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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2700#2700 studiojek's post

I caught up on Lost the other night, and really enjoyed it - so you & your husband should have a nice night in.  I won't say relaxing because, if you're anything like me, watching Lost has me on the edge of my seat the entire time.

Shinny - I definitely don't think it's sad.  I intend to do much the same this evening.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


a) so awesome about the girl. They are so cute and pretty and PINK!  haha

b) Arielle that's awesome about Israel. Glad you get to continue doing what you love.

and in answer to the question... married life is wonderful.  Almost a year!  And we just bought a house, so I may be even more distracted than before. but it's exciting!



I actually love winter, but I feel like having a wee rant this evening.

It has been warming up here over the past couple days...if that could even be the term for it.  I went to the bank yesterday and we were commenting that -10C seemed warm compared to the -30C we had been having the last week or so.  Tonight I turned on the weather channel to see what to expect tomorrow.  I was delighted to see it had gone up to -5C only to see that it's supposed to be back down to -23C overnight & -18C by the morning.  How is a body supposed to acclimate so quickly.  To those of you in warmer climes - it might seem that all of these temperatures are cold, but everything is relative.  A nearly 20 degree change overnight is just too much.  We still have at least another month and a half of winter weather, so I guess this is just the mid-winter blahs hitting.  I'm just tiring of wearing at least 3 layers of clothing every time I want to leave the house.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Just stopping in to say "Hi".  I had quite a busy week with exams so I was not able to get online much.  I've got a ton of shows still left to catch up on before new one start airing tomorrow so this is just a quick visit.

On the topic of the ever changing weather.  I am getting quite annoyed with the weather here as it is literally ever changing!  For the past month or so we have not had the same weather two days in a row.  The temperature fluctuates from a beautifully warm 70s F to the coldest I've seen being the low teens to somewhere in the middle that would be really nice if it would stop raining.  It seems as we get closer to Spring the temperature here fluctuates more than normal.  The other day I went to class all bundled up at around 1:00 pm because it was low in the 50s and when I got back from class around 4:00 pm it was probably in the mid 70s so I had to debundle, then that night it was in the high teens with a wind chill of 8 F.  Yeah something is just not right about that!  Climates should not be so extreme.  Something needs to be done about Global Warming.

Wow I got a little carried away from my quick visit.  Global Warming and environmental issues have just been on my mind more lately because they are the reason why our weather can't seem to decide if it wants to be hot or cold or somewhere in between, it chooses all three!


Reply 2702#2702 themegababe's post

How exciting - scary - and frustrating, and a load of other adjectives! Are you doing renovations on it or decorating or just moved right in?

Arielle - I am so annoyed with Global Warming and weather too - it has literally been mostly rain here for the past 5 MONTHS. A little chilly, but not a real winter, and just rain, rain AND MORE RAIN. Ugh.

Barb, the winter blues are rough - hope they pass soon. The days do seem to be getting a little longer so hopefully that means Spring is on its way!


Reply 2705#2705 studiojek's post

Totally off topic, but Studio - are you completely off caffeine during your pregnancy?  I'm just curious because I currently am for health reasons.  I really miss chocolate & a proper cup of tea.   I tried to have some the other day (chocolate, that is) and it was a very bad idea.  I hope it won't be for much longer, but if you're off it too I thought we could commiserate a little.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2706#2706 waterlilybarb's post

Can you not get Caffeine free tea or is it just not good over there? We have really nice Caffeine free tea here and I guarantee you that you wouldn't know the difference. I tested it on my Dad, who is like a Tea Connoisseur !! He didn't know, off course when I told him it was Caffeine free he was like "Oh I did think there was *something* different about it" and I'm like "Sure you did!!!"

It's all I drink. Caffeine and me don't agree. I like it, but it doesn't like me. It gives me palpitations!

