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About Public Enemies

Public Enemies premiered on BBC One on January 04, 2012

About the Show:
Public Enemies is a drama series broadcast on BBC one and created by Tony Marchant . The series follows the relationship between 28-year-old Eddie, who has been released on life licence from prison and his probation officer, Paula, who has just returned to work following a from suspension after a crime was committed by an offender under her supervision.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Anna FrielPaula
Daniel MaysEddie


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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-17-2012 09:32 ]
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Season 1

Episode 1:
Eddie is released from prison having 10 years inside for murder. Probation officer Paula Randall has to try and help Eddie as he settles back into life on the outside. Paula is fully aware that she mustn’t set a foot wrong in her management of Eddie after only having recently returned to work following a suspention.

Episode 2:
Eddie claims that he’s an innocent man but Paul doesn’t want to hear what he is saying. Eddie’s life is on a downward spiral and the only person that can help him is Paula. Paula finds herself with a difficult decision to make.

Episode 3:
Eddie wants to fight against the miscarriage of justice that he was dealt and Paula wants to help him but it cost her everything. Paula ends up realsing just how much she has come to care about Eddie.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-17-2012 09:33 ]
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About Neverland

Neverland Premiered on Syfy on December 05, 2011

About the Show:
Neverland, a prequel to author J.M. Barrie's classic, Peter Pan, sweeps in time from the turbulent seas of the pirates of the Caribbean and the back alleys of Dickensian London to a world of pure imagination. The cast includes Rhys Ifans (Pirate Radio, Notting Hill) as James Hook,  Oscar nominee Keira Knightley as the voice of Tinker Bell, Anna Friel (Pushing Daisies) as Captain Elizabeth Bonny, Oscar nominee Bob Hoskins as Smee (who previously played the character in Steven Spielberg's feature, Hook), Raoul Trujillo (Tin Man) and Charlie Rowe (Pirate Radio) as one of literature's most cherished characters, Peter Pan.

Peter (Rowe), along with his pals of young pickpockets, have been rounded up by their mentor Jimmy Hook (Ifans) to snatch a magical orb which transports them to another world - Neverland.  Filled with white jungles and imposing cities formed out of trees created by Dr. Fludd (Dance) and inhabited by a colony of tree spirits led by Tinker Bell (Knightley), this mysterious realm welcomes unknown friends and enemies snatched from time.  These include power-mad Elizabeth Bonny (Friel) and her band of 18th century pirates who search for the answer to eternal youth, a secret guarded by a Holy Man (Trujillo).  As the fight to save this strange and beautiful world escalates, Peter and his crew consider that growing old somewhere in time could be less important than growing up—right here in their new home called Neverland.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Rhys IfansJimmy Hook
Charlie RowePeter Pan
Anna FrielCaptain Elizabeth Bonny
Bob HoskinsSmee
Keira KnightleyVoiced Tinker Bell
Q'Orianka KilcherAaya
Charles DanceFludd
Cas AnvarGentleman Starkey
Raoul TrujilloHoly Man


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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-17-2012 09:37 ]
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Season 1

Episode 1: Part 1
In 1906 London, orphan Peter Pan (Charlie Rowe) is one of a gang of juvenile street thieves assembled by arch crook and ace fencer James 'Jimmy' Hook (Rhys Ifans). When Jimmy scores a major job, the ever-willing-to-please Peter talks the other boys into pulling off the heist themselves in order to impress Jimmy. They manage to steal a strange glowing orb from a gallery for a mysterious man. While Peter is off to the side, the boys and Jimmy gather around the orb. When Jimmy gives it a tap, Peter watches a glowing sphere encompass them and they disappear. Believing his friends dead, Peter runs to find the man for whom they stole the orb in order to exact revenge. The man tells Peter that they are still alive, so Peter hits the orb himself to see where they went.

