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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2780#2780 waterlilybarb's post

I hope so too. In fact, I've been hoping for an improvement for weeks now.
I haven't had the strength to be an active member on the forum and I miss that. But I've been watching a lot of shows

Finally! Not a day too soon, if you ask me.
How many people live there?

I'm off to bed. It's getting late here...


Reply 2781#2781 serena75's post

Including the farms and homes that are around the town, but not right in it, the population of this town is around 1400 people.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2782#2782 waterlilybarb's post

I lived in a small town like that for awhile, but it was a friendly town. On the other hand, I didn't have car trouble. Who knows what would've happened then...
Good luck with the auction and everything.

[ Last edited by serena75 at 4-1-2009 11:01 ]


Reply 2783#2783 serena75's post

There are some very friendly people in this town, but I have found the general personality of the town to be quite apathetic and not very hospitable.  People are busy, which is understandable, but they no longer take the time for little pleasantries.  I've lived in the city for most of my life and have always been one to say hello to people as I walk down the street (especially in residential areas), but you'd think I had grown a 2nd head when I do that here.   Weird.

Thanks so much for your good wishes.  I'll find out tomorrow (edit: Friday) about one of the apartments - my friend has an appointment to view it, but she and another of my friends already met & spoke to the owner.  It sounds promising, so I'm very hopeful that it will suit my needs, and that there will be one less thing to worry about.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2784#2784 waterlilybarb's post

I know what you mean. They are withdrawn, but friendly once you get to know them. I grew up in a (much larger) town like that. I always felt that I didn't belong there. I know others who've said the same thing.

That sounds great! I'm keeping my fingers crossed


Hi everyone, just checking in - I was away visiting my family and just got back into the swing of things. Being almost 7 months pregnant and working 8-hour days is HARD, sheesh!

What's up around the Giggle Box? I'm going to go have a look at some of the past weeks' posts!


Hey Studio. Good to see you back. I can imagine that it's a hard slog alright.

Well my news of the day is that I just became an Auntie again for the 6th time!! My sister in law in Australia had another little baby girl, so we are all dead chuffed.


Reply 2787#2787 shinny's post

Congrats! Are all 6 kids your sister's??? What's her name?


Reply 2786#2786 studiojek's post

Wow!  It seems like this pregnancy has just flown by - though it probably doesn't feel like it to you, right about now.    Are you going to have a lengthy maternity leave?  I have no idea what the standard is there, or if it's feasible in your line of work, but I hope so.

I have my car back after being without it for 25 days.  I have some good leads on apartments, so I might just have somewhere to move into come May 1st, and I have a giant house to pack and downsize in order to prepare for the move.  I'm sure hoping they (my friends) find me a nice enough place so I don't have to move again in a very long while.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2788#2788 studiojek's post

Lol, no. She and my brother have one little girl already, who is just 3. My older brother has three boys (twins + 1) and my sister has a little boy too. So 4 boys, 2 girls. They are calling her Ciara, which is an old Irish Name. Pronounced like Keira Knightly does, not like the Singer Ciara, who incidentally, pronounces it incorrectly as Sierra!!


Reply 2790#2790 shinny's post

Just a side question - is Ciara the feminine of Ciaran?  I'm assuming so...but you know what they say about people who assume. lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2791#2791 waterlilybarb's post

OK, I was being lazy.  I looked it up and it is.  So, my other question, is your new niece a dark one?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2787#2787 shinny's post

Congrats! I became an auntie too last week.


Hey Barb, was just in the middle of replying and saw your new message. Yes, Ciaran is the male version of Ciara. Yep, she has black hair like her Auntie !!


Reply 2793#2793 serena75's post

Hey, congratulations right back at you


Reply 2794#2794 shinny's post

That's nice.  I was hoping my youngest nephew (now a year and a half old!) might have some red in his hair (like his Auntie), but it appears that my siblings just don't have enough of me in their genes...they are all half-siblings, though that's only by blood, in reality they are my brothers & sister.   The little guy might wind up being a bit fairer than the others though, although his eyes turned brown quite early (mine are green).  My other niece & nephew both have brown hair & eyes, and are miniatures of my siblings - the oldest boy being my brother's son, and the girl being my sister's little mini-mes for each of them. lol  

My youngest brother doesn't have any children, nor is he in a relationship at the moment, but his colouring is the most similar to mine (though not quite as fair-skinned or red-headed) so maybe I'll have one that looks like it could be related to me some time in the future.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



My friends just called, and I have an apartment!  YIPEE!  Talk about incentive to get my packing done.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2797#2797 waterlilybarb's post

That's great news, Barb!


Reply 2798#2798 serena75's post

Thanks Serena.  I'm so excited, and am now off to post the deposit.  Things are starting to fall in place.  Relief mixed with joy is a good emotion.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2797#2797 waterlilybarb's post

That's brilliant news Barb. One thing sorted

