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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2720#2720 imarielle626's post

Good to hear you are enjoying the challenge of school, as well as your sorority. That's great that you get to go back to Israel, It may not be what you wanted, but at least you'll be helping those in need. Hope your sis enjoys UF, and that the scholarship comes through for UNC. Chapel Hill is a beautiful campus.
Oh, and YAY Gators!!


Heya Gals!

I got struck with one of the viruses going around, so I doubt I'll post much in the next couple days...unless insomnia kicks in.  Currently, I'm very tired, so I'm out of here for now.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2722#2722 waterlilybarb's post

Snuggle down...

and get well girlie!!


I've been in bed all day myself....  


Reply 2722#2722 waterlilybarb's post

Feel better soon Barb! My husband's got the flu, plus my mom just left early this morning after a week-long intense visit, so I'm EXHAUSTED and in bed myself!!


Reply 2717#2717 gypsiegirl66's post

Welcome back Gypsy!!! Hope you're recovering well, we've missed you =)


I had the flu last week, and got it back a few days ago. The cough is driving me crazy!


Maybe i should stay outta here, all the flu germs flying around. Lol !! Believe me, I had my fair share of it last year.

Hope you all feel better soon


Reply 2727#2727 shinny's post

Thanks Shinny!   

I'm right in the middle of this flu now, and am feeling positively dreadful.   Everything I eat or drink is now starting to hurt my guts - which is wasn't doing until last night.   I'm trying to say hydrated, but this is making it much more challenging.  I usually like living alone, but when I'm sick like this, I wouldn't mind someone around to fetch me things.  The cats are useless in that regard.

Studio - I can just imagine how exhausted you are.  Is your hubby a hard or easy patient?

Serena - sorry to hear you've been ill too.  SO not fun.  Hope you start feeling well soon, and that the cough gives you a break.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2728#2728 waterlilybarb's post

Oh Barb, that sounds dreadful!! I know what you mean, Gypsy isn't s fetcher either. If I could, I'd put Alexis on a plane today.

Reply  2725#2725 studiojek's post
Thanks you studio, it's good to see you. I hope your hubby feels better soon, and you can get some rest. Aren't men the worst patients?

Serena, I hope feel better soon too!


Reply 2710#2710 studiojek's post

I haven't replied in a while here so congratulations on your little girl on the way.  My first 3 were girls and they are the best.  Girls when they are little are so amazing and fun.  My oldest is a teenager going to university next year and she is still amazing and fun but now I do get a bit more gray every day.  She wants to go to med school and live in Boston just like her old dad so I really haven't got much to complain about.  As far as giving up caffeine, I know some people do but thees days there are lots of pregnant doctors and residents in the hospitals and none of them give up caffeine and they threaten to rip the head off anyone who suggests it.  I don't have an opinion, I hate coffee and tea and never touch the stuff.  I'm about the only med student that never drank coffee.


Reply 2720#2720 imarielle626's post

It is amazing that you are getting to go back to Israel and it's great how you are publicizing and helping such an important cause.  I envy you.  I have not been back in ages.  It's so hard to get away and when traveling as a family it gets very expensive just for the airfare.  Enjoy!


Reply 2729#2729 gypsiegirl66's post

Thanks Barb and Gypsy! I think the flu actually started three weeks ago, when I got the back pain. Some days have been better than others, otherwise I would've gone crazy by now. I'm so tired, I'm not sure I'm making the right decision about things.


Reply 2732#2732 serena75's post

Three weeks, that's sounds just awful, hang in there girl!!



I used to really like winter, but living in the north would give anyone pause for thought.

I just remembered that I had to put out the garbage - which is fine.  The problem is, I'm still sick with the stupid flu and we've had snow & wind all weekend.  I had to trudge through a foot of snow to get to the end of my driveway, which has AT LEAST 2 feet of snow piled on it from the snowplow.  I'm thoroughly exhausted and I can't even think about how much snow will be there when I finally have to dig myself out.  I'll probably have to call someone to plow me out, which, of course, will cost money that I'd rather spend on gas for my car.   Once again I say: sucky, sucky, sucky!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


OK, I know I sound like a big whinger, but it's getting very frustrating up here.  I still have this stupid flu, and I had to go out today.  My car is snowed in, so I walked up to the pharmacy (not too bad - quite close) and post office.  By the time I got home I was completed exhausted.  I tried to shovel some of the snow off of the porch & sidewalk, because it's snowing again and we're supposed to get at least 15cm (or about 6 inches).  I did half of it before collapsing on the ground in the snow.  The elderly man next door must have seen me, because he came knocking and finished shovelling my sidewalk - very, very nice. :) That was the highlight of my day so far.

Nothing in this town delivers (excuse me, the grocery store does, but only after you go and do your shopping), so I can't order anything in - even if I wanted to.  If I lived in the city I could call the drug store and they would deliver whatever I, it's bigger there, so they carry some grocery items.

Sorry for being such a complainer, but I'm not used to feeling so isolated - even when I've been sick.  Small town living is all well and good, if you live in some other small town, but I can't wait to move back to civilization.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2735#2735 waterlilybarb's post

Barb, that's all very understandable. I mean, when you are not well it really helps to have services like home deliveries etc. How long more of winter do you have?

I hate to tell you this but Spring is well underway here. We've had lovely sunny, mildly warm days the past week or so !! All my Mam's daffodils are out, much to the delight of my nephew who helped to plant some of them a couple of years back. He proudly tells everyone that he planted them when they bloom each year.

Come and live in Ireland (if you don't mind the odd day of rain )

[ Last edited by shinny at 2-25-2009 22:06 ]


Reply 2734#2734 waterlilybarb's post

Barb, you certainly are not a whinger, anyone would feel the same way, as you. When do you think you'll get out of that town, and back where life is easier? Try to keep a stiff upper lip sweets, and vent here anytime you need (we all understand).

Hope you are up and feeling your old self soon. Until then, try to take it easy, as easy as you can in a town with no deliverys. Oh, and please tell me, what is the point of delivering groceries, if you have to go to shopping for them anyway? That sounds completely bass ackwards!


Reply 2737#2737 gypsiegirl66's post

Thanks gals.   I'm not moving until the end of April - which is about when spring should be underway up here.  I think they deliver groceries to people who don't have vehicles, but I agree with you Gypsy.  There are plenty of older folks in this town, and I'm sure they would appreciate home delivery (and shopping) if they called in a grocery list.

Shinny - I usually feel better in the rain, so I'd probably feel not too bad in Ireland.  An old friend of mine, who has since passed away, was from England, and she always said I would probably fair better in that climate, since it's generally not as extreme in variations as it can be here.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


There are nice people in this town!

OK, I know my last couple of posts have been rants about winter, but I had a nice surprise today.  I think my neighbour (the elderly gentleman) must have said something to whoever plows his driveway, because my driveway and sidewalk are cleared today. We had more snow last night, and my car & porch still need to be cleaned off, but that was such a treat to look out and see.  I'm still not feeling too spiffy, but at least I'm not trapped...and I might just go get a few supplies from the grocery store.  I need some juice and soup (I don't feel up to making homemade yet), so once I get myself into something other than my pjs I'll head out.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2739#2739 waterlilybarb's post

Yay Barb, that's great - how nice of your neighbor!! Glad to 'hear" you in better spirits. Pick up lots of canned foods just in case you have another snow problem, though I hope you won't!

Shinny, your little video there of Hilary Clinton ditching Bill for Obama is too funny!!!

