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The girly`s ......giggle box

One down...

My cat did come out the other night.  He was just hiding.  I think all the commotion of setting up for the moving sale freaked him out a bit.

My sale is pretty much finished - though I still have to unload the fridge, stove & washing machine this week.  At least the biggest part is done.  Now I just have to finish packing, clean the house and get ready to go back home next Saturday.  Small task, really.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


did most everything sell? was the price points we gave you good?


Reply 2862#2862 gabsimom's post

Yes, the prices you all suggested were good, and much sold.  Most of what didn't sell I have no problem donating to charity or taking to the dump (other than the big appliances - though the dryer sold - YAY!).  Nearly all the movies (VHS & DVD) sold (a few for top price ), and a few that didn't I don't mind keeping.

Though there's still plenty to do, I'm feeling much better now, and far less stressed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2863#2863 waterlilybarb's post

I'm glad it went well for you.  Nothing can take it out of you like a move but once you get back to civilization it will all be worth it.  I just spent a week up in northern Ontario.  I had to do a surgery in Bracebridge.  I was never so glad to come home in my life.  Everything was just so...... backwards.  The simplest things were so complicated.  I had been in the area before for a vacation and never noticed it but when you are living there and working there you notice things you don't on a vacation.  There were a couple of times I just wanted to shout "is everyone here brain dead"!!  It's scary to think that for so many people this is the hospital that they rely on when they are really sick.


Reply 2863#2863 waterlilybarb's post

So glad it went well Barb! And also I'm glad your cat came out of hiding -- there's a reason there's that saying "'fraidy cat" LOL!


Reply 2864#2864 cshapiro's post

I know exactly what you mean!  I've been coming here since I was a child, and not until living hee did I realize how far from civilization it feels.  I suppose if one grows up in this environment it's easier to cope with, but coming from the outside, it sure is a challenge.

Reply 2865#2865 studiojek's post

Tell me about it!  I have to take the 3 of them to the vet in the morning to update their shots so I can cross the border with them with no hassles and I'm a little nervous as to how that will go.  I'm hoping this little jaunt won't make getting them in the carriers for the move on Saturday more difficult.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey all, just logged on for a few minutes to say hi from a VERY HOT New York. Yes, the heat wave is all just for us!! It was 92 F today with extremely high humidity. It started the day we arrived and will drop by 20 deg day we go home, lol!

I'm not complaining though, I'm just happy to be here.

Catch up with you all next week.


Reply 2867#2867 shinny's post

It's been much the same down in Windsor - so my brother called to tell me...the fink. lol  It's cold & damp here.

Glad you're enjoying yourself.   Have a great time!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


We are getting it here too. I am a little sunburned from it. and got a little sick from it today. but hey it got hubby to take our kid to the beach and give me the day to myself.


Reply 2869#2869 gabsimom's post

The beach!  Wow!  It seemed more like autumn here today.  I've still got a bit of a chill, though the fact that I'm exhausted probably isn't making it any better.  I'm pretending that this awful cough I'm getting, along with the chill, is NOT me getting sick, but just fatigue & allergies.  How long do you think I can fool my body into believing it?   It only has to work until I get the trailer unloaded next Saturday.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Barb I found your Cats lol

you'll fool your body until Friday then all hell will break loose according to Murphy's Law.


Reply 2861#2861 waterlilybarb's post

I'm so happy the yard sale went well, Barb!


Reply 2871#2871 gabsimom's post

Hahah!! That's cute =)


Reply 2871#2871 gabsimom's post

Hush your mouth!   I WILL fool my body until Saturday evening. LOL

p.s. I refuse to become a crazy cat lady.  I have 3, but that is the limit, and the third is because I couldn't bring myself to give Mum's cat to anyone else.  Plus, he's the brother of my big orange cat, so they get along well.  Today was vet day...they're still "talking" to me, so I'm taking that as a good sign.  Plus, I picked up some stuff that's supposed to help calm them for the trip.  It's natural, so I don't feel bad about drugging them (I'd hate that).  It's a spray that I can spray their carriers & the car with before the trip...also the new apartment.  Apparently it helps so they don't feel so stressed.  I hope it works.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2867#2867 shinny's post

well it been raining here in the uk so you are lucky shinny your in states-how long will you be in USA?


Reply 2867#2867 shinny's post

Say hi to my city for me =)

I can't believe it's that hot there. I'm a little envious, it's chilly and RAINY here and I am SO SICK OF THE RAIN! Though, I think pregnancy in 90 degree weather isn't much to look forward to, so I guess I shouldn't complain! A month and a half to go, by the way!!


Reply 2876#2876 studiojek's post

Wow!  Only a month & a half left.  That flew by!  Hopefully Lost will be done by the for the season by the time the baby arrives, as I can't imagine being able to wrap your head around the crazy goings on of the show when sleep deprived from being up with a new baby.

BTW, I'll be offline from Thursday to Monday due to my move.  Feel free to keep posting as I love to "hear" what's happening with everyone, and I'll check this thread out when I get hooked back up next week.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2877#2877 waterlilybarb's post

Oh dear, yes, the idea of catching up on Lost without catching up on sleep is a little overwhelming LOL!

Good luck with the rest of your move Barb, I hope it goes smoothly!


Reply 2878#2878 studiojek's post

Thanks a lot.   I've been at it all day - packing and cleaning, plus I had to make a trip to the dump.  Can't wait until Saturday night.  The main thing I want is my bed set up so I can crawl into it for a few days.  At least I'll have to stay in on Monday because that's the day they are coming to hook up my cable & internet, so I won't feel the least bit of pressure to go anywhere.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Congrats on your upcoming due date. I just found out I am preggers myself. I am due some time around Christmas.

