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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2920#2920 studiojek's post

Now I have to wait until Thursday!  I am getting free installation though, so it's better than nothing.  My neighbour sussed that I was using his wi-fi, so I no longer have access at home.  I'll catch up with you later in the week when they come and hook me up.  They better show up this time or I'll throw a conniption.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2921#2921 waterlilybarb's post

Good luck


Reply 2922#2922 bala's post

Thanks, but I'd be wishing the cable company the luck.  If they mess up again, I'll drive over and have a fit in the office over their incompetency.  My threshold for stupidity has gone down greatly of late and I'm not taking crap from anyone.  I've found that if I am firm yet polite, I get better customer service and will often be switched over to someone higher up on the "food chain" who can actually help me, and will generally throw in some extra incentives for my inconvenience.  No more being a doormat - not that I really was, but I've definitely become more assertive lately.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


possitive attitude.... I like it!


Reply 2923#2923 waterlilybarb's post

get out all of you

[ Last edited by magic4u at 5-10-2009 12:27 ]
The Mod Police Are Watching You


Reply 2923#2923 waterlilybarb's post

give them hell if it's suppose Tuesday not Thursday it getting bad just be careful you don't go too far- you don't own any weapons ?


Reply 2925#2925 magic4u's post

ROFLOL!!!   It's been a long while since you popped in Gary, my friendliest Glenda the good witch voice:
"Be gone with you, you have no powers here."

The extra 2 days wait isn't making me any happier but, no Bala, I don't have any weapons.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2927#2927 waterlilybarb's post

good luck tomorrow i really hope they come


Reply 2928#2928 bala's post

Thanks.  I hope they do too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2929#2929 waterlilybarb's post

so did they come ?


Reply 2930#2930 bala's post

Yes, finally, but he's going to have to come back tomorrow to put some more wires in from outside.  I'm hoping the landlord will be OK with that.  I did get the free hook-up for my bedroom TV though.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


yay, we were speculating about you on a social network.


Reply 2932#2932 gabsimom's post

LOL!  I got the time mixed up though and was getting upset.  Then I found the scrap of paper with the time, and he came near the end of that.  Had he come sooner, everything would have been done today though.  Tomorrow - another day of waiting.   At least I finally have TV though.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



I can finally get a show to load!  Just letting last week's American Idol load now.  Even though I know the results, I want to see the performances.  I can't wait to see the last 2 epis of House too.  I feel like a kid in a candy store!

EDIT:  I'm on my 3rd episode now.  So happy!  Takes so little to put a smile on my face.

2nd EDIT: All caught up on AI now.  Tomorrow is House, and I have to rewatch Heroes to make a quiz for the finale.  Tough day. LOL
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2934#2934 waterlilybarb's post

Good to have you back


Reply 2934#2934 waterlilybarb's post

Like a kid in a candy store... that was how I felt when I first found this site too
Welcome back, Barb


Reply 2936#2936 serena75's & 2935#2935 bala's posts

Thanks.   It's SO nice to be back online properly...even nicer to have a home phone again.  THAT was really sucky.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2937#2937 waterlilybarb's post

I am so very familiar with internet problems, so I can feel your pain and then your joy at having it all back as per normal again!!! Yay! Welcome back =) Now what's next on the To Do agenda for your new place?


Reply 2938#2938 studiojek's post

Pretty much everything, since last week was spent in bed with flu.  I need to paint and unpack.  I also need to sort out some shelving as I don't have any book shelves now , and do have heaps of book.  There's going to be a town sale in one of the little towns nearby soon and I'll go check things out there to see what I can find.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2939#2939 waterlilybarb's post

Agh, you haven't had a lucky time of it at all, have you? Sorry to hear about your flu! I guess at least you had your cable to keep you company!

What's a town sale?

