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Season 2

Episode 1: Something Wicked This Fae Comes
In the season opener, a nomadic Fae sideshow comes to town looking to take advantage of the chaos that the bombing of the Light Fae headquarters has wrought. Unbeknownst to the general Light Fae populace, The Ash is in a coma, and his bond with the land is weakening – which makes this the perfect time for the travelling circus freaks to steal the most precious thing the Light Fae possess.

Episode 2: I Fought the Fae (and the Fae Won)
The hunt for the new Ash is on. Literally. A traditional Stag Hunt is held, whereby the candidate who successfully tracks and kills the Stag becomes the next Ash. Bo barely takes a passing interest in this ceremony until a surprise visitor with a vested interest in the hunt appears in her front room.

Episode 3: Scream a Little Dream
As Bo struggles to accept the new terms of her and Dyson's relationship, she investigates an apartment building full of residents who appear to have lost their minds.

Kenzi's choice to employ a Brownie to help around the house threatens to backfire on her.

Episode 4: Mirror, Mirror
In a move of sisterly solidarity, Kenzi drunkenly invokes the Russian hag Baba Yaga to curse Dyson for his behaviour towards Bo. In the sober light of day, however, Kenzi and Bo seek to remove the curse.

Episode 5: BrotherFae of the Wolves
Bo and Dyson team up to track down a stolen Mongolian Death Worm on behalf of Dyson's old wolf pack mate. When things get complicated, Dyson finds himself reliving his medieval days – tormented by the hard choices he once had to make, and fighting in the present not to repeat past mistakes.

Episode 6: It's Better to Burn Out Than Fae Away
The Morrigan enlists Bo's help to find a tortured graffiti artist under her employ. The young painter has killed a Dark Fae, and his urban murals are exposing Fae secrets all over town – with The Morrigan on the hook for his actions.
In exchange for her help with the case, The Morrigan offers Bo information on breaking The Ash's hold on the Lauren.

Episode 7: Fae Gone Wild
Bo is happy for the distraction provided by an assembly of strippers that helps break an accused cop-killer out of the police station. While Bo goes undercover at a strip joint to follow the trail of one of the apparent accomplices, Dyson and Hale simultaneously track the murderer. Both investigations meet in the middle at The Hand of Glory – a disembodied hand with remarkable powers.

Coming off The Morrigan's shocking revelation about Lauren, Bo and the doctor have a difficult conversation.

Episode 8: Death Didn't Become Him
Trick’s dear friend seeks his assistance when his ballet dancer husband goes missing – or rather, his ballet dancer husband’s corpse. Bo and Dyson track the dead ballet dancer to a bizarre figure, enlisting Lauren for her scientific expertise along the way.

Episode 9: Original Skin
A night out at the Dal goes awry when an insane trickster spikes the beer with a substance that transfers Bo out of her body – resulting in a ripple effect that finds our regulars inhabiting the skin of their friends, lovers and rivals. Suppressed – and not so suppressed – feelings bubble to the surface, and the brief stays in one another’s bodies gives each surprising insights into the other.

Episode 10: Raging Far
Bo joins the brutal world of underground fighting to help a human competitor juiced up on Fae "steroids" that are sending him on blackout rages – and putting his son in harm's way. Meanwhile, the sister of the first boy she ever killed shows up and confronts Bo over her deadly past.

Episode 11: Can't See the Fae-Rest
When rich young humans start turning up dead, Bo agrees to go undercover to help Dyson find the Fae responsible. As she makes her way through the "Gossip Girl" world, Bo learns a deadly kind of class warfare is afoot.

Episode 12: Masks
Bo enlists Dyson’s help to find an artifact she believes will release Lauren from her life of servitude to the Fae -- even though it might mean having to say goodbye to the good doctor herself.

Episode 13: Barometz. Trick. Pressure.
When Trick takes matters into his own hands to foresee the future, he runs the risk of revealing too much to the wrong Fae. Meanwhile, a furious Bo confronts The Ash about a betrayal… and is stunned by his response.

Episode 14: Midnight Lamp
While Bo continues to ponder The Ash’s shocking proposal, she agrees to his interim request – to kidnap a Genie. The assignment becomes complicated and dangerous, and Bo finds herself involved with the most unlikely partner.

Episode 15: Table for Fae
What Bo uncovers while investigating the mysterious disappearance of human backpackers threatens her own fine physique. Meanwhile, the new man in Bo’s life sets events in motion that force Kenzi to make a desperate choice.

Episode 16: School's Out
Bo goes undercover as a high school teacher to investigate a mysterious case – and Kenzi soon regrets agreeing to help her.

Episode 17: The Girl Who Fae’d With Fire
Things heat up when Bo tangles with Fae politics in an attempt to save some very important people. Meanwhile, Kenzi risks more than she intended when she does a favour for Hale.

Episode 18: Fae-nted Love
Kenzi and Trick must race to save Bo from the fallout of a steamy night gone awry before it binds the Succubus for a millennium. In its wake, Bo poses very uncomfortable questions to Trick about her origins.

Episode 19: Truth and Consequences
Bo confronts a very powerful Fae, uncertain whether she can trust The Ash’s counsel. The coming War takes its first casualties – literally and figuratively – which challenges Bo’s and Kenzi’s commitments to the cause and the ones they love.

Episode 20: Lachlan's Gambit
The Ash takes drastic action against the threat bearing down on him, which in turn convinces Bo to make a potentially life-threatening decision. When those close to her suffer devastating injuries, Bo can no longer ignore her destiny.

Episode 21: Into The Dark
In the wake of emotional losses, Trick reveals his deepest secret to Bo. Bo realizes there is no turning back and she must go to any extreme, which includes aligning herself with a sworn enemy, to take on a battle that could decide the fate of the Fae.

Episode 22: Flesh and Blood
Concerned that Bo's plan is too risky, Trick offers Bo one more weapon for her own, and everyone else's, safety. Bo must lead her friends into battle ahead of schedule when her hand is forced by their enemy. A revelation from Dyson provides Bo with ammunition, but another's deceit threatens the mission. Prophecies come true… but at what cost?

