SHE'S ready LOL!

Sorry about your headaches =(  I wish I had a magic wand to lend you!


I hope you have great weather on Saturday Barb for the town sale.
It was a nightmare this sunday when we had the booth at the flea market. We had buckets of rain several times during the day but despite the horrible weather and being drenched, and some items got stolen but  we still made a lil over 500 US dollars. So it was cool that we got rid of stuff we didn't need and made some money and my bestfriend and I and her two lil ones treated ourselves to Korean BBQ for dinner.

The bad part was I hurt my knee last week and it got to the point that I could barely walk on sunday so  I went to the doctor today and he stuck really thick needles in my knee and drained 47 milliliters of fluid when average people only has 3 milliliters of it. My knee still kills but he gave me pain killers and something for the inflammation and hopefully I can stand on my legs on saturday for my cousin's wedding which I'm part of the wedding and have to wear like almost 3 inch high heels because I'm so short and I need to balance out in height with other people. ouch!

And I took my lil chihuahua Barry to the vet today to get him checked to make sure he  is struvite free and he is but his urine is PH is still too high so it can cause struvites so we started him on tablets that's supposed to make his urine more acidic so that it's normal and I got some meds to prevent heartworms as we started to see some mosquitos now.

I hope y'all had a great weekend!


Reply 2968#2968 woothdye's post

Welcome to the giggle box Woothdye!  You're more than welcome to chat in here.

Reply  2970#2970 studiojek's post
LOL!  You're not wrong there...especially newborns.  What an exciting time you have in store though.  As Peter Pan would say, 'To be a parent would be an awfully big adventure.'    If you happen upon a magic wand, feel free to pass it my way.

Reply  2971#2971 writemako's post
I'm glad your sale went well in spite of the bad weather, and you got to enjoy a tasty meal.
Sorry to hear about your knee.  That does not sound pleasant AT ALL.  I hope it improves for you.  I also hope Barry stays healthy.  Pets are so lovely.  Those dear little creatures sure become part of our families quickly - and we worry about their health as much as our own, don't we?

I'm off to do some more painting in my apartment.  The migraines seem to have abated, so I'm taking advantage of the oportunity to get things done.  Plus, even though it's latex paint, it tends to make me feel ill, so I figured I might as well do it while I still don't feel 100%.  No sense wasting a really good day making myself sick. lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Wow, just realized I haven't been here in a month. it was finals and then a new semester and then I quit school! haha  busy times. anyways, good to see you all!  how did the move go, Barb?


Reply 2973#2973 themegababe's post

The move went fairly smoothly, which was a great blessing, considering we were crossing the border (and one never knows what might happen).  I've started painting this week.  Once the living room is painted I'll be able to finish unpacking the things for it, and have 1 room done.  The next rooms to be painted & unpacked properly are the kitchen & bathroom.  Can't wait until it's ALL done.  It will be nice to feel settled again.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2973#2973 themegababe's post

I didn't know you quit school Meg, how come?

Barb, what color are you painting the rooms?

Writemako: hope your pet's ok!


Reply 2975#2975 studiojek's post

I didn't notice Meg's comment about quitting school.  Wow!  I was tired when I read (and missed) that.  Hope all is going well.  

The living room is going to have 1 burgundy wall (actually, its called claret - quite pretty), and the other walls will be a soft almost heather grey colour.  I can't remember what it was called, but it has a slight purple undertone which goes nicely with the claret.  The way my place is laid out there isn't a lot of natural light in the living room, so I wanted to keep it airy feeling while still having colour.  Today I plan to touch up the primer on the walls that will be lighter, and hopefully get them painted.  Then I'll tackle the other wall tomorrow or Sunday afternoon.

I haven't decided on the colours for the kitchen & bathroom yet.  I plan to go to Home Depot and see what they have in the "oops" paint to try and get something nice but cheap.    My bedroom I'm doing a darker colour - it's a nice green (which a friend is giving me) and is one of the colours in my duvet cover.  The other colours on the duvet are jewel tones, so I plan to accent using a gold framed mirror I have, and getting some hanging beads to hide the closet in the brighter colours.

Trying to keep it cheap and cheerful.  Looking forward to Saturday, and hoping to find some good stuff at the sale.

How are you feeling - Mrs. Preggo?  Well, I hope.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


i think she was joking about quit school by the fact she said HAHA afterwards


Reply 2977#2977 bala's post

No, it wasn't a joke.  She did quit school.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2978#2978 waterlilybarb's post

Wow well as long as she know what she's doing that's fine


reply 2979 bala's post

schooling hinders partying and everything....

