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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2940#2940 studiojek's post

With everything I've had to do these past few months, I'm not at all surprised that I got sick.  I thought I was better, but it's still hanging on.

A town sale is when the whole town puts on a garage/yard sale.  I've not been before but my friend says it's well organized.  I'll tell you more about it once I go.  I'm rather curious to see how they do it myself.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2941#2941 waterlilybarb's post

Ooh sounds like my cup of tea, I will live (and shop!) vicariously then!


Reply 2942#2942 studiojek's post

Just asked about it again today and I think it's being held the 1st weekend in June.  Should be good, and I'm hoping to find the things I need for my apartment.  I'm especially in need of storage space, ie: shelving, etc.  I'm bound to find more quality things there within my budget than just buying cheapo things at the store.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2943#2943 waterlilybarb's post

If i was you i would rest you been so busy last few month now you got time to put feet up

What the hurry ?


Reply 2944#2944 bala's post

I hate living in chaos (and out of boxes), so it would be nice to get my place in order.  Then I'll really be able to relax.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



With so many new people checking into the forum re: the upgrades, I wanted to let any of the gals out there know that this thread is open for any "girlies" to post in.  Reading some of the posts it may seem like there are only a few of us in here, but I know that many read the thread.  Feel free to post in here if you like.  We love having someone new join in our chat.  There isn't much special, but it becomes so if you hang around.


Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


HI Barb

Not really a newbie was reasonably active on the forum about 2 years ago but been so swamped that had to let it go
I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass ..and I'm all out of bubblegum


Reply 2947#2947 philryk's post

Nice to have you in the giggle box!  I remember you from before, but life does keep us busy doesn't it?  

Glad you stopped in to say hello.  Help yourself to the virtual goodies.  We like to think there's always a cuppa waiting for anyone who stops in, and if you have a favourite biscuit (cookie) I'm sure it's here somewhere.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


As long as the cookie is gluten free

But a cuppa mmmh now I want one!

BTW ... the game site is addictive!!! I have spent a fair few hours on there today LoL
I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass ..and I'm all out of bubblegum


Reply 2949#2949 philryk's post

I'm sure you can find some gluten free cookies for you.   I could go for a cuppa right about now myself.

I'll be hiding out under my rock today with another bloody migraine , so I'll catch anyone who pops in later.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


*hugs* Barb had a stress related migrane last week and it sucks

Hope you feel better soon
I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass ..and I'm all out of bubblegum


Reply 2951#2951 philryk's post

Thanks Phil.  It's beginning to subside, but this is now going on 6 days.  Saw the GP today and will be getting some tests done, but this is ridiculous.  Had to medicate just enough so I could drive but not be impaired - so it was just enough to take the edge off the pain.  There HAS to be a better solution.  I'm looking into some alternative treatments, but some are just too expensive.  If I knew for sure they would work, and if it was something I wouldn't have to do or take all the time (if it's expensive) I'd spend the money.  Ain't life grand!  (Actually it is for the most part - I just don't enjoy being in constant pain.)
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



The city workers where I live have been on strike now for a couple months.  The worst part of that is there is no garbage pick up.   I don't create a lot of trash, but the previous tenant left a pile out back - right next to where I park my car.  It's SO gross.  The municipality has finally been ordered (this week) to keep the dump open so people can bring their own garbage there (for free - they were charging), but if you go you have to cross the picket line, which is not pleasant.  It's getting hotter and more humid, and many people have seen an increase in rats.  If this doesn't get settled soon I dread to think what the summer is going to be like.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi everyone! Just popping in here for the first time. Sounds like y'all are having fun.

I had never heard of a town sale, that would be really fun to check out. We have flea markets on weekends in Tokyo, my bestfriend and I have a booth this sunday. We try to participate twice a year or so to clean out our closet of unworn clothes, shoes, makeup etc. We usually make about equivalent of about 500 dollars in the end of the day and we go out to eat yummy food and drinks afterwards with a bit of change left for us to take home.

I hope the migraine goes away Barb. I used to have horrible migraines but mine was related to blood pressure so once I got my blood pressure meds I got in under control, high blood pressure runs in my family it seems, everyone of my family member take blood pressure medication.

I was watching this medical tv program a couple nights  ago and they were saying to differentiate  if the headache is a tension headache or migraine is to bow and if the pain gets worse it's supposed to be a migraine.


Reply 2954#2954 writemako's post

Welcome to the giggle box!  We love when new people post in here...even those that have been members for ages.

I'm looking forward to the sale next weekend, as I've never heard of one before either.  I held a moving sale about a month ago to get rid of the bigger items (and other things I didn't need anymore) before I moved.  Now that I'm in my new place I wish I would have put a few more things in the sale...but some of them were already packed.  I made out pretty well an it helped pay for the cost of moving.  I'm really on the lookout for some nice bookshelves and other storage solutions.  I figure I'll get more bang for my buck (and better quality items) at the sale than I would if I tried to buy new.

I'm still fighting this migraine, though it's a little better today.  You're correct in how to tell the difference between a tension headache & a migraine.  I've had both, but get migraines more frequently.  For me I find that pain meds (like tylenol) work pretty well for tension headaches - even bad ones, whereas not much can stop the migraine if I don't catch it before the pain starts.  

I was contemplating going to the dump this evening, but I just can't face it today.  I don't like to cross picket lines, but I was just reading some comments from the local paper and it looks like the picketers aren't causing trouble for those dropping trash off.  I hope it stays that way.  I may just call someone with a pickup truck & pay them to take the initial load away.  It's been there for over a month, and because it's not my garbage I'm more hesitant to want to touch it.  Some are doing it for only $5, so it would be worth it to have it gone.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2955#2955 waterlilybarb's post

Have you tried vitamin  B2  for your migraine?  The tv show was stressing that vitamin B2 helps migraines, and to go rest in a dark quiet room when the pain is bad as light  and sound is supposed to make migraines worse.


Reply 2956#2956 writemako's post

I take B vitamins, but not just a B2.  I actually forgot to pick up a new bottle of my normal ones yesterday.  I'll try the B2 though, as it sure can't hurt - whether or not it helps with the migraines.  I've spent much of the week in a dark quiet room.  It's not so bad at the moment, which is why I can be online.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Barb is ready to try anything.  I heard standing on one leg howling at he moon while drinking snake venom mixed with vodka and pepto works

I chopped off my hair this week. My Meez is sporting my new style. My bangs are a little longer. for those who did not know it was past my butt.


Reply 2958#2958 gabsimom's post

You're spot on Tina.  If I thought your suggestion would work I'd be online right now shopping for snake venom.  

BTW, your meez is lookin' very cute.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi Giggle Box!

I'm finally back =)  Things just got crazy with finals and moving home, but I'm finally home for the summer.  It seems like I missed a lot!  The upgrade looks nice.  

Well I hope you all are doing well.  I'm still making my way around the forum trying to catch up on what I missed during my time away.  It's nice to be back