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I can also do both for

Related done
Unsupervised - about done guide at the end of the season done

plus those from post #2888

The River done
The L.A. Complex - about done guide at the end of the season

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 4-12-2012 20:08 ]


Season 1 Part 1

Episode 1: Out of a Clear Blue Sky (Jan/10/2012)
After a decade in the Vancouver business world, Bobby returns to his hometown of Yellowknife to find his late father's airline in trouble.  The reunion with his dad's old partner, Mel Ivarson, is lukewarm but Bobby isn't home to reconnect with the Arctic Air family.  He's here to ink a lucrative mining deal with an old friend, Jim McAllister.  Unfortunately, Bobby's only the middleman and slimy Calgary businessman, Ronnie Dearman, stands to walk away with all the profits.  Meanwhile, the stress of his struggling airline lands Mel in the emergency room.  His daughter Krista begs him to take some down time, but Mel has an airline to run.  He cuts the recovery short and books himself in the pilot's seat of the next flight.  Bobby and Krista reignite an old and unspoken attraction, but when they hear that one of Mel's passengers is in labour and bad weather has forced an emergency landing, the two of them abandon a client to embark on an increasingly desperate search-and-rescue mission.

Episode 2: All In (Jan/17/2012)
Arctic Air is paying the price for Bobby's run-in with the well-connected and vindictive Ronnie Dearman as contracts drop faster than the temperature in Yellowknife. Unable to make payroll, Bobby orchestrates a chance meeting with Rafael Silva, a wealthy industrialist who needs a lift and just happens to have a mining contract that could save Arctic Air. Bobby hasn't done much flying over the last ten years and the take-off is rough. The landing... even worse. Rafael figures out Bobby's plan and isn't pleased to have been conned. Still needing a way to cover payroll, Bobby charms his way into a high-stakes poker game with none other than Ronnie Dearman across the table. Without the buy-in, Bobby is forced to use Mel's plane as collateral. Meanwhile, Arctic Air accepts a supply run that has to go perfectly if they hope to turn a profit. But when the load breaks free mid-flight, pinning Blake underneath, Krista is forced to choose between her duty as a captain and her personal feelings for Blake. With the DC-3 running low on fuel, Krista risks the lives of everyone on board in an attempt to save Blake.

Episode 3: Hijacked (Jan/24/2012)
The DC-3 is loaded to the brim with rowdy rig-pigs eager for a weekend in the city.  But Bobby, Krista and Dev don't know that one of the passengers is a prisoner being transferred by a plainclothes police officer.  A coordinated ambush by the prisoner's brothers leaves the officer stabbed and one of the brothers shot.  They need medical attention, fast, but the hijackers won't let Krista fly to Yellowknife.  Without thinking, Dev suggests they land at Doc Hossa's lodge - putting Bobby's ex-girlfriend, Petra, and her 10-year-old son Connor, in danger.

There's a further complication: Connor is Bobby's son too - the son he has never met, or acknowledged.  At Petra's angry insistence, Bobby hides the truth from Connor.  But his heart is twisting as he does everything in his power to protect the boy.

Meanwhile, when Mel learns Krista's flight has been hijacked, he disregards his doctors' orders and leaps into the pilot's seat to help. With the engine killed to avoid detection, Mel glides in behind Hossa's lodge with police aboard, but the lead hijacker forces Bobby to take off in the DC-3 - a plane Bobby doesn't know how to land.  Now everything rests on Mel's ability to talk Bobby back down out of the sky...

Episode 4: All the Vital Things (Jan/31/2012)
While trying to salvage a multi-million dollar contract at a remote northern mine, Bobby spots a Dene elder collapse. The man is Louie Beaulac, an old friend of Bobby's father. Exhausted and disoriented, Louie has spent two months walking home from Yellowknife to escape treatment for dementia. Worried that Louie can no longer survive on the land, Bobby resorts to lying: he promises to fly Louie home. But it isn't long before Louie realizes Bobby has tricked him into flying south. He lunges at the cargo door, forcing Bobby to restrain him before he jumps from 7,500 feet.

Meanwhile, Mel puts Kirby to the test, determined to find out if the kid really has what it takes to be a flight engineer for Arctic Air. And to Krista's annoyance, Mel insists on making a detour to Sibbeston Lake to deliver insulin to the community health centre. The stop has less to do with altruism and everything to do with the attractive nurse, Rita. In her arms, Mel feels safe to unburden his darkest fears.

While waiting to take off again for YK, Bobby wonders if he made a mistake "rescuing" Louie up north; maybe bringing him back to the city is a fate worse than death. But before he can make it up to Louie, a freak storm hits, stranding them in white out conditions. Kirby, desperate to impress Mel, braves the elements to check on the plane and is swallowed by the blizzard. Bobby must trust Louie with his life in order to save Kirby's.

Episode 5: Northern Lights (Feb/07/2012)
The Northern Lights Festival is in full swing, leaving Arctic Air short-staffed and Loreen scrambling to recruit any employee sober enough to work, and dumb enough to answer his phone.  A few hours away in the remote community of Sibbeston Lake, Mel's romantic rendezvous with Rita is cut short when her son, Brandon, overdoses on tainted drugs. Worried that the drugs entered the community via Arctic Air, Bobby interrogates an employee and confirms his worst fear - his airline is being used to smuggle drugs.   Meanwhile, bad weather makes it impossible for Krista and Blake to medevac Brandon to Yellowknife. Mel puts his own life on the line in a heroic attempt to save Rita's son.