Jimmy and the boys find themselves in a strange land and are quickly beset upon and captured by a band of pirates, lead by Captain Elizabeth Bonny (Anna Friel), but Tootles (James Ainsworth) manages to escape. The crew tells the gang that they are from the early 18th century and have never aged the entire time they were here. The captain decides that Jimmy is useless and tries to have him thrown to the giant crocodiles, but Jimmy manages to fight off the crew. Earning their respect, the pirates decide to allow them to stay. In the captain's quarters, Bonny shows Jimmy (whom she calls Hook) a magical mineral dust that comes from the tree spirits that live on the island. The dust gives the power of flight, but she only has a small vial and does not have the knowledge of how to properly use it. She further explains that the tree spirit colony lies in a forest beyond the mountain range and the only passages are protected by a lost Kaw tribe. Jimmy agrees to help the pirates get to the tree spirits.

Peter finds himself in the middle of a strange forest and has a quick reunion with Tootles before they see a large swarm of tree spirits flying towards them. Running away, they stumble upon a group of Kaw hunters and are taken blindfolded through the secret passage to the Indian village. The boys make friends with the Indians and meet the chief's daughter, Aaya (Tiger Lily). That night Peter has a strange dream in which he sees a hooded figure holding the orb on top of a mountain as meteorites rain down and a tree spirit races towards him. The next day, Peter notices that a scout had painted the scene he witnessed in his dream. Discussing the dream together they are able to work out where the mountain was that the scene took place, and so Peter and Aaya set out in search of the orb which will take them home. Meanwhile, back on the pirate ship, Hook and Bonny have a similar discussion and they too set off in search of the hooded man, hoping he will lead them to the tree spirit colony.

On the way to the mountains, Peter and Aaya stumble upon a city grown entirely out of living trees. While exploring, they find the hooded man who reveals himself to be the mysterious benefactor who hired Jimmy's crew to steal the orb. He introduces himself as Dr. Fludd, the royal alchemist for Queen Elizabeth I. He explains that he had discovered a planet which exists, paradoxically, at the edges and center of the universe and due to the strange nature of its position, time stands still. He created the orb as a way of transporting people to the planet, which he calls Neverland. The process of creating the sister to the orb, which can take the user from Neverland back to Earth, was what Peter had witnessed in his dream. The tree spirit from the dream thought that Fludd as in danger and tried to save him, instead imbuing her with "astral energy". Fludd named the spirit Tinker Bell, who can communicate through telepathy. He built the city as a Utopia where all the greatest scientific minds on Earth can live. While they plot out a way to rescue the rest of the crew from the pirates, they are interrupted by Jimmy, Bonny and several pirates who enter the city. The two groups fight, Fludd is killed and Aaya is captured and the pirates take the orb. Peter is stabbed by Bonny and thrown off of a balcony, assumed dead.

Episode 2: Part 2
The pirates make their way back to the ship, with Jimmy vowing to find a way to get the power of flight before he returns to England. Meanwhile Peter is brought to the tree spirit colony by Tinker Bell and after being healed is immersed in a pool filled with the mineral dust, emerging with the ability to fly. The spirit elders tell him that he was recognized for his innocence and must use his new powers to stop Jimmy from finding the colony.

Jimmy persuades the captain to risk traversing a ravine protected by the Indians, with Aaya as hostage. Halfway across, Peter cuts Aaya loose and flies away with her. Using the gang of boys as bait, Jimmy alone persuades Peter to show him the spirit colony and then they can return together. Once Jimmy reaches the forest, via the Indians' secret passage, he betrays Peter and reveals that the pirates have been following them. Forcing Peter to show them how it's done, Bonny immerses herself in the mineral dust pool, but burns up and dies upon emerging as she didn't have innocence in her heart. Secretly pleased that he is the new captain of the pirates, Jimmy forces Peter to show him the cave where he hid the orb. Peter manages to escape along with the boys. The tree spirits, angry that Peter lead Jimmy to them, try to erase Peter's memory so that the only thing left will be his childlike innocence, but they are interrupted by Tinker Bell who releases her astral energy on them. Ostracized from her people for that act, Tinker Bell joins up with Peter to try and stop Jimmy, now known as Captain Hook. The two groups meet in the cave where the orb is hidden. Peter and Hook fight over the orb, during which Hook tells Peter that the picture of the woman in a fob watch he carries is actually Peter's mother, to whom Hook swore to protect her son, despite his hatred of Peter's father. While fighting Peter cuts off Hook's hand. Both the hand and the watch are swallowed by a giant crocodile. Hook manages to knock Peter unconscious and the cave begins to crumble. All the parties quickly escape except for Peter and Tinker Bell. Peter, instead of fleeing, revives Tinker Bell, and the cave collapses.

