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The girly`s ......giggle box

Help Wanted

It is also helpful if u can put picture of the items for sale with corresponding price of course in ur ads..... here in japan we usually use the word of mouth advertisement..... meaning telling to your friends and your friends should tell it to their friends
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  • waterlilybarb Points +1 Thanks for taking the time to provide so 4-17-2009 19:23
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 Thanks for taking the time to provide so 4-17-2009 19:23


you can advertise on Craiglist too. I would Also just price it to sell your ready to go and sometime say make me an offer. it is more than you thought take it if is a little lower counter with what you want but you can still accept the lower price, if it is alot lower tell them exactly what you feel is fair.

I am a yard sale guru as I go often. I am going tomorrow as I do every Saturday with my mom.


Reply 2842#2842 gabsimom's post

Thanks Tina (and you too rickman).  Pictures aren't usual for the site I'm using - though I agree, they help.

Craigslist is great, but the city near here has a local site that most people use, which is the one I'm placing the ad on.  Good to know that it's probably wiser to add some prices, along with being willing to negotiate...which I am.  There are even a few items that I'm giving away (if someone is handy - they would work if fixed) and if they don't go I'll  bring them to the dump.  The main thing I was curious about was the appliances, so I'll recheck the local ads and get an idea of market value here, so I can incorporate some prices into my ad.  First time for everything.

Thanks for the feedback.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Yep, you can also just price it a little lower to get rid of it quickly.


barb, for other things that you just need to dispose of,  u can try to contact ur local recyling shops near u.... they might be of help especially to big items.... here in japan we need to pay to the city office for disposing of big items.... but if we give it to the recycling shops sometimes they pay for the items too.... but for only considerable amount goodluck!


help wanted

Barb - I would suggest that you don't advertise prices - it will cut down what you may get or even scare off the bargon hunters.  but i would list some of the larger things you will be selling cause that may bring out people looking for certain items.  

my other suggestion would be road signage.  if i remember you live somewhere rural - so big signs around your neighborhood even acouple days early with the date and address of the sale will get the non-technos and paper readers out.  also a poster at your local laundry matt and library.  that should catch some yard salers eyes.  

good luck.

"Don't warn the tadpoles!"
"Don't warn the tadpoles?"
"I... I have frog fear." -- Willow


Reply 2846#2846 kwargalla's post

Thanks Kim.  I went and bought some neon bristle board today to make some signs.  I've also advertised in the local paper and did put an ad online.  I asked a friend up here about the price thing, and she agreed with you Kim - no prices, but itemize the larger items.  I did that, along with the age of the appliances (the dryer is less than 4 years old).  I have to ask where in town I'm allowed to put a notice up, as I know there are a couple message boards around.  I also have to find out the town's policy on signage that's not on my property so I can put some signs around.  

It's coming together, but it's a lot of work...especially in the midst of packing too.   

Thanks everyone for the feedback.  I found it very helpful in composing my advertisement.  As I said, I've never been a big one for yard sales because I've aways lived in apartments and have done my best to not accumulate extra stuff.  I like them, and will use them to get some of the things I'll need back home this time (great time of year for them there), but I do try to live by the motto in my signature.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2847#2847 waterlilybarb's post

Barb in most Ontario towns you can put signs up on public property.  and most of the time yard sale signs are ignored by the bylaw officers cause they know they'll only be there for a day or two.  Good luck decluttering

"Don't warn the tadpoles!"
"Don't warn the tadpoles?"
"I... I have frog fear." -- Willow


Reply 2848#2848 kwargalla's post

Thanks Kim.  I forgot that you would know about those things, with our Mum serving the community.   

Now I just have to figure out where to put the boxes that are coming with me during the sale. lol  I don't want anything I need getting sold by mistake (highly unlikely), or to be in the way.  I think there will be much climbing of stairs this week.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I recommend putting it all in 1 room and marking that room private, Don't leave anything in boxes you wish to sale most people are not diggers. mark books and personal items like clothes handbags and shoes ultra cheap.

hanging up clothes helps them sell better.