Episode 6: C-TVAK (Feb/14/2012)
After spotting what could be his father's airplane wreckage, Bobby insists on checking it out, despite Cece's warnings.  Sure enough, Bobby's rough touch down damages the landing gear, stranding them with no radio contact and little chance of being spotted.  Bobby does confirm that the wreckage he saw from above belongs to his late father's airplane, missing for seventeen years. But before he has time to fully process this, Cece injures his leg. With the temperature dropping and Cece's wound becoming infected, Bobby realizes they can't wait for rescue. To save Cece, Bobby must fix the plane himself. Meanwhile, Krista and Blake sneak off for a long weekend at Mel's lodge, but it isn't exactly the romantic getaway Blake had in mind. And Mel drives hopeful applicants crazy as he attempts to choose a new pilot for Arctic Air.

Recent Ratings
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - i'll post ASAP 3-29-2012 14:09
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - i'll post ASAP 3-29-2012 14:09


Season 1 Part 2

Episode 7: Vancouver is Such a Screwed-Up City (Feb/21/2012)
The Arctic Air crew travels to a plane auction in Vancouver to buy a new DC-3.  A competing bidder drives up the price and leaves Mel and Bobby scrambling to find the extra money to pay for the plane they just bought.  Bobby decides to hit up his ex-boss for a loan, but first he needs to finish selling his upscale condo - his last tie to his old life.  Bobby arrives at the condo expecting to meet his realtor, but instead, discovers his volatile ex-girlfriend hasn't moved out.  Meanwhile, Blake, hurt by Krista's refusal to go public with their relationship, meets with a recruiter from a large Canadian airline. When Krista discovers Blake has accepted the new job, she takes it as a personal betrayal and turns to Bobby for support. Bobby invites Krista up for a drink, only to have his ex-girlfriend drop a bombshell that sends Krista running and leaves Bobby scrambling. Bobby has less than twenty-four hours to raise almost two hundred grand and put things right with the women in his life. And that's when things really go off the rails...

Episode 8: The Professional (Feb/28/2012)
Mel flies Caitlin and her raucous teammates home from a volleyball tournament in Inuvik. Above the din, he befriends one of the other passengers on the plane - Ben Berdee - not realizing Berdee is a hitman sent up by a southern gang to "fix" a rat problem.  Their flight lands just as the ice-fog rolls in, stranding the dangerous hitman in Yellowknife. Berdee enlists the help of local drug kingpin, Zach Ward, to get him out of town before the cops arrest him for the murder in Inuvik. But Zach has a problem of his own: Nelson, the kid he's been using to smuggle drugs on Arctic Air flights, is a police informer. When Mel and Bobby realize Nelson is Berdee's next target, they put their own lives on the line to find him before the killer does.

Episode 9: New North (Mar/06/2012)
Krista finds herself caught in the middle when Bobby's ambitious plan for expansion leads him to lease an expensive helicopter without consulting Mel. As a furious Mel tries to raise enough money to buy Bobby out of Arctic Air, Bobby sets his sites on new capital. His old college roommate, Gavin Kwan, a charming real estate mogul from Calgary, is in town to invest in Ronnie Dearman's uranium mine. Attempting to steer Gavin away from Dearman and to entice his investment in Arctic Air, Bobby convinces Gavin to tag along on a supply run, playing up the Great Northern Adventure. He even lets Gavin take the yoke - a great idea, until Gavin hits the wrong lever, wrecks an engine, and forces a dicey emergency landing.  Stranded at a remote airstrip, Bobby assumes he blew his chance to win over Gavin and his cheque book. But Gavin surprises him, buying into the company for two million dollars. Returning to Arctic Air victorious, Bobby expects Krista and Mel to be impressed by his business acumen. Instead, they receive the news with icy fury and Krista takes Bobby's secret dealings as a personal betrayal. Bobby is confident his friends will come around - until he discovers that Gavin is a pawn in an elaborate payback scheme orchestrated by an old enemy, Ronnie Dearman.

Episode 10: Drop in for Lunch (Mar/13/2012)
A faulty gauge grounds Mel's plane, stranding Mel, Doc Hossa, Loreen and Caitlin near Watson Lake where they've traveled for a funeral. They hitch a ride back to Yellowknife on a competing airline, subjecting the pilot to Mel as his backseat driver. But Mel's concerns are warranted when the pilot fails to act on a warning light indicating a potential fire in the electrical system. As smoke fills the cockpit, Mel takes over and braces everyone for the inevitable crash. In YK, news of the downed plane throws the Arctic Air family into chaos. The search and rescue team, based out of Ontario, is hours away and the temperature is dropping.  Bobby orders Cece and Kirby to outfit the DC-3 as a medevac to retrieve survivors. Meanwhile, Krista and Blake fly over the crash site - it's impossible to imagine anyone could've walked away from the wreckage below. But Krista is determined to land. After a frantic ground search that reveals the dead pilot, Krista and Blake are shocked to find Mel, alive and tending single-handedly to the others. Bobby prepares to fly the DC-3 to the crash site, but he has never flown the plane on skis. With Mel, Loreen, Doc Hossa and Caitlin's lives hanging in the balance, Cece and Dev volunteer to fly the daring rescue mission with Bobby.


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Season 1

Episode 1: Gods of Dangerous Financial Insruments (Jan/08/2012)
Marty and The Pod travel to New York to consult for MetroCapital, a bank looking for a plan to unscrupulously justify their year-end bonuses as the financial world around them burns, but Marty makes an enemy of Greg Norbert, MetroCapital's number two executive. Back at home, Marty receives unwanted parenting advice from his live-in father Jeremiah when his son Roscoe decides to audition for the female lead in a school play.

Episode 2: Amsterdam (Jan/15/2012)
Marty and The Pod are sent to Phoenix to clean up a mess at a very powerful sports franchise caused by the impending divorce of its high-powered owners. Jeannie takes a dinner meeting with Derek, an old flame, but is deflated when she finds out his real intentions toward her. On the home front, Marty continues his personal war with Principal Gita over Roscoe's cross-dressing.

Episode 3: Microphallus (Jan/22/2012)
Marty arrives at the offices to find Greg Norbert there to announce the possible acquisition of Galweather by MetroCapital; the Pod flies to Indiana to consult for a beverage company, where Marty applies his management skills to turn a loss into a win; Clyde questions whether Doug really hooked up with a transvestite; Roscoe struggles with the confusing feelings of liking both a boy and a girl.

