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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2789#2789 waterlilybarb's post

Actually, I do get a very lengthy maternity leave - 5 months! So happy about that, it will definitely be useful!

Congrats on the apartment Barb, that's great news. Now the packing will be stressful but decorating's fun ;)

Shinny - Ciara is such a pretty name =)


Reply 2801#2801 studiojek's post

That's great!  It will be nice to have that time where you can just focus on the baby and being a new Mum.   

I had a friend who was fortunate enough to go into labour on her last day of work before mat leave (she wasn't due for another week or 2) so she was able to have the whole time with the baby.  She just had her 2nd baby 4 weeks ago and I've never seen someone go from 0-100 so fast, outside of the movies.  She had her daughter within 2 hours of her waters breaking.  I wish you a speedy and healthy delivery too (for both you & your daughter).
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2802#2802 waterlilybarb's post

I can only dream of things moving that quickly! I'm hoping for the best, expecting the worst =) Oddly enough though, I'm not all that nervous...yet!


Reply 2803#2803 studiojek's post

That's good.  If you're healthy and have had a good pregnancy, I'm sure you have nothing ot be nervous about.  Have you had any of those weird dreams about what the baby will come out as?  My Mum told me when she was pregnant for me she kept dreaming she gave birth to a clown baby - make-up and all.   She wasn't far off - I am quite the character, but I've always wondered if it has anything to do with why I've never liked clowns.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Congrats Shinny!!

Studio, is this your first child? If so, your labor may be a bit long. With my first I was in labor for 4 days, 48hrs, of contractions less than a min apart, 2hrs 45 min of pushing....ugggh!! But, I forgot how bad it was, the instant I saw my beautiful daughter. My second, came within two hours, and just one push....that was great.

Barb, that is such wonderful news, I'll feel so much better, when you are back to civilization (I'm sure you will too)!


Reply 2805#2805 gypsiegirl66's post

Don't let Gypsy frighten you, with tales from the scary side of labour, Studio (though I know that's not what she meant).   The friend I told you about was only in labour 4-5 hours for her 1st baby.  Every birth is it's own entity, just like every baby.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thanks Studio !! That's great maternity leave. In Ireland, we get 26 weeks Paid leave and then a further 16 weeks unpaid (if you can afford it!!). There are also "parental" days that can be taken + holiday leave so most people here will be gone for almost a year on maternity leave, or at least the paid leave + holidays + parental leave, which is really great.

My sister had her first baby soooo fast. She decided to wait and see if she'd have an epidural on the day, but my nephew came so fast that she never got the choice. She actually sat an exam that morning and was in the maternity hospital visiting another friend when her waters broke. She got to the hospital at 2.30pm and had my nephew by 6.00pm!

Some are long and some are fast and I guess you don't know what you'll get until the day!!


Reply 2805#2805 gypsiegirl66's post

Thanks Gypsy



Finally heard back from the auctioneer.  He isn't planning to do any in this area until June!  I need to sift a heap of stuff before the end of the month.  It's still winter here, so I don't think a yard sale is doable.  Any ideas gals?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2809#2809 waterlilybarb's post

Maybe a yard sale indoors? Maybe you can give some of it away to charity? Or find a storage space somewhere, and wait until June to have the auction?


Reply 2810#2810 serena75's post

I can't afford to give it to charity, and I'll be 500 miles away in June.  I rang the auctioneer and talked to him.  He didn't get my full message for some reason (the entire inventory) and he's stopping by later today to take a look at the stuff.  He may be able to take & store it (maybe even buy it himself) and put it in a later auction.  

This is all new territory for me.  I will be giving items like clothing and such to charity, but I have furniture and appliances that need to be sold, and I actually need the cash that selling them will bring - however much that might be.  Everything's different in the I learn more & more every day.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2811#2811 waterlilybarb's post

I'll keep my fingers crossed that he'll be able to help you!


Reply 2810#2810 serena75's post

He suggested that I do an indoor yard you win the prize...which is hard work for me.  YIPEE!  This weekend is out, so I have to organize a stupid yard sale for one of the 2 weekends after this one.  Plus, I still have to pack the house and organize my move on both ends - seeing as I'm moving 500 miles away - AGAIN.  I'm sorry for being such a grouch, but life is sucking today.  The fact that I still haven't slept more than a catnap probably isn't helping my disposition.  I'm going to try and get a bit more sleep - after a cry thinking about all the work I have to do in such a short amount of time.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2813#2813 waterlilybarb's post

Poor Barb, I hope you manage to get some sleep. I know that will definitely help with everything that is going on. Just think though, this time next month, you will, most likely, be home!


Reply 2814#2814 shinny's post

Thanks Shinny.   That's what is keeping me going at this point.  I know everything will get done somehow, even if I can't imagine having even a fraction of the energy to do it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2813#2813 waterlilybarb's post

I'm thinking about you, sending positive energy to get you through this difficult time. I wish I could help you. It's frustrating not being able to!
I make lists of everything I have to do, and then concentrate on one thing at the time.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. People are more willing to help than we might think.
And remember, you're NOT a grouch!

[ Last edited by serena75 at 4-8-2009 14:55 ]


It's my birthday!

It's my birthday today! I'm 34 now, but don't feel a day older than 25...


Happy Birtday Serena!!

A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Hey girlie, happy birthday!!


Thanks Dan and Shinny!