Some time later, the boys are living with the Indians when they are surprised to see Peter reappear, dressed in a suit and accompanied by Tinker Bell. He tells them that he managed to activate the orb before the cave collapsed and did well for himself stealing some goods in London, which he gives to the boys. When asked why he came back to Neverland, knowing that now there is no way back to Earth, he tells them that there is adventure everywhere in this land.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-17-2012 09:38 ]
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Season 1

Episode 1: Pilot
The female head of a homicide squad leads her team in solving homicides while juggling her personal life.

Episode 2: Carnivorous Sheep
Jane is called into Duffy's homicide and kidnapping case after Sweeney calls for all hands on deck. Duffy gets irritated with Jane after she suggests talking with the deceased woman's employees. Meanwhile, Jane meets Matt's son for the first time.

Episode 3: Bitch
Jane's father's bar is robbed while she's helping out at the establishment; Calderon and Jane are assigned to the murder of a woman found in a Dumpster. In other events, Jane gives the female cop (Elizabeth Rodriguez) investigating the bar robbery the cold shoulder.

Episode 4: Great Guy, Yet: Dead
When a good-looking stockbroker is killed mysteriously, Jane automatically suspects his wife. Meanwhile, Jane enlists the help of a hypnotist to fight her addiction to smoking. Elsewhere, Matt is furious when his ex-wife suggests Jane shouldn't attend their son's birthday party.

Episode 5: Regrets, I've Had A Few
When a young woman shows up dead in the park, Jane immediately goes to Lt. Sweeney to ask for manpower. Duffy and Evrard feverishly search for the murdered woman's stepfather after he suddenly disappears. Meanwhile, Jane and her father celebrate an important anniversary together.

Episode 6: Shame
Jane and Duffy are on the case of a middle-aged man found robbed and dead in a hotel. After watching surveillance tapes Jane searches for a wig-changing prostitute. Meanwhile, Duffy manages to get under Jane's skin after making comments about her relationship with Costello.

Episode 7: Gone to Pieces
Duffy tries to pawn off a routine hit and run off on Jane when he thinks the case is a dead end. Jane and Evrard work on murder case that leads them to suspect a porn king was involved. Meanwhile, Sweeney gives Duffy some valuable advice.

Episode 8: Underwater
Jane and Reg are taken out of the city when parents of a young girl are found murdered in a hotel room. Jane has a hard time convincing the young girl to speak with her about the man that killed her parents. Meanwhile, Reg and Jane find themselves in harms way.

Episode 9: Gone to Pieces
When a 5-year-old kid is found dead at school, the investigation gets personal for Jane.

Episode 10: A Gorgeous Mosaic
When a Jewish diamond dealer is found dead, Jane looks for answers from his wife. Blando and Jane investigate some rappers in Brooklyn after getting a strong lead. Meanwhile, Matt gets a huge job and surprises Jane with a celebration.

Episode 11: The Great Wall of Silence
Jane and Evrard go to Chinatown to investigate a murder during a game of mahjong. Jane and Evrard can't seem to get a break on the case when a big shot lawyer seems to make all the witnesses disappear. Meanwhile, Reg lets Matt in on a little secret about Jane.

Episode 12: Ain't No Sunshine
Duffy and Calderon have the unpleasant task of telling a grandmother that her young granddaughter was raped and murdered. Jane and Augie are on the ritzy Upper East Side when a woman is found mysteriously shot during the night. Meanwhile, Jane has a heart to heart with Matt.