Episode 4: Mini-Mogul (Jan/29/2012)
With Jeremiah out of town, Marty is forced to bring his son Roscoe to his next job in San Francisco; hoping for some quality time with his dad, Roscoe ends up spending it all with the Pod when Marty is forced to babysit Alex Katsnelson, the teenage CEO of a security software company. Meanwhile, Jeannie reacts to her recent engagement by having a tryst with Kurt, a tortured musician she randomly meets in a coffee house.

Episode 5: Utah (Feb/05/2012)
On a consulting gig in Utah, Jeannie is put in charge when it becomes clear that the racist CEO of a no-frills motel chain won't take Marty seriously; Clyde tries to make inroads with a virginal Mormon woman; Monica decides to spend some quality time with Roscoe after her married boyfriend rejects her, but their parent-son bonding takes a dark turn, leading Roscoe to better understand his mother ... and better appreciate his father.

Episode 6: Our Descent Into Los Angeles (Feb/12/2012)
Marty goes to war with his son's school when Roscoe is accused of sexual harassment for trying to kiss a boy. On the home front, Marty's personal life is further complicated when April, a stripper he met in New York, suddenly reappears. Meanwhile, Jeannie starts to get cold feet at the prospect of her upcoming wedding.

Episode 7: Bareback Town (Feb/19/2012)
When the Pod goes to Washington D.C. to consult for a pharmaceutical company, Marty faces a challenge from April to stay monogamous on the road, which puts Jeannie in the position of having to "take one for the team" and fully satisfy a female client; Jeremiah reveals something serious to April, asking for her discretion until he can tell Marty himself; a jealous Monica drops a huge bombshell on Marty.

Episode 8: Veritas (Mar/04/2012)
Marty and the Pod participate in Galweather-Stearn's annual recruiting event, where the best and brightest from Harvard Business School are wined and dined. Marty takes the sole black recruit in the predominantly white affair under his wing; Doug tries to prove to Clyde that he can coach any of the potential candidates onto "the list;" Jeannie grills a sexy, flirtatious recruit to see if she's all style and no substance, but a secret of Jeannie's is revealed that makes her stance somewhat hypocritical.

Episode 9: Ouroboros (Mar/11/2012)
Marty and the Pod are put through the ringer by their arch-rival firm Kinsley-Johnson as part of the due diligence performed by MetroCapital for the pending merger; Jeannie does her best to keep Wes and the marriage at bay but fails to keep it a secret from Marty; Monica and Roscoe bond but Marty learns about Jeremiah's secret and receives shocking news from Monica.

Episode 10: Prologue and Aftermath (Mar/18/2012)
Jeannie embarks on a gig to establish her own legend in the consulting world when she leads the Pod to her hometown on a mission to resurrect an ailing church; Marty enters into custody mediation with Monica but her powers of manipulation are in full force, threatening Marty's relationship with April.

Episode 11: Business (Mar/25/2012)
Marty and "The Rainmaker" work together to put the kibosh on their firm's acquisition by MetroCapital but a back-stabbing turn of events leaves Marty and "The Rainmaker" mortal enemies instead of valued allies; in the aftermath of the news about April, Marty must deal with attitude from Roscoe.

Episode 12: The Mayan Apocalypse (Apr/01/2012)
With the help of Greg Norbert, Marty and the Pod fight to pull off an eleventh-hour reprieve and stop the MetroCapital acquisition from happening; Jeannie makes a decision about marrying Wes; Marty's son Roscoe makes a life-altering choice of his own.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 3-30-2012 03:43 ]
Recent Ratings
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - ready to post if you're able 3-29-2012 14:09
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post if you're able 3-29-2012 14:09


Season 5

Episode 1: JFK to LAX
A few years have passed and Hank is living in New York but looking for a ticket out of town after his latest breakup. He accepts an invitation from Charlie to come to Los Angeles for a job writing a film starring rapper/actor Samurai Apolcaypse, then reunites with Karen, her former professor and now-husband Richard, and his daughter Becca, who now has a boyfriend named Tyler that is the spitting image of Hank himself ... in the worst possible way.

Episode 2: The Way Of The Fist
Hank passes on writing Samurai Apocalypse's new movie but Sam won't take no for an answer and drags Hank to a meeting with director Peter Berg, where they discover that Hank and Peter have shared more than just a love of the written word. Sam takes it on himself to get rid of Tyler, which makes things worse between Hank and Becca. Co-parents Charlie, Marcy and Stu have their hands full when Little Stuart exposes himself to a preschool classmate, and Charlie takes it upon himself to mend fences with the offended girl's attractive mother.

Episode 3: Boys & Girls
Hank delivers a completed draft of "Santa Monica Cop" to Samurai Apocalypse but his attempts to leave town are once again thwarted when he's asked to show a night on the town to Kali, his "acquaintance" from the flight to Los Angles; Tyler crashes with Karen and Becca while he recovers from his injuries; things get unprofessional fast when Charlie is saved from a serious parental crisis by his son's nanny, Lizzie.

Episode 4: Waiting For The Miracle
Hank receives an unwelcome surprise in the form of Carrie, ex-girlfriend and arsonist that he's forced to invite along when Karen and Becca show up to invite him to a dinner party. Stu, Marcy and Bates' talk of sexual proclivities leaves the Moodys searching for the nearest exit, but the party gets even more out of control when Carrie has a realization about Hank. Meanwhile, Charlie goes on a blind date with Mary, a "nice girl" who's more than a little inexperienced.

Episode 5: The Ride-Along
Charlie's boyhood dream is realized and Hank's worst nightmare comes true when Samurai Apocalypse invites the boys on a ride-along with the Santa Monica Police Department and takes them on a joyride that goes sexually awry for Charlie; Richard hits the bottle at a crowded Venice restaurant but Hank and the boys arrive to save the day for Karen and Becca, and Tyler realizes he's seen Sam somewhere before.

