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The girly`s ......giggle box

Hi Bala sorry I did not see your question about the baby shower. If they have I know nothing. We usually throw a party after the baby is born. It is called an Aqiqah.


is the horse tied to that? if so that is abuse. wow what an idiot. Insh'Allah it will all work out.


Reply 2902#2902 gabsimom's post

??? To what are you referring?  Is the pregnant brain starting already, or did you post that comment in the wrong thread?   Maybe you were pretending to twitter your random thoughts again? lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


OMG I was on 2 forums at once and I guess pregnant brain took over.


Reply 2904#2904 gabsimom's post

ROFL!  Too funny!  And I thought my brain was pudding today.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2904#2904 gabsimom's post

Lol Tina, that's allowed! My sister in law is convinced her kids stole her brain cells. I tell her that they are now 4 and 5 so she's got to stop blaming them


Sometimes I type stuff hit submit and come back and read it and it is all gibberish or I am switching words with words that sound the same but have a completely different meaning. I read it later and think OMG I am an idiot.


was it a side effect of being preggy? coz my wife also did that when she was pregnant with our daughter....


Reply 2908#2908 rickman's post

LOL YES it is true, I can attest to it as well An unfortunate side effect!!


Yep my hubby is one of those guys who doesn't believe any of it, but I think he is learning.
It is a side affect along with the droppsies, meaning you drop anything breakable. And serving breakfast for dinner and for some reason all your cooking changes and either all you want to do is sleep or you can't sleep at all.
those are just a few.



My frustration level is on the rise again.  The stupid cable guy must have gone to the wrong place yesterday because he didn't come here.  I waited all day!  Now I have to wait until NEXT TUESDAY.   Why, when it's there fault do I have to be penalized?  I want something free for their incompetence and for wasting my time.  Any suggestions?  Free installation would be nice, but I'd be willing to take something smaller like for the guy to hook up the TV in my bedroom too.  I didn't request that because it's not important, but I'd take it as a peace offering. lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2911#2911 waterlilybarb's post

did you confirm the appointment for the installation make sure they had right address?


Reply 2912#2912 bala's post

Of course I did - weeks ago.   This is not my first time moving.  I have a feeling they went to the right number, but west instead of east, which is where I am.  A week just seems a long time to wait for their mistake.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2913#2913 waterlilybarb's post

i meant on the day not a week ago. didn't ask for person ring you on day let you when time he/she is coming? .


Reply 2914#2914 bala's post

I'm not an eejit!  Don't you think if I could have done that I would have?  They don't offer that here.  You are given a time - usually morning or afternoon (mine was afternoon) - then have to wait until they arrive.  As I said, I've moved many times before and have dealt with this company with no hassle in the past.  

I'm just exhausted and want to be able to watch something other than 1 channel on TV, be able to have my home phone installed, and have MY internet installed so I can catch up on the shows I've missed since I've been so busy.  I don't think that's too much to ask for...especially since they have all of the relevant information and the mistake was on their part.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2915#2915 waterlilybarb's post

i understand it must be so frustrating when they don't turn up

lucky that has never happen to me i would be so angry i can understand your anger but what can you do I'm sure this has happen to a lot people but your lucky next appointment is in next week because i had similar one where they cancelled it gave next appointment in 2 and half week .


Barb, you definitely should ask for something. They left you sitting in all afternoon and then don't show. Disgraceful.

Luckily for a few things here you can ask for the installer, driver etc to give you a call before to make sure you are about. I actually got a call from DHL a couple of days before we went to new york to say they were delivering my furniture on behalf of Next (which is where I bought it) on the Saturday. We were flying out on the Friday. I said, eh no you won't be as I won't be here. They were very good about it. Made a note on the day I was back and they actually rang me at 9am on the Wednesday morning when we'd just gotten back to Ireland. I was on my way home from the airport. They told me the furniture would arrive on the Friday between 7am and 9am. On the Friday morning bang on 7am the driver rang me to say they would be with me before 8am and they were. If only everything worked out that well, lol!


Reply 2917#2917 shinny's post

Must be nice!  I'm glad your furniture was delivered in such a timely fashion though.

I will ask for some compensation for wasting my time, and the inconvenience of an extra week without phone, cable or my own internet.  Whether I'll get anything is another matter, but I'm fed up with companies treating customers like our time is less valuable than theirs.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


yeah barb... time is gold as the saying goes... when somebody wastes our time they must compensate it! go! go! go! sue them if you must


Reply 2918#2918 waterlilybarb's post

I really hope they are smart enough to offer you something, but be strong and insist on it!!

Sorry you're so frustrated -- waiting till Tuesday IS a lot considering it was THEIR mistake. =(