Episode 13: Stuck in the Middle With You
Jane and the team find out a jailed hit man may be responsible for the latest drive by at local store. Sweeney orders 24 hour a day security when a hit is ordered on one of their own. Meanwhile, Jane is a third wheel on an uncomfortable date.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-17-2012 09:38 ]
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Can i do abouts and guides for

Lone Star Done
Great Expectations (2011) Done
Friends With Benefits Done
Blue Mountain State Done

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-17-2012 10:22 ]


Reply 2706#2706 codebreaker's post

Sure, and thanks again Jim.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


About Lone Star

Lone Star premiered on FOX on September 20, 2010

About the Show:
From Chris Keyser and Amy Lippman, the creators of Party of Five; Marc Webb, the director of (500) Days of Summer; and creator Kyle Killen, comes LONESTAR, a provocative soap set against the backdrop of big Texas oil. ROBERT/BOB ALLEN (newcomer James Wolk) is a charismatic and brilliant schemer who has meticulously constructed two lives in two different parts of Texas. He's juggling two identities and two women in two very different worlds - all under one mountain of lies. As Bob, he lives in Houston and is married to CAT (Adrianne Palicki, Friday Night Lights), the beautiful daughter of CLINT (Jon Voight, 24, Midnight Cowboy), the patriarch of an ultra-wealthy Texas oil family. More than 400 miles away in the suburban west Texas town of Midland, he's  Robert,  living a second life with his sweet, naive girlfriend, LINDSAY (Eloise Mumford,  Mercy, Law & Order: SVU). In Midland, he plays the perfect boyfriend while secretly bilking local investors of their savings. In Houston, he's a devoted husband, charming Cat and her family to cement his position in the rich family business he aims to clean out. Bob has lived both lives successfully for years without arousing any far. While one brother-in-law, DREW (Bryce Johnson,  Popular, The Mentalist), admires Bob, his other brother-in-law, TRAMMELL (Mark Deklin,  Nip/Tuck, Desperate Housewives), is suspicious of his motives. Bob begins to fear his secret lives may unravel. With the cons closing in on him, Bob is divided by his love for two women; his loyalty to his father and mentor, JOHN (David Keith, An Officer and a Gentleman, The Class); and his respect for his father-in-law, Clint. Now as he tries to hold his two lives together, while fending off angry investors and the suspicions of those around him, Bob puts it all on the line hoping he can beat the odds, leave the schemes behind and keep two separate relationships afloat.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Adrianne PalickiCat Thatcher
Bryce JohnsonDrew Thatcher
David KeithJohn Allen
Eloise MumfordLindsay Holloway
Hannah Leigh DworkinGrace
Jamie DuggerTommy's Wife
Jimmy WolkRobert / Bob Allen
Jon VoightClint Thatcher
Mark DeklinTrammell Thatcher


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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 2-11-2012 21:08 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post 2-11-2012 12:48
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Season 1

Episode 1: Pilot
Robert Allen is a charismatic schemer who has constructed two lives in different parts of Texas; he aims to clean out a family business in one of his lives.

Episode 2: One In Every Family
Bob tries to ease Clint's suspicions; Lindsay starts to think she might not know Bob as well as she thought; Cat's brother keeps getting into trouble.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 2-11-2012 21:09 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post when you want 2-11-2012 12:49
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - ready to post when you want 2-11-2012 12:49


About Great Expectations (2011)

Great Expectations (2011) Premiered on BBC One on December 27, 2011

About the Show:
Ray Winstone, Gillian Anderson, David Suchet and Douglas Booth star in Sarah Phelps’s bold new adaptation of Great Expectations, which forms the centrepiece of the BBC’s celebration of Charles Dickens as we approach the bicentenary of his birth, in 2012.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Douglas BoothPip
Gillian AndersonMiss Havisham
Vanessa KirbyEstella
Ray WinstoneAbel Magwitch
David SuchetJaggers
Shaun DooleyJoe Gargery
Harry LloydHerbert Pocket
Tom BurkeBentley Drummle
Paul RitterWemmick
Claire RushbrookMrs Joe
Mark AddyPumblechook
Frances BarberMrs Brandley
Jack RothOrlick


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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 2-11-2012 21:15 ]
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Season 1

Episode 1:
On a cold winter’s day, an 11-year-old orphan, Pip, runs into an escaped convict on the marshes near his home. The convict, Magwitch, orders the boy to steal a file from his Uncle Joe’s forge to remove his shackles. The terrified Pip returns with the file and some food – and this innocent act of kindness is set to have far-reaching consequences for them both.

