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The girly`s ......giggle box

I sold the fridge!  One down...2 more to go.  Didn't get nearly what it was worth, but it had to go (they're picking it up Friday), and it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


woohoo prayers have been answered!!


Reply 2882#2882 gabsimom's post

Yes they have.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2880#2880 gabsimom's post

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's great news


Thank You!!!


Reply 2885#2885 gabsimom's post

Has anyone planned a baby shower for you?


Reply 2880#2880 gabsimom's post

Congratulations Tina!


congrats tina... take an extra care!!!


Hi girls!

Just a quick pop in.  I'm "borrowing" some wifi from one of the new neighbours - I'm assuming it's one of the businesses downstairs.  I arrived safely at my new apartment, though it's been a long few days.  I'm completely wiped out, but relieved to be here.  SO many of my friends (the fellas) showed up to unload the trailer, which was awesome because we were a lot later than expected.  I might not have much, but I'm abundantly wealthy in friends.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2889#2889 waterlilybarb's post

Hi Barb!  I am so glad that you have arrived safely at your new home.  Just take it easy.  You have had a very busy year and you should be exhausted.  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.



Congratulations!!  I love all the pretty little baby pictures.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


good to be back home right barb?


Reply 2889#2889 waterlilybarb's post

Good to hear, Barb!


so tina, what do you expect? a boy or girl?


Reply 2889#2889 waterlilybarb's post

Yay for borrowed wifi! =)
And, as they say "A true friend is the best possession." You are very lucky indeed.
Have fun decorating the new place =)


Reply 2890#2890 penny3760's post

Thank you Penny.    I haven't much planned today except trying to find the kettle & tea.  Exhaustion doesn't even begin to describe how tired I am.  I feel like a broken doll this morning.  
My brother's coming by with coffee & a bagel for me.  Gotta love brothers for stuff like that.

Serena & Studio (rickman too),
Thanks for the well wishes, and yes, borrowed wifi is awesome, especially since my cell phone is a bit sucky (plus, I've lost my voice).  
"A true friend is the best possession."
I couldn't agree more.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


We are thinking it's a baby
thanks everyone.

Barb are you feeling better? did Murphy's law get you Friday!


Hey all !!

Barb, that's great that you made it and are settling into your new place. Lol at the borrowed wifi. I bought an I-Pod Touch when I was state side and I plan to "borrow" wifi wherever I find it!!

Haha Tina, you are funny!!!


Reply 2897#2897 gabsimom's post

Muphy's Law waited until yesterday morning to take effect (a few things were forgotten that needed to be in the truck & it took me an extra hour trying to figure out how to fit everything into my little Neon ), but the rest of the day went OK.  Friday was busy but it went fairly smoothly, except for 3 or 4 people asking me at the same time (all day long) which boxes to take next and where to put them.  I was ready to scream - but restrained myself. lol  It all worked out well and I even had help to clean the house so it would be left in good condition.

My voice is still raspy but the coffee my brother brought me seems to have helped a bit, and my throat doesn't hurt like it did this morning.  I'm sure it's nothing some rest won't be able to cure...I'm still refusing to get sick.

Thank you Shinny!   The borrowed isn't as good as having my own, but it sure is great to have some access until mine gets hooked up.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2899#2899 waterlilybarb's post

Good to hear Barb, sounds like you are getting yourself well and truly sorted.

I went to the Cinema this evening and we decided to watch 17 again. I didn't think I'd like it, but it was a really good movie. I had several laugh out loud moments!! I've never seen Zac Efron act before and he's pretty good. I can see why all the young girls go crazy for him !!

