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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2740#2740 studiojek's post

That's my plan.  There are some pretty decent ready to eat tinned soups, so I'm going to get a bunch of those.  I keep microwavable stuff on hand too.  It's handy when I'm not up to cooking, and there are some healthier choices now.  What I'd really like is cookies, so I'm going to get some.  Don't know if I'll actually be able to eat them yet, but it will be nice to have them for when I want them.

Still trying to work up the energy to get dressed and brave the cold.  Apparently it feels like -29C today.  Kind of takes the wind out of ones sails when thinking about going out, but c'est la vie en Canada.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2741#2741 waterlilybarb's post

Yes, I can imagine that kind of cold...well...would make you want to curl up and never go out! My SIL is Canadian and told me there are those car chargers that you hook up to your car during the night so the next morning you can turn them on from inside and get them warmed up before heading out in -40 weather!

Feel better soon!


Reply 2740#2740 studiojek's post

Every time I look at it Studio, it makes me laugh. I just think it's so funny because you can actually see him puckering up to kiss her and she turns her head. It's a classic moment alright!!


Reply 2741#2741 waterlilybarb's post

My nephew once asked me why we don't hibernate...... I'm just thinking, in your situation Barb, it's a pity we don't !!

I hope you get out ok and get in enough to tide you over until you are feeling better


Reply 2742#2742 studiojek's post

Yeah, I have one of those - but since I'm in a different house, I can't figure out where to plug it in from inside.

I made it to the store.  It took me half an hour just to get the snow & ice off of my car.  I didn't bother getting dressed though, since I feel so crappy.  I put my long coat & high boots on over my pjs.   If anyone noticed, they didn't say anything.  I don't really care - at least I got what I needed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2744#2744 shinny's post

I must agree Shinny!  Hibernation would be great right about now.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2745#2745 waterlilybarb's post

didn't bother getting dressed though, since I feel so crappy.  I put my long coat & high boots on over my pjs.   If anyone noticed, they didn't say anything.  I don't really care - at least I got what I needed.
Good for you girl!! There are times, I wish I could just trow a long coat over my PJ's, I think people would stare, since I live in Florida!!

Glad to hear your neighbor took notice, and had you plowed out. Keep the hot fluids flowing, and get as much rest as you can. Hopefully, you'll soon be feeling better!


Reply 2747#2747 gypsiegirl66's post

There are a few pluses to living in a cold climate.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2748#2748 waterlilybarb's post

If I lived in such a cold climate I think I'd get myself some very comfortable, stylish pajamas and never ever leave them! =) Glad you managed to get to the store and stock up Barb!

Shinny, seriously, it's Bill's puckering up that is just too funny!!!! Poor guy...I guess he's still paying for his past!


Reply 2749#2749 studiojek's post

I agree on the puckering up. It's so funny

I still have a cough and am exhausted because of sleep deprivation. But I don't have a back pain anymore (fingers crossed) so I guess I'm getting better.

Barb, complain as much as you want to. Being sick myself, I know how you feel.
That was nice of your neighbor, to help you with the shoveling. Maybe you  can ask him again, if you're snowed in.

[ Last edited by serena75 at 3-1-2009 11:04 ]


Reply 2750#2750 serena75's post

Glad to hear the back pain has subsided.   I hate to bother my neighbour - he's an elderly gentleman, but it was very nice of him to help...and to see to it that I wasn't stuck.

I'm still under the weather but am tiring of it, so I thought I'd let my Meez have some fun.   The only annoying thing is they cut the animations short when you export them.  The dance is much more fun when seen as a whole.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


OH MY GOODNESS!  It's COLD out.   I just put the garbage out and am frozen to the core.  I thought - it's got to be at least -20C...I checked the weather channel, and it's I guess living here has made me be able to tell just how cold it is.  Lucky me.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


It's only around -20 here but it's cold enough.  In general I always liked winter but about now I have had enough.  Since Friday it hasn't been above -10 once.  I guess it's the price of being Canadian.  I don't think you are complaining.  It's been a long hard winter this year and it has been tough on a lot of people.  Luckily I am able to park underground at work and walk right into the hospital without going outside.  My hospital is the only one that has parking that you don't need to go outside.


Reply 2753#2753 cshapiro's post

That's nice, especially if it snows while you're working.  I generally like winter too, but you're right - it's been a long hard winter this year.  We've had more snow than usual up here.  The snow is piled almost as high as I am tall (some piles are even higher) in most places (I'm nearly 5'9") - so it will take a while for it to disappear, even when it does warm up.  It's frustrating trying to get out of the driveway because the piles are so high I can't see if anyone's coming on the road.  Thank heavens I live on a little street with not much traffic.  I imagine if we get much more snow, they'll truck some away again.  They've had to do that once already this winter.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2752#2752 waterlilybarb's post

-24 (or minus anything) is soooo far below my comfort level, I don't know how you do it Barb! (and cshapiro!)


Reply 2755#2755 studiojek's post

Lots of layers.   You get used to it, but I'm ready for spring now.  This winter has been a lot of work.  Plus, I'm moving at the end of April and would like the snow to be gone by then.  It should be, but who knows this year?   

Anyone who doesn't believe the climate has changed is deluding themself.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Well, my car is officially dead!   The repair would cost more than the car is worth, and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere.  Life is getting very sucky right now!  I want Superman to do that flying fast around the planet trick to take me back in time about 4 months.  That's all, nothing major.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2757#2757 waterlilybarb's post

buy another car?


Reply 2758#2758 bala's post

You gonna front me the cash?   I'll probably have to get one - though it's going to put me deeper in debt.  This is a SUCKY day.  Wish I was a mechanic, then I could do it myself for just the cost of the parts.  It's the labour costs that get you every time...those this is a BIG fix - my engine is shot.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2759#2759 waterlilybarb's post

I would if i could but i'm broke as well

shame you can't borrow a car from a family member