Meanwhile, Miss Havisham, the reclusive owner of grand Satis House, has requested a boy be sent to her; Pip is to be a playmate to her adopted daughter, Estella. Miss Havisham encourages Pip to believe that he might be destined for a future beyond the marshes, a future linked to that of beautiful Estella.

Pip’s hopes are dashed, though, when Miss Havisham pays for him to be apprenticed to Joe as a blacksmith; it seems his dreams of greater things were unfounded. At first Pip struggles to come to terms with a life in the forge but, eventually, he accepts this as his fate. However, everything changes when a lawyer from London, Jaggers, makes a surprise visit. He informs the now adult Pip that he is a young man of great expectations and will inherit a fortune when he turns 21. There is one condition. Pip must not enquire into the identity of his benefactor; this will remain secret until that person chooses to reveal themselves.

In the meantime Jaggers is his guardian. Pip sets out for London leaving all he knows behind to pursue his new life, with his heart set on seeing Estella again.

Episode 2:
Pip works hard to become a gentleman under Herbert Pocket’s instruction, and his expensive tastes soon see him racking up debts.

Summoned by Jaggers to account for himself and his debts, he meets Jaggers's taciturn maid, Molly, and Bentley Drummle, another of Jaggers’s wards. Drummle is confident, charming and a baronet. Pip is keen to be accepted into his circle and his spending spirals further out of control.

Pip is delighted when Miss Havisham asks him to visit her at Satis House, keen to see his transformation first-hand. Pip tells Herbert that he intends to marry Estella as soon as he reaches his majority; Herbert warns him of Miss Havisham’s history, but Pip is determined.

Back in London, Pip’s thrown to see Drummle flirting with Estella, but he’s reassured by Estella that Drummle will get no joy from her.

As Pip sleeps after a night of celebration with Herbert, he is woken from his fireside armchair by an intruder. It’s Magwitch, the convict from the marshes. He has a bag of dirty money. Magwitch is Pip’s secret benefactor…

Episode 3:
Pip is horrified by Magwitch’s arrival and the revelation that his fortune comes not from Miss Havisham, but from a convict, in the final episode of Sarah Phelp’s bold adaptation.

Pip races to Satis House, only to learn that Estella is engaged to Bentley Drummle, who delights in Pip’s humiliation. Pip realises that Miss Havisham led him to think she was his benefactor, and encouraged his love for Estella out of cruelty – fuelled by bitterness.

Wemmick warns Pip that rumours have been circulating of Magwitch’s return from Australia..the penalty for returning as a transported convict is hanging. Now Pip must help Magwitch escape.

Pip decides he can never go home and will accompany Magwitch on his escape. But as Pip and Magwitch make their escape down the Thames, just as they reach the meeting point for the steamer Compeyson looms out of the fog, in a boat full of soldiers. He has been lying in wait for them…



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 2-11-2012 21:16 ]
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About Friends With Benefits

Friends With Benefits premiered on NBC on August 05, 2011

About the Show:
Friends With Benefits is a half-hour comedy revolving around a group of twentysomething singles as they navigate the difficult, sometimes rewarding, often confusing world of dating. Loyal and devoted to one another, these friends are never too busy to help a member of the group who might be in need. In fact, their companionship often extends into a more intimate setting - the bedroom.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Ryan HansenBen Lewis
Danneel HarrisSara Maxwell
Zach CreggerAaron Greenway
Andre HollandJulian 'Fitz' Fitzgerald
Jessica LucasRiley Elliott


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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 2-11-2012 21:29 ]
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Season 1

Episode 1: Pilot
Ben looks for a date to a family wedding; Sara starts worrying that her and Ben are getting too serious; Aaron tries to take his relationship with his girlfriend to the next level.

Episode 2: The Benefit of the Mute Button
Sara puts a stop to her and Ben's booty calls when she sets her sight on a new doctor at work. Ben's friend Colleen comes to town and he is determined to get past her seeming reluctance to get physical. Aaron rebounds from his broken heart by setting his sights on Riley.