Episode 6: Love Song
When Samurai Apocalypse hits a lyrical roadblock with his protege, he calls on the best writer he knows: Hank Moody, who unites with Kali to imbibe, bear his soul, and write a song that takes Hank back in time to an era when he, Karen and Charlie were happier and life was simpler before "A Crazy Little Thing Called Love." But the present comes roaring back when Karen shows up at Hank's door, worried that she made a mistake.

Episode 7: Here I Go Again
Hank saves Karen from embarrassment with a drunk Richard, then covers for Richard by pretending to be dating a stripper named Holly, who takes a liking to Tyler and offends his girlfriend, Becca. Meanwhile, when she's fired after an inappropriate encounter with Stu, nanny Lizzie calls on Charlie and allows their relationship to progress, only to have Marcy beg for her return.

Episode 8: Raw
Hank is stuck reading Tyler's screenplay but discovers some talent under that head of hair, even though the script appears to be disturbingly autobiographical account of the author's relationship with Becca. Charlie and Lizzie's love quadrangle with Stu and Marcy heats up, but when their bedroom games hit too close to home for Charlie, it may be off to therapy for all four of them.

Episode 9: At the Movies
On the first day of production on Hank Moody's latest movie "Santa Monica Cop," Stu has brought back his "F--king and Punching" director in hopes of creating a cinematic masterpiece, but Hank's rendezvous with the film's leading lady puts his relationship with Sam in jeopardy. Luckily for Hank, Stu and the production's crew, Charlie has a backup plan.

Episode 10: Perverts & Whores
Minus one agent and best friend, Hank crashes with his two favorite ladies, Karen and Becca. Looking for new representation, he meets with Hollywood power agent Larry Levine, who quickly sets a meeting with world-class filmmaker and Hank Moody idol Lars Manderhoff. It may be a match made in heaven when Lars surprises Hank with one of his favorite working girls, Trixie (guest star Judy Greer). Distraught over his personal losses, Charlie seeks comfort from Marcy while Lizzie enjoys her big break, a part in "Santa Monica Cop" courtesy of Stu.

Episode 11: The Party
Hank overstays his welcome at the house of Karen and Richard and hits the road with one last stop at Malibar, where he runs into Lizzie, who uses her newly acquired acting chops to lure him back to the Runkle Manor. Once there, Hank is surprised by everyone he loves and loathes: Karen, Becca, Charlie, Marcy, Stu, Richard and his creepy sponsor, Gabriel. Even Sam and Kali show up, but it's not a party until someone gets hurt and luckily for these partygoers, Hank has it in him for one final run-in with Tyler.

Episode 12: Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be
Hank discovers the bartender at a local watering hole is his late friend Lew Ashby and wonders if he's in Hell. Richard makes a startling announcement about Hank and Karen. Hank tries to make things right with Becca, but her news about Tyler leaves him stunned. On the set of "Santa Monica Cop," Sam's jealousy and fondness for firearms give Charlie an opportunity to show how much he loves his best friend and number-one client; Hank's arsonist ex-girlfriend surprises him with a way for them to be together forever.

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I have just noticed Ugly Americans season 2 has been increased to 17 episodes so i have edited my original post here on page #123 but cant edit the one that has been posted

I updated that episode guide. thanks.

[ Last edited by waterlilybarb at 3-29-2012 17:25 ]


Reply 2907#2907 codebreaker's post

OK, I'll fix it either later today or tomorrow.  I'm just doing a quick check today.  I need to get offline though.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Season 2

Episode 1: Summertime
Despite her breakup with Steve, Fiona tends bar at a local hotspot with Veronica, hangs out with a successful young business executive, and enjoys her youth; Debbie runs a daycare with Carl; Ian takes over at the Kash and Grab when Kash leaves town; Lip runs a Little League book and helps Kev out with their annual ice cream/pot truck; despite Eddie's disappearance, Sheila takes small steps to finally leave the house; Frank loses a bet and surrenders Liam as collateral.

Episode 2: Summer Loving
As Sheila conquers her agoraphobia, a worried Frank finds a new financial plan in fellow bar patron Dottie, whose declining health and city pension make her an ideal match; Fiona juggles her job, the kids and her burgeoning love life, and Jasmine tries to help by setting up Fiona with a sugar daddy; Veronica takes some old folks from the home on an excursion; Lip worries about Karen's growing relationship with Jody; Ian tries to land a recently released Mickey a job at the Kash and Grab; Debbie wants her own room; Carl moves into the van.

Episode 3: I'll Light a Candle for You Every Day
Fiona hopes her moral compass isn't leading her astray when she reconnects with her married high school crush, but when she finds an abandoned purse with over five hundred dollars inside, she assumes her luck is finally changing; Frank is willing to do just about anything to stay in Dottie's good graces, even marry her; after Harry's passing, Debbie becomes obsessed with death; Kevin thinks about buying the Alibi; Lip meets with a colonel to glean information for Ian about West Point; Jody asks Frank for Karen's hand in marriage.

Episode 4: A Beautiful Mess
Fiona deals with the consequences of sleeping with Craig when his angry wife shows up at the door; Debbie develops a stress-rash and Fiona wonders if she's putting too much responsibility on the kids; Sheila has made it all the way to the hair salon and Frank realizes his days in the Jackson household are numbered; no longer having sex with Karen, Lip tries to dig up dirt on Jody; Ian continues on the path to West Point; Carl house-sits with his friend, Little Hank; Ethel meets Malik, a boy on Kevin's youth basketball team.

Episode 5: Father's Day
Frank tries to claim Eddie's insurance benefits and pension, despite being a prime suspect in his death; Fiona attends a ritzy wedding with Richard and lies about her background; Lip is devastated by Karen's rejection; Carl rents Frank's room to a hooker.

Episode 6: Can I Have a Mother
Grammy Gallagher shows up on a medical furlough and tries to track down a former meth lab protege that owes her money; Sheila plans Karen's wedding reception; Fiona double dates with Steve and his Brazilian girlfriend, and discovers that Steve is married; Ethel reacts to Clyde's death; Frank discovers the identity of Eddie's insurance beneficiary.

