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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2702#2702 gypsiegirl66's post

Hey girl!  Even tho I have been pretty absent, I was wondering where you were.  Glad to hear you are doing well now!

I'm all moved in and slowly unpacking boxes.  But life is still pretty hectic for me (wife, graduate school full time, work full time, new house!)  haha I hope to see you guys around more. I do miss you all!


Hey Meg, it's great to hear from you. I think about you too, I know you must be real busy. Glad to hear, your move is over, and that you have your new home.

Studio, I wasn't trying to scare you, it's likely, that you wont go through anything like I did. My body, just wasn't prepared for the delivery, my water broke a month prior to due date. So, she had to drop, a long way before I could deliver.

Barb, I'm sorry to hear, all the toubles you are having. I hope you can get some help, you must feel so overwhelmed. I think this virus is clinging, because of all the stress you've been under. Hopefully, once you're be back to civilization, and get all comfy in your new home, things will get better. You're in my thoughts sweetie.


Yesterday, was my youngest daughters birthday too. She turned 20, which I can't believe.


Reply 2822#2822 gypsiegirl66's post

Thanks gypsy!


Hi gals,
Only 20 days 'til my move (and 2 weeks until I have to do that stupid yard sake ), so I'm busy, busy, busy.  Yesterday I had a bad spell with the dystonia, and am still feeling the effects today, so can't type very well.  I mightn't be around as much for the next few weeks, but I will check in.

Hi Meg, nice to see you.   I feel for you  - that's a lot to have on your plate all at once.  Glad you have your hubby there to share the load with though.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Barb,  just think that in 21 days it will all be over and you will be close to your friends again!! I wish I lived closer to you, I have a bunch of boxes that I could pass on! haha  Hope you can get some rest in the midst of all the packing and yardsaling!


Reply 2825#2825 themegababe's post

They'd come in handy.  Boxes are a difficult commodity to come by up here...but I'm getting them.  I can't wait until this time next month.  The biggest part will be over and I'll be near my friends & family.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi ladies!

Meg, I can totally understand how crazed you must be right now - like Barb said that's a lot on your plate!!

Barb, we just cleaned out my husband's study today to turn it into the nursery and it was EXHAUSTING (and we're not finished yet), so I can feel your pain about packing up! Good luck with your yard sale.

Don't worry about scaring me Gypsy, I have heard the WORST stories and then some! The stories don't make me anxious...I guess I just feel like whatever happens will happen, because all bodies are different and all babies are different. Wednesday we will study some breathing and relaxation methods at my pre-natal class so that'll help too (or else it will have the adverse effect LOL!).


Reply 2827#2827 studiojek's post

Got some packing done today, but it seems more like I've got a lot of stuff to bring to the dump.   My one peeve about it is I have to use my hard to come by boxes to transport some of the stuff to the dump.  I'm very hopeful I'll get a lot more good ones (boxes that is) this week.  

I've also been sorting as I go so I've set aside some of the things that can go in the yard sale.  I've never done one before, so I've been doing my research online, and I'll have help from others that have hosted them before.  Anything big that doesn't move I'll have to donate, which sucks...not that I'm averse to donating.  I just don't know if the places up here pick up large items, so I may have to figure a way to get them to the charity shop anyway.

Two weeks from now is the sale.  I hope I can unload all the stuff I can't take with me, and make a bit of money out of it...(that would also solve the transport problem to the charity shop).  It sure would help pay for the moving costs, expecially because I'm still in debt from the move up here last summer.   If you can avoid it, I don't recommend long-distance moves, especially more than 1 within 9 months time.  WAY too much work & expense.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


We used to have a thread for easy recipes, but I can't find it, so I thought I'd share this with you here.

I suggest using an extra large mug, as that worked best for me.  I also did reduce the oil by a tablespoon or by half and increased the milk by the same, at the suggestion of my friend who sent it to me.  It was YUMMY and hit the chocolate spot.    
Talk about a TV snack!  A nice big piece of chocolate cake in about 5 minutes.  Can't beat that.  Try it, and enjoy!


4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
A small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug

Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well.  Add the egg and mix thoroughly.

Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.

Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again.
Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.
(I have a 700 watt microwave and cooked it between 4 1/2 - 5 minutes.)

The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!

Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.
EAT! (this can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous).

And why is this the most dangerous cake recipe in the world?
Because now we are all only 5 minutes away from chocolate cake at any time of the day or night!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2829#2829 waterlilybarb's post

Wow, that looks so GOOD and so DANGEROUS!!!! (the only kind of chocolate cake to eat of course!) Thanks for the recipe Barb! And good luck with the yard sale. How come boxes are so hard to come by over there? Have you tried the post office, that's where I usually get mine.


Reply 2830#2830 studiojek's post

Boxes are harder to get because it's such a small town that when the stores get deliveries there aren't as many boxes to begin with, and if anyone else needs them too you're really stuck.   Post Office is a no go here, the liquor store is the best bet.  Next Friday is their next delivery and I have already asked the store in my town & the next one over to save me the boxes.  I just have to call and remind them.  I have to go into the city again tomorrow, so am hoping to get some more there too.

You're welcome for the recipe.  I might just have to make myself another mug of cake.  I had some help packing today (which was great - got a lot of the kitchen done), but am feeling pretty crappy (which isn't so great).  Chocolate often helps, so I may give it a try.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2831#2831 waterlilybarb's post

OMGoodness, that cake was awesome!! I used the choclate chips, yuuuuuuummmmmmy!! Thanks for the recipe Barb. It was so good, I emailed it to all my friends. I'll probably, make one everyday, maybe I can actually gain some weight eating this.

I have a friend, who is diabetic, I wonder if she could substitute Splenda, for the sugar and have it work. I'm going to email her a copy of the recipe, and have her give it a try. If it works, she'll be thrilled.

Thanks again Barb!!


Reply 2832#2832 gypsiegirl66's post

I made it with the chocolate chips too.  I was wondering if Splenda would work too.  I intend to try it, so will let you know, but think it should work as I've made brownies with Splenda before & they were yummy.  If I don't try it 1st let me know how your friend makes out with it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Oh My!

Well, I think I've gone to far in being busy.  I got up this morning to get some stuff done before my friend came by to help me pack and forgot to eat.  It's nearly 10pm and I'm just finally eating something now.  Someone needs to remind me to eat, or bring me meals on wheels until the move.  That's just crazy and I feel kinda icky from no fuel for the day.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


just UPS it barb.......


Reply 2834#2834 waterlilybarb's post

I don't think I've EVER had that problem, forgetting to eat ;) You could put your clock alarm on to remind you, don't want to pass out from fatigue and an empty stomach!


Reply 2836#2836 studiojek's post

Not a bad idea Studio.  It's not always a matter of not being hungry (though sometimes it is), I'm just so busy packing for the move and sorting things out for the moving sale that even when I remember to eat I'll start doing something else and it will be another couple hours before I remember again.  I've come near to fainting a few times, plus I know it's not healthy.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I know how that goes Barb.  My husband has been forgetting to eat, because he gets so busy working on the house!  I have to stop him to make sure he eats! hahaha  But you're almost there!


Reply 2838#2838 themegababe's post

It definitely helps to have someone around to remind you or force you to take a short break to refuel.  Only 2 more weeks to go and I'll be back home.  Hopefully I'll gain a few pounds back then - just enough so my face doesn't look so thin.

YAY!  I remembered to feed myself today.  Pitiful, eh?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Help Wanted

I am holding a moving sale, and though I have already placed an ad in the local newspaper, I also would like to advertise online.  I have already set up an account with the local online site so I am allowed to place an ad.

I've been looking at some of the other ads, which is helpful, but have never been a big "yard-saler" so don't usually even look through those ads.   What things do any of you look for in advertisements that would entice you to actually go check out such a sale?   Is it wiser to put suggested prices for large items like appliances or not?  I see that some have, which is helpful to know what the market is like in this area, but I also don't want to underestimate what someone will pay for things.  

I'm kind of sucky at this side of retail.   I'm a much better salesperson than I am at evaluating the price point for things.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

