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Gossip Girl Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 111#111 imarielle626's post

We will see how the shows ends


Reply 111#111 imarielle626's post

Yikes, it'd be like Armageddon!


wow Blair beening nice to jenny , Archables father come home glad nate made the right decision. jenny is really been a spoilt brat .


I'm glad things with Jenny seem to have gotten back to normal - at least she's back home again.

I continue to not be able to stand Aaron - I guess it's the actor, but I can't for the life of me figure out why Serena is so in love with him. At this point she should just get back together with Dan!

Nate's father made the right decision, I thought for a second there he was going to leave from the service exit.

Yay for Blair and her new extended, happy family!


Reply 115#115 studiojek's post

Blair has always know everything but Chuck father is a untrustworthy person


Gossip Girl's Connor Paolo has turned down the chance to become a series regular on the CW soap.

According to Entertainment Weekly, Paolo snubbed the deal on the grounds that it called for him to appear in half of this season's 25 episodes, a number which he already averages in a recurring role.

One TV agent said of Paolo's decision: "He probably didn't want to commit to being ninth fiddle on a show.

"Sure, he'll make less money, but he's free to accept other opportunities in TV and film should they come along. It's not a bad move if you have aspirations to do other things."

A Gossip Girl insider stressed that Paolo's rejection of the offer had nothing to do with his character Eric van der Woodsen recently being outed.

"[He is] totally comfortable playing a gay character," they commented.


OMG..........Chuck & Blair


Reply 118#118 bala's post

The new episode jenny has really changed doing that to venesa was awful see through dress shame we get much of it.. Serena and Dan still have feeling for each other


I am not really liking this whole Jenny-Nate-Vanessa triangle!  They all just keep hurting each other and are being so annoying!  Nate doesn't deserve either of them and the only way to really fix the J-V friendship is for them both to forget about Nate.  He is the key to all their problems (well most of them anyway!).

There was rumor that a character was being killed off this episode.  Obvs that didn't happen, but I wonder if they are going to kill off Bart?  Lily really shouldn't be with him!  You can clearly see her and Rufus are meant to be together.  I wonder what information that PI dude had for Bart that he just had to hear?  We'll probably never know...

Dan and Serena are getting annoying too!  They either need to move on and just be friends, or get back together, this whole "I'm not with you but you can't be with anyone else thing" is just not normal!

Oh and Blair and Chuck just need to get over it and get together! lol


Reply 120#120 imarielle626's post

Lol Arielle, they are all really annoying you !!!

I agree actually. I'm definitely sick of the Jen, Nate, Vanessa storyline. I really don't like Jenny. I think for a 14 (or is she 15?) year old girl, she has a pretty horrible personality. I was thinking back to how she treated Rufus during her "I'm a Top Designer" phase. In "Real Life" no parent would put up with that. I know mine wouldn't have !!!!

Yeh, I wonder what Bart found out. It must be big alright. Maybe Lily has another child??? A Rufus and Lily love child !?

We'll just have to wait and see.


Oh and Blair and Chuck just need to get over it and get together! lol

i know why can't there try to keep it a secret


Reply 121#121 shinny's post

Ooh a love child, now *that* would be interesting!! I definitely think Lily and Rufus just  need to get back together already, but then I think that i want Dan and Serena back together and all four of them together would just be...creepy!!

Definitely am over the Nate-Vanessa-Jenny storyline, and am ready for Chuck and Blair to give a 'relationship' a try. That'll make for some interesting episodes!!

I have heard that the actor who plays Eric wanted off the show, maybe they'll be getting rid of him?


Laura Breckenridge has been cast as a fresh-faced English teacher on The CW's Gossip Girl, reports Entertainment Weekly.

The American actress is best known for playing 19-year-old college student Rose Sorelli on Related.

Breckenridge, 25, will play Rachel Carr, a new teacher with high ideals at Constance Billard.

The Let Them Chirp Awhile actress is booked for a minimum of three episodes, and apparently becomes mistaken for a student on her first day.


Reply 124#124 bala's post

Hmm, student-teacher affair anyone? Chuck?


Reply 125#125 studiojek's post

i doubt it probably be dan?


Reply 121#121 shinny's post

Rufus and Lily love child...Dan perhaps? That is so something I could see Josh Schwartz do as wrong as it sounds.  Just look at the family tree from the O.C. they were all practically related lol

speaking of Related...I don't think I've seen Rachel Breckenridge in anything since Related was cancelled.  She definately could pass as a student!  especially since with the exception of taylor momsey she is probably the same age as the rest of the actors   It will be interesting to see which of our gossip boys will take an interest in her.  I'm putting my money on Chuck.  After all he is Chuck Bass.


Reply 127#127 imarielle626's post

She does have that girl-next-door look to her though, maybe it will be Dan for a little bit of unexpected!??


So looks like the Rufus and Lily love child was right.  Too bad it had to come between them though.  Just when you finally think Rufus and Lily are going to live happily ever after, something comes between them...again.

Poor Blair.

Oh and I loved Cyrus and Eleanor's wedding vows...I have a ring engraved with the same quote.  It's such a beautiful quote from Song of Songs.


Reply 129#129 imarielle626's post

I have to say i understand Chuck's anger at Lilly no matter what he been through he still loves his dad and he had every right to be angry at her because she was the one who cheated, i hope Chuck reveal the secret to everyone i would do the same thing if i was in his position.

i can't believe Blair told Chuck she loves him that was odd for me,  why is it that girls think that if you tell a guy you love him they will drop everything and be happy? , I'm so glad Chuck did what he did because he wasn't in the mood for it. He lost his father and do you honestly think he thinking about Blair he thinking about how he going to cope, now he has no-one in his life-what will he do-how will he survive-think about it he has no idea how to run Bass industry or his Empire and i don't know how things are going work out for him. Cyrus was right what he told Blair give it time. That note was right thing she does deserve better i have to say those scene were really intimate between them two espically the bed scene with him sleep and she looking at him.She is a great actress those some really acting scene and she nailed it correctly-it nice to see different side to Blair.

So they had a kid?.  

[ Last edited by bala at 12-10-2008 17:57 ]


Reply 130#130 bala's post

I wouldn't generalize so much bala -- not all girls think that, and not all boys wouldn't be unmoved by hearing it. There are a lot of people in the world, and (luckily, or else it would be boring!) we're all very different.

Well, yes, a love child indeed. Do you think she gave him/her up for adoption or she had an abortion? I suppose it'll be adoption so we can have the extra drama of meeting him/her in the future!