Episode 7: A Bottle of Jean Nate
Lip tries to get back in Karen's good graces by crafting a prenuptial agreement for her and Jody, while Ian continues to give Lip the silent treatment; Frank wants to kick Grammy out but Fiona resists until the basement meth lab explodes; Fiona is invited on a boat trip but doesn't realize Steve and his girlfriend are also attending.

Episode 8: Parenthood
With Grammy near death, Frank exits the house but walks in on Ian and Mickey locked in passion at the Kash and Grab; when Lip drops out of school, Fiona proposes a deal where they both earn their diplomas, but Lip acts out and gets himself expelled when he realizes that Karen plans to sell their baby to the highest bidder.

Episode 9: Hurricane Monica
Monica returns to party and plot scams with Frank, but the rest of the family suspects she hasn't returned to stay; Fiona reconsiders her decision to kick Lip out of the house; Grammy's death affects everyone differently, and leaves Frank determined to make sure he gets every last penny his mother left behind; Sheila and Jody think Eddie's ghost is haunting the house.

Episode 10: A Great Cause
Fiona starts to plan for her future now that Monica is back but her reprieve may be short-lived as Monica falls apart, spends the squirrel fund and gets arrested; Steve conspires to reunite Estefania with her true love so that he can be with Fiona; Lip and Ian learn the true identity of Mandy's baby; Sheila takes in a homeless crack addict.

Episode 11: Just Like The Pilgrims Intended
It's a typical Gallagher nontraditional Thanksgiving that includes a suicide attempt by Monica, Carl shooting a bald eagle, and Karen going into labor; Steve agrees to allow Estefania's boyfriend to steal his identity; Lip sleeps with a businessman named Ned; Frank tries to get his share of his mother's money from his brother Clayton.

Episode 12: Fiona Interrupted
A lonely Frank schemes to break Monica out of the psychiatric facility. Jimmy earns his way back into Fiona's good graces and asks her to meet his family while Ian runs into Ned again. Eddie's insurance check arrives.

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Reply 2902#2902 codebreaker's post

Go ahead with those.  Has the about for House of Lies been posted yet?  I can't find it, but that doesn't mean much these days.

BTW, LBJ said no new show forums for now.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


About The River

The River Premiered on ABC on February 07, 2012

About the Show:
Dr. Emmet Cole is missing.

The beloved host of The Undiscovered Country, which brought the wonder and magic of the natural world into our homes for so many years, has disappeared in the wilds of the Amazon. Gone for six months now—and believed by many to be dead—his emergency beacon went off two weeks ago. Now Dr. Cole’s wife and frequent co-host of The Undiscovered Country, Tess, has begun the search for her husband. With the help of her son, Lincoln, and crew members Lena Landry, Emilio Valenzuela and his daughter Jahel, and Captain Kurt Bryndilson, Tess is looking to be reunited with her husband and save the rest of his missing crew.

Documenting the journey will be Dr. Cole’s long-time friend and collaborator on The Undiscovered Country, award-winning Producer Clark Quietly, and a team of renowned camera operators including AJ Poulain.

But the search for Dr. Cole may provide more questions than answers. Where have he and the missing crew been? What mysteries of the uncharted Amazon did they capture on film? Can this family that was torn asunder six months ago be miraculously reunited? The world holds its breath as we wait to find out just what became of Dr. Emmet Cole and his crew.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Bruce GreenwoodEmmet Cole
Joe AndersonLincoln Cole
Leslie HopeTess Cole
Eloise MumfordLena Landry
Paul BlackthorneClark Quietly
Thomas KretschmannCaptain Kurt Brynildson
Daniel ZacapaEmilio Valenzuela
Shaun ParkesAndreus Jude Poulaine
Paulina GaitanJahel Valenzuela


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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 3-30-2012 19:56 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post when you are 3-30-2012 10:33
  • waterlilybarb Points +10 thanks - ready to post when you are 3-30-2012 10:33


Season 1

Episode 1: Magus (Feb/07/2012)
When TV naturalist Emmet Cole disappears in Brazil, he is declared dead after six months. However, his wife Tess detects a GPS beacon signal from him and a network camera crew agrees to accompany her on the search for her husband. However, they will only finance the trip if Emmet's son Lincoln goes with her. The crew go down the Amazon River and follow the GPS beacon, but find far more than they are counting on when they unearth a spectral creature.

Episode 2: Marbeley (Feb/07/2012)
Jahel is possessed by Emmet's spirit and he begs his family to stay away for their own sakes. However, Tess persists and the group find a spirit tree decorated with dolls. A child's ghost stalks them and it soon becomes clear that it wants something from them... and will stop at nothing to get it.

Episode 3: Los Ciegos (Feb/14/2012)
When the crew intrudes upon the Morcegos tribal grounds, all of them are stricken blind except for AJ, who must wrestle with his conscience while the tribesmen close in on his helpless teammates.

Episode 4: A Better Man (Feb/21/2012)
The Magus crew find a survivor from Emmet's expedition... suspended by his neck from a noose in the middle of the jungle. The man, Jonas Beckett, is still alive but claims he has no idea where he been for the last six months. As the ship is plagued by insects, storms, and animated vines, the crew realizes that Jonas is cursed, and everyone is willing to sacrifice him except Lincoln.

Episode 5: Peaches (Feb/28/2012)
A mystery ship runs the Magus aground, immobilizing it. The next day, another ship, the Exodus, responds to their Mayday and the crew offers its support... but they're not what they seem.

Episode 6: Doctor Emmet Cole (Mar/06/2012)
The Magus crew arrive at Sahte Falls and find footage that Emmet filmed of the days leading up to his disappearance. Lincoln and Tess have no choice but to watch as Emmet battles for survival on his way to the mysterious Source of all magic. Meanwhile, Lena has a confession to make to one of her crewmates.