Reply 2850#2850 gabsimom's post

I do have some purses, but I'm not selling clothes.  Anything that is decent I'm giving to friends or charity.  The rooms I can close up are all upstairs, which is why I foresee me trudging up & down them this week.  I can put some in the butler's pantry and close it up, which will save me from trying to haul the boxes of dishes & dried/canned goods upstairs.  No books this time (I edited my collection before moving here ), but plenty of movies, which I know to mark low so they'll move.  

I have some small kitchen appliances - toaster, iron, waffle iron, etc.  Ideas as to a starting price?  I'm more than willing to bargain, but would like to make a bit of cash from the sale.

I've already sold the furniture set & a double bed to friends, so they are being kind enough to not leave me on the floor - though the bed can be picked up whenever it's convenient as it's in the spare bedroom.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


5$ each is a good staring price for your small appliances. the newer more expensive ones you can ask more.

I think my face got sunburned today going to yardsales.


Reply 2852#2852 gabsimom's post

It's been a chilly drizzly day here, which I have spent getting boxes and going to the dump.  Super exciting!  LOL  No fear of sunburn in this weather.  It was gorgeous all week, which was a little bit of a bumer, since I was stuck indoors packing.

$5 sounds reasonable to me, though most of my appliances don't stare, nor do they like being stared at.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2853#2853 waterlilybarb's post

Good luck with your sale Barb! I may be in the minority, but I loved the two yard sales I organized!! I love visiting them too -- if I were closer I'd stop by and pick up a little something from your "Barb's Shop" =)

Oh, and a little suggestion if you can be bothered -- set up a little refreshment table, just maybe a jug or two of lemonade. It won't cost you much and will make people more open to shopping!!


I'd suggest pricing your appliances higher maybe $10 or $15 than you can drop it down and actually sell them for a 5'er.   the trick is not to price things to low to start cause people at yard sales LOVE to bargin.  even if they only get 50 cents off they believe they've won something.

"Don't warn the tadpoles!"
"Don't warn the tadpoles?"
"I... I have frog fear." -- Willow


but you can buy those appliances for 10 to 15 new on sale. maybe start at 7 and tell them if they buy more than 1 you'll make them 5 each. hehehe


Reply 2856#2856 gabsimom's post

That's a good idea Tina.  I was thinking the same thing, because I know some of the items can be bought new for pretty cheap now.  Many up here have cottages though, so I'm thinking they'd be likely to take the toaster or other small appliances for camp.  $6 or $7 is a good idea, and allows them to bargain as I'd be fine with a fiver for them.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



I am heading to bed, but not before sharing with you all the delights of living in what feels like a warehouse.  The furniture went today (I sold it YAY! - no place to sit but the floor - BOO).  The poor cats don't know what's going on, and I have friends arriving in the morning to help "set up" for the sale.  HAHA!  I hope they expect to be here all day.  I haven't even had a chance to price anything yet.  I have boxes that need moved upstairs, and I have another load of laundry to do before I can go to bed.   If it sells, I don't want to have to go somewhere else to wash it, and I'm not too keen on packing dirty laundry.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2858#2858 waterlilybarb's post

Oh dear! Well, GOOD LUCK, I hope you end up with NADA!!


Reply 2859#2859 studiojek's post

Well, today has been busy, busy, busy!  I've been setting up for the sale, trying to get everything priced as well as moving the boxes I've packed out of the way.  I know I'll be done in when this is over, but I'm hopeful for a good turn out also, and I also hope I end up with NADA Studio.  The less I have to dispose of later, the better.

Next week will be the last minute packing and cleaning the house.  This place will feel huge with so much stuff gone.  Very strange.  I'm also a little concerned because I can't find one of my cats.  I hope he didn't get out today.  He used to be an outside cat, but with all the commotion, I'm afraid if he gets out, he may not come back.   Hopefully he's asleep and hiding out in one of the empty boxes.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