Episode 3: The Benefit of the Unspoken Dynamic
Ben and Fitz try to cheer Aaron up with a guys night out when he learns of his ex's engagement only to end up competing for a girl. Sarah tries to get closer to Riley by tagging along on a night out.

Episode 4: The Benefit of Forgetting
When Ben encounters and ex-girlfriend, he discovers she is suffering from short term memory loss and takes advantage. Fitz is surprised with his lesbian mother's new lover.

Episode 5: The Benefit of the Right Track
Sarah tries to change her casual relationship to a serious one while Ben tries to break it off with a girl who is very clingy. Fitz and Aaron fight over money.

Episode 6: The Benefit of Keeping Your Ego in Check
Sarah asks Ben buy her in a charity bachelorette auction so that she doesn't end up with a nerdy guy who has promised to bid for her. Ben keeps messing up cool catch phrases until he ends up being charged with harassment. Fitz decides to go wild one last time before settling down with the girl of his dreams but a photo of him with another woman ends up on the Internet.

Episode 7: The Benefit of Mardi Gras
Sarah reluctantly heads home for her sister's baby shower and takes the gang with her on a mini-vacation to Mardi Gras. Aaron overindulges in alcohol and cuts loose with a woman he mistakes for Riley.

Episode 8: The Benefit of Mentors
Aaron finds out that a girl he mentored years ago is a successful star in adult films and he feels he has failed her. An older doctor that Sarah admire falls for Riley and puts Sarah in an awkward position as a go between. Ben and Fitz try to assuage their conscience when a friend is in the hospital and end up in a competition to impress the man's girlfriend.

Episode 9: The Benefit of Being Shallow
Sarah's latest guy is a blind man and she discovers she misses being complemented on her beauty. Ben's latest girl is always wearing a hat which drives him to distraction. Aaron finds a cougar while Fitz dates her daughter.

Episode 10: The Benefit of Avoiding the Mindbanger
Both Sarah and Ben lose themselves when they reunite with old flames. Aaron shocks Riley by going out of character and using his wealth to impress women.

Episode 11: The Benefit of Putting in the Work
Ben decides to go into business for himself and asks Aaron to back him. Sarah's new guy proves to be a challenge romantically due to his medical condition. Fitz is determined to improve his standing on Chicago's most doable bachelor list and enlists Riley to help him.

Episode 12: The Benefit of Friends
Sarah's dedication to her new boyfriend leaves Ben alone and wanting her back, leaving him in a slump of his own regarding personal relationships. Riley meets someone special, but their future is uncertain due to his cryptic revelation.

Episode 13: The Benefit of Full Disclosure
No Summary



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 2-11-2012 21:29 ]
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About Blue Mountain State

Blue Mountain State premiered on Spike TV on January 12, 2010

About the Show:
Blue Mountain State follows the on and off-field antics of college football powerhouse, Blue Mountain State. Former NFL running back and veteran actor, Ed Marinaro, stars as no-nonsense Coach Daniels. In season 3, Coach Daniels will have his authority challenged when the boosters force him to hire a hotshot offensive coordinator/head coach-in-waiting. Alex, played by Emmy Award®-winner Darin Brooks, will have to step up in season 3 from being a fun-loving second-string to the starting QB. The cast also includes Thad, played by Alan Ritchson, the team’s over-the-top team captain and Sammy, the team’s mascot, played by Romanski.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Alan RitchsonThad Castle
Darin BrooksAlex Moran
Chris RomanoSammy Cacciatore
Ed MarinaroMarty Daniels
Frankie ShawMary Jo Cacciatore
Page KennedyRadon Randell
Samuel L. JonesCraig Shilo
Gabrielle DennisDenise Roy


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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 2-11-2012 21:36 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post 2-11-2012 12:50


Season 1

Episode 1: It's Called Hazing, Look It Up
Three incoming freshman attending college football powerhouse Blue Mountain State University must quickly adapt to college life while juggling football, girls and nonstop hazing.

Episode 2: Promise Ring
When Denise goes away for the weekend, she gives Craig a promise ring which he ends up losing after a wild, drunken night at a strip club with Alex and Sammy, who hatch a plan to keep Denise from killing Craig while they search for the...