Episode 7: The Experiment (Mar/13/2012)
The Magus explore the abandoned research facility and discover it isn't as empty as they believe. Meanwhile, Tess and Lincoln make a startling discovery, and Kurt has to decide what he will sacrifice to keep his crewmates safe.

Episode 8: Row, Row, Row Your Boat (Mar/20/2012)
With a course now plotted for their final destination, the Magus crew suddenly finds itself in complete chaos when a member of their own is shot dead, leading Jahel to call upon the spirit of the Boiúna to help, against the wishes of her father. The crew's quest is threatened further by the unknown killer, as the situation continues to spiral out of control



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 3-30-2012 19:57 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post when you are 3-30-2012 10:33
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About The L.A. Complex

The L.A. Complex Premiered on MuchMusic on January 10, 2012

About the Show:
Full of new relationships, salacious temptations and make-it-or-break it decisions, THE L.A. COMPLEX's coming-of-age dwellers grapple with life's defining moments as they deal with the unreality of the show-biz industry. In the series premiere "Down in L.A." after getting evicted and finding herself broke and desperate, Abby finds a place to crash at "The Lux" motel in Los Angeles. Here, she meets a group of like-minded, displaced dreamers and after a series of missed opportunities, mishaps, and a broken down vehicle, Abby starts to wonder if it's time to go back to Toronto and give up her dreams, or if tomorrow will be her day?


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Andra FullerKaldrick King
Ben WatsonTariq Muhammad
Cassie SteeleAbby Vargas
Chelan SimmonsAlicia Lowe
Jewel StaiteRaquel Westbrook
Joe DinicolNick Wagner
Jonathan WoodConnor Lake


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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 7-3-2012 22:46 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post when you are 3-30-2012 10:33
  • waterlilybarb Points +10 thanks - ready to post when you are 3-30-2012 10:33


About Related

Related Premiered on The WB on October 05, 2005

About the Show:
The Sorelli sisters have their share of differences. The four young women, despite their problems, are best friends, but at times you’d never know it. Their special bonds between one another lead them to confide in one another, give advice, and be the shoulder to cry on when needed. Since the death of their mother, the girls have become increasing close, and have even invented their own card game “Sorummy” that only the girls understand how to play. Ginnie (Jennifer Esposito) is the oldest of the sisters and puts it on herself, and husband, Bob (Callum Blue), to watch out for her younger sisters, Anne (Kiele Sanchez), Marjee (Lizzy Caplan), and the youngest Rose (Laura Breckenridge). Together, the four are able to overcome what ever life throws their way.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Laura BreckenridgeRose Sorelli
Jennifer EspositoGinnie Sorelli
Kiele SanchezAnne Sorelli
Lizzy CaplanMarjee Sorelli
Callum BlueBob


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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 3-30-2012 20:07 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Points +10 thanks - ready to post when you are 3-30-2012 10:33
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post when you are 3-30-2012 10:33


Season 1

Episode 1: Moving In, Moving Out, Moving On (Oct/05/2005)
The series begins with a look at the lives of the four Sorelli sisters. Ginnie, the oldest sister and an attorney, has to tell her husband that she's pregnant, but can't decide on a way to do so. Anne has to face the fact that her relationship with Danny may be over. Marjee has to find the perfect restaurant to host Jillian Barbaree's Pug Dog Benefit, but has trouble doing so. Rose, the youngest of the sisters, has to break the news that she's changing majors from Pre-Med to Experimental Theatre. Meanwhile, the girls' father, Joe Sorelli, announces that he's going to marry Renee, his current girlfriend.

Episode 2: Hang in There, Baby (Oct/12/2005)
Now that Ginnie has told Bob about being pregnant, they decide to act like tourists and make a list of all the things they want to do in New York before they're parents. Marjee is having a hard time dealing with Renee when both her and Renee move in with Joe. Anne, meanwhile, has to deal with her break-up and Rose falls for a classmate in her acting class.

Episode 3: Cry Me A Sister (Oct/19/2005)
With Anne still dealing with her break up with Danny, Ginnie gives her some sisterly advice to talk to Danny, but Anne reacts badly to it. Marjee considers quitting after being at odds with her boss. Meanwhile, Rose clashes with a classmate who makes fun of Rose in one of her monologues. Rose tries to find a way to get rid of the girl, but can't find one.

Episode 4: Hello, Deli (Oct/26/2005)
When Joe goes out of town, the sisters offer to help run the deli for him. Things get out of control when Marjee throws a party at the house and Anne realizes her feelings for an old childhood friend.

Episode 5: The Naked Truth (Oct/31/2005)
Anne is angry when she finds out that the rest of her family is still talking to Danny. Bob becomes over concerned with Ginnie's health, and takes his concern a little too far. Rose gets her first part in a play, which was written by and stars Alex, the classmate she has a crush on.

Episode 6: Sex and the Sisters (Nov/07/2005)
Ginnie and Bob have to not have sex for a few weeks as a precaution. Rose continues to fall hard for Alex, and has to decide whether or not to have sex with him. Marjee is put in an awkward situation when she has to plan a wedding with Jason, her boss's boyfriend who Marjee made out with. Meanwhile, Anne sleeps with one of Rose's classmates.

Episode 7: Francesca (Nov/14/2005)
With a family Thanksgiving planned in Ginnie and Bob's loft, Ginnie, Anne, Marjee and Rose cook a traditional Sorelli dinner using all of their mother Francesca's favorite recipes and can't help but reminisce about their memories of her. Meanwhile, Anne is frustrated over her feelings for Rose's classmate, Zach, a guy she slept with in a moment of weakness, but is inarguably very much attracted to; and Renee is rushed to the hospital with a stress-induced asthma attack after Ginnie blows up at her.

Episode 8: Driving Miss Crazy (Nov/21/2005)
Bob returns the car that he bought for Ginnie, but soon after, Ginnie decides she wants it back and will have Marjee teach her how to drive. Rose and Alex's relationship is thrown off track when Alex asks Rose if Joel has feelings for her. Anne gets more than she bargained for when Renee lets Anne in on her big secret but asks her not to tell Joe.

Episode 9: Have Yourself a Sorelli Little Christmas (Dec/12/2005)
As Christmas draws closer, Rose finds herself choosing between the two men in her life while Marjee realizes she has feelings for her boss's boyfriend. Ginnie's holiday plans are thrown off when Bob tells her, last minute, that his parents are coming for Christmas. Meanwhile, Anne continues to struggle keeping Renee's secret from her father, Joe.

Episode 10: The Godmother (Jan/23/2006)
Now that Christmas break is over, Rose must choose once and for all who she wants to be with, but has a hard time doing so. Marjee gives Jason an ultimatum while Anne continues her affair with Rose's classmate, Zach. Meanwhile, Ginnie and Bob meet with an attorney to draw up a will, but their different views make the task hard.

Episode 11: London Calling (Jan/30/2006)
Though knowing that she hurt Joel's feelings, Rose continues her relationship with Alex and considers having sex with him. Ginnie becomes angry at Bob when she learns that he's been hiding the fact that he's producing an album for an ex-girlfriend. Meanwhile, Anne asks Danny to give Marco advice on running his sausage business and Marjee has trouble dealing with her feelings for Jason, especially since he has yet to tell Trish about their affair.

Episode 12: Daddy's Little Girl (Feb/06/2006)
Bob's ex-girlfriend, Kylie, stays at Ginnie and Bob's loft. Her presence makes Ginnie feel more and more jealous and Ginnie begins to wonder why Bob wants her to stay. Rose invites Alex to dinner, but Joe's behavior surprises Rose. Meanwhile, Anne and Marjee talk about their romantic problems with Marco and Jason.

Episode 13: Not Without My Daughter (Feb/13/2006)
When Ginnie is unable to attend her father's wedding because she is put on bed rest, Bob comes up with a way for Ginnie to be able to be at the wedding without leaving her bed. Danny attends the wedding after encouragement from Anne, despite Anne bringing Marco as her date. Meanwhile, Rose and Alex audition to be extras in an upcoming movie.

Episode 14: Here's a Balloon For You (Feb/27/2006)
Ginnie's pregnancy complications get worse and worse. At the hospital, Ginnie and Bob become scared as they face the reality of the problems. Meanwhile, Anne and Danny talk about their hook-up at the wedding, and Jason and Joel come to the hospital to comfort Marjee and Rose.

Episode 15: Sisters are Forever (Mar/06/2006)
Ginnie, still suffering from the loss of their baby, continues to further herself from Bob, who tries to cheer her up by planning a romantic anniversary dinner. Rose and Joel try to restart their friendship, but Joel's girlfriend, Chloe, doesn't want them to be closer. Marjee and Jason's new business ends up landing one of Trish's biggest clients, but they soon find out that Trish had their company blacklisted. Meanwhile, one of Anne's secrets from the past is revealed, and Danny has to decide whether or not he can get past it.

Episode 16: His Name is Ruth (Mar/13/2006)
Ginnie finds a lost dog on the street and tries to talk Bob into keeping him. Marjee tells Jason about her concerns in their relationship and how she's having issues trusting him. Joel tells Rose that he no longer has feelings for her while out at dinner with Rose and Chloe. But after Joel reveals his feelings, Rose realizes hers. Meanwhile, Anne and Bob set out to find a perfect birthday gift for Ginnie.

Episode 17: The Cape (Mar/20/2006)
Joe invites Ginnie and Bob to spend a weekend with him at the cape, giving them a chance to mend their marital problems. Trish kicks Jason out of his apartment so Marjee invites him to move into Anne's with her. Meanwhile, Rose kisses Joel in front of his girlfriend and Joe gives Ginnie and Bob some startling news.

Episode 18: The Move (Mar/20/2006)
The sisters help Joe and Renee move to their new home at the Cape. While packing, they talk about their mother, leading to shocking secrets about her past being revealed. Bob has to decide whether or not to go on a business trip or stay with Ginnie in hopes of restoring their marriage. Marjee wonders if she made the right decision after she moves in with Jason, while Anne wonders if she's okay with never getting back together with Danny. Meanwhile, Rose decides to go after Joel when she realizes her true feelings for him.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 3-30-2012 20:07 ]
Recent Ratings
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post when you are 3-30-2012 10:34
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - ready to post when you are 3-30-2012 10:34


About Unsupervised

Unsupervised Premiered on FX on January 19, 2012

About the Show:
Unsupervised is an animated, half-hour comedy about two eternally optimistic best friends "Gary" and "Joel," who are navigating the harsh landscape of adolescence and trying to do what's right despite having no parental guidance whatsoever. Gary's father took off years ago and left him with his absentee stepmom, while Joel's elderly parents remain unseen and uninvolved. And the adults that are actually present in Gary and Joel's lives are anything but role models. At first glance, Gary and Joel's world may be bleak but their worldview is bright as they guide themselves through life with each other to depend on.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Justin LongVoicedGary
David HornsbyVoicedJoel Zymanski
Kristen BellVoicedMegan
Romany MalcoVoicedDarius Jenkins


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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 4-12-2012 23:28 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post when you are 3-30-2012 10:34
  • waterlilybarb Points +10 thanks - ready to post when you are 3-30-2012 10:34


Reply 2909#2909 codebreaker's post

Shameless (US) i am unable to post


Reply 2917#2917 codebreaker's post

No problem.  I'll post that now.

BTW, were you able to locate an about for Arctic Air, or is that still in the works?  I tried to find it again, and couldn't.  My head is pounding, so I'll check back later.  The VIP site says it's a comedy - have no idea if that's true (so many of the shows are in the wrong genre).  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2918#2918 waterlilybarb's post


Reply 2919#2919 codebreaker's post

THANK YOU!  Some days I wonder what I would do without you here.   It was hiding in plain sight. LOL!  I will post the episode guide now.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