Episode 3: Thad's Prized Possession
When the team's lackluster play leads to a team curfew leading up to the Mountain Goats' biggest game of the season, Thad's prized pocket p**** gets passed around from teammate to teammate leading to an outbreak of syphilis.

Episode 4: Rivalry Weekend
Leading up to a rivalry game against Overland University, the Mountain Goats' starting quarterback is suspended, Alex is named the starter and Sammy is accidentally kidnapped along with Billy the Goat as part of a prank by Overland.

Episode 5: There's Only One Second Best
Alex's lack of commitment to the team gets him demoted to special teams. Meanwhile, Craig suspects Denise is having an affair and Sammy leads a mob of angry cheerleaders looking for revenge on all the college guys who have wronged them.

Episode 6: The Drug Olympics
After a streak of bad luck, the team holds a "Lock-In Party" at the Goat House to build team camaraderie at which Alex and Thad divide the rest of the players into two groups and compete in a drug-fueled Team Building Olympics.

Episode 7: The Legend of the Golden Arm
When the nation's top high school quarterback arrives for Recruit Weekend, Alex makes it his mission to get him to commit to BMS so he can remain the backup and Craig comes face to face with a running back from his hometown who threatens...

Episode 8: LAX
When Alex has sex with a lacrosse player's girlfriend, he unwittingly breaks a 23-year football/lacrosse team truce, causing a take-no-prisoners war which he must figure out how to end.

Episode 9: Midterms
When several players, including Alex, find themselves in danger of failing off the team, Alex hatches a plan to get an "A" without having to study by entertaining the professor's horny old mother.

Episode 10: Marathon Monday
During Marathon Monday, a BMS drinking tradition where the whole campus parties from 6 a.m. Monday to 6 a.m. Tuesday, Alex meets and hooks up with the girl of his dreams who turns out to be just like him and Sammy and Craig go on a...

Episode 11: Ransom
The father of a girl Alex slept with becomes obsessed with him and Sammy deals with his own daddy issues.

Episode 12: Piss Test
The guys struggle to figure out a way to pass the NCAA's random student-athlete drug testing.

Episode 13: Bowl Game
The Mountain Goats get an unexpected bowl game invitation.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 2-11-2012 21:37 ]
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Season 2

Episode 1: The Fingering
After being sodomized in a fumble pile during practice, Thad sets off on an investigation into who violated him, with each teammate's version of the story conflicting with the next.

Episode 2: Controversy
In response to last season's dismal outcome, Coach Daniels brings in a new star QB who turns out to be a loose cannon, taking Alex on an increasingly dangerous adventure. Meanwhile, Sammy's sister, Mary Jo, arrives at BMS and joins the...

Episode 3: Born Again
The team becomes celibate in order to boost their performance on the field, but it backfires when Mary Jo, out of frustration, stirs them into a frenzy. Plus, Coach Daniel's ex-wife Debra (Denise Richards) shows up to collect unpaid debts.

Episode 4: Pay For Play
The team begins accepting increasingly ostentatious gifts from agents, while Coach Daniels fends off pressure to play the annoying, Rudy-like son of a local booster.

Episode 5: Pregnant
Alex, Thad and Radon receive a message from an unknown woman saying she is pregnant and each respond very differently. Meanwhile, Sammy must decide between staying with a girl out of his league at a price or go back to being single while...

Episode 6: Nerds
The campus nerds revolt, leaving the jocks unable to function academically and causing an identity crisis in Sammy.

Episode 7: Debra
Alex unwittingly sleeps with Coach Daniels' ex-wife and gets used as a pawn in their bitter relationship, while Sammy struggles to end Mary Jo's new fascination with a guitar-toting heartthrob.

Episode 8: Vision Quest
After the campus is vacated, Thad goes on a vision quest to help him decide between staying at BMS next year and going pro.

Episode 9: The Badger
During rivalry weekend, Overland's mascot gets loose, and Alex and Thad set out to find it so Alex can tailgate and Thad can eat its balls.

Episode 10: Hockey
Alex decides that becoming the backup goalie for BMS' hockey team is the perfect way to avoid his conditioning obligations and Radon quickly follows suit. Meanwhile, Mary Jo becomes Thad's personal cheerleader.

Episode 11: Drunk Tank
Alex and his teammates end up in the local drunk tank, where they must stay until they blow a .06 on the breathalyzer. Sammy attempts to get drunk enough to join them so he can break them out from the inside, a la Prison Break.

Episode 12: Trap Game
The team is one game away from an undefeated season when Radon is tackled in practice by Thad creating a confidence struggle that takes him out of the game. Meanwhile, Daniels suffers a heart attack as the pressure of a potential perfect...

Episode 13: Riot
When a riot breaks out on campus after the team goes undefeated, Alex and the players must cross the frenzied campus to the Goat House to save Sammy from being torn apart by rabid fans.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 2-11-2012 21:37 ]
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Season 3

Episode 1: The Captain
While Alex adjusts to becoming the starting quarterback and team captain, Thad awaits word on his future with the team after his drug related arrest following BMS' loss in last season's championship game. In the meantime, Sammy attempts...

Episode 2: Dic Pics
Alex and Thad deal with the ramifications of a pornographic photo that Thad sent from Alex's phone after it makes its way around campus. Meanwhile, Harmon debates how he will respond to some suggestive photos that Daniels and Debra...

Episode 3: Thad's Back
Alex takes on Thad's persona as he struggles to pull Thad out of a post-suspension slump while Sammy meets the perfect girl only to realize he will soon lose her.

Episode 4: The Peak
Alex and Sammy have a falling out when Alex plays the best game in his career and accepts it as the peak in his life. Meanwhile, Daniels and Jon Jon have mixed feelings about a job offer that Jon Jon received.

Episode 5: Training Day
Thad offers to teach Alex what it is to be a local celebrity but he has ulterior motives. Mary Jo goes to exterme lengths to impress Coach Daniels' wife, who herself is trying to revive her sex life with her husband.

Episode 6: Blackout
A blackout on campus has postponed the following day's game against Buckingham. Alex uses it as an opportunity to settle the score with one of Buckingham's cheerleaders who humiliated him in high school. Daniels and the other BMS coaches...

Episode 7: Superstition
When his pre-game rituals start to betray his game-time performance, Harmon goes on a quest to find new mystical superstitions that will restore his kicking abilities. Meanwhile, off the advice of a psychic, Sammy explores career...

Episode 8: Fun Facts
As Coach Daniels prepares to be inducted into the College Hall of Fame, Thad comes to terms with some troubling secrets from Daniels' past while Alex connects with Marty on a new level.

Episode 9: The C-Word
Thad's behavior takes a turn for the worse after he suffers a concussion, making it difficult for Daniels to hide the injury from both Gilday and ultimately the NCAA. Meanwhile, Sammy, trapped in the Goat House basement, reevaluates his...

Episode 10: One Week
"One Week," a "Hard Knocks"-esque television series, is at BMS following the team and its coaches both on and off the field. While documenting the franchise's struggle to return to its former glory, the 'show-within-a-show' highlights...

Episode 11: Death Penalty
BMS rejoices when they find they will be playing Blackwell for the Bowl Championship. The celebration is cut short, however, when the NCAA comes at them with 3 years of dirt on the team -- enough to bring the axe down on the football...

Episode 12: Corn Field Part I
BMS loses the Bowl Game to Blackwell when their starters are benched from play due to breaking NCAA rules. Feeling robbed, the BMS starters challenge the Blackwell starters to an unofficial Bowl Game - the REAL bowl game - in a local...

Episode 13: Corn Field Part II
The battle continues as the BMS and Blackwell teams fight it out on the corn field for bragging rights as to who the real champion is.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 2-11-2012 21:38 ]
Recent Ratings


Can i do Portlandia season 2 guide Done

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 2-11-2012 23:13 ]


Reply 2718#2718 codebreaker's post

Sure you can, and thanks for doing the ones you posted today.   I haven't checked this thread yet, but do you remember if you did one for Melissa & Joey?  If you don't remember, no worries, I'll skim the thread later.  I was looking for it in the Comedy forum and couldn't find it.  It's been airing here to promote ABC Spark coming to Canada, and it's cute enough.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2719#2719 waterlilybarb's post