Can't help you with the chocolate though :-)


Reply 2707#2707 shinny's post

We do have good decaffeinated tea, but I can always tell the difference, so I've been opting for herbal varieties instead.  I bet your Dad did actually notice something different about the tea, but just couldn't put his finger on it until you told him.   My friend also uses decaf tea, and didn't even remember to mention it - but when I drank it, I knew there was something missing.  Could be because I drink my tea strong & black, so the flavour of the tea is what I notice.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2708#2708 waterlilybarb's post

I've never noticed the difference between caffeinated tea and decaf, but that could be because growing up we only had caffeine free because caffeine and my mom don't agree well.  I wonder now that I only drink caffeinated tea if I would be able to tell the difference.  I might have to test that.  Hmm I never realized caffeine had that first "e" in it until now.  I've spelled it wrong my entire life!


Reply 2706#2706 waterlilybarb's post

Sorry Barb - I've had to cut down on the caffeine but not entirely cut it out. And I'm not much of a tea drinker, but I can definitely tell the difference between regular and decaf coffee, so I'm sure decaf tea won't be the sure-fire answer to your problems either.


Reply 2710#2710 studiojek's post

I'm glad for you.   I know it's not necessary for pregnant women to eliminate caffeine all together, but I know some who do.  I, too, can tell the difference between regular & decaf coffee, and I'd rather have something else (almost anything else) rather than the decaf.

For me, it's stress that's causing my problem, and it's affecting my sleep, as well as causing some palpitations if I have any caffeine.  For me, stress almost always manifests physically rather than emotionally, so I'm being smart...I'll just be glad when this passes and I can enjoy a good cuppa or a bit of chocolate again.  Herbal teas are lovely, but they're just not the same.  Plus, I can't even take one of my migraine meds at the moment, because one of the active ingredients is caffeine (8mg in one tablet) so that's a bit of a hassle.  Thank heavens I haven't had too many migraines lately.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2711#2711 waterlilybarb's post

Barb you know I'm gonna have to put you to the test !! I'll have to get your address and post you over some Barry's Decaf tea

Although, I don't like strong tea and my Dad does. I like it in between. I drink it with Milk too. No sugar ( )


Reply 2712#2712 shinny's post

I haven't taken milk in my tea since I was about 12 years old.  My friend & I used to visit her older sister, who was pregnant and fairly newly married, so we didn't want to use up her groceies.  I got so used to drinking it black that I can't bear it with milk anymore.  As for liking it strong, I put that down to my Grandpa.  There was always a pot ready for him and he liked the bags left in.  I'm not as bad as that (stewed tea is NOT tasty), but it did leave me with a preference for having it strong.  My cousins are the same (their spouses wonder at us all)...but we all spent summers with the Grandparents.   

BTW, which blend do you prefer?  I've not had Barry's tea (googled it and found it to be distintive to Ireland), but generally like orange pekoe, Earl Grey or good black tea for everyday drinking.  I do like green tea as well, but just don't find it hits the same spot when I want a good cuppa.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2712#2712 shinny's post

I had never had milk in my tea until my program last year when one of my British friends made me a cup of tea and put milk in it.  I have to say I am a fan of milk in tea now.  Though some kinds I prefer just with sugar, there are others I now take with milk.  My favorite is Chai, though it is hard to find good Chai tea here.  I am also a big fan of green tea with mint leaves.


Reply 2714#2714 imarielle626's post

I love a good chai latte, but the spices have to be fresh.  Other than that, I do not like milk in any tea.  I've tried it, seeing as I used to drink it with milk when I was younger, but it just doesn't taste right to me.  It's similar with coffee.   I don't normally drink much coffee, but I used to think I didn't like it at all - because most people put cream in it (at least they do here).  I was visiting a friend of mine and she put milk in her coffee.  I tried it like that and found I enjoyed it.  It was the creamy texture that turned me off.  So I do take milk in my coffee - but no sugar in anything.  I like the bit of bitter taste that both coffee & tea can have.  When I have sore throat is the only time I will add anything - and that is honey & lemon - to my tea.  I guess I am quite particular, now that I see it all in writing.   My friend told me I was, but I didn't really believe her.   I do now.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Here's your "AWW" for the day. Enjoy!

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2716#2716 waterlilybarb's post

Awww, that was so cute Barb. That bunny looks so much like my Gypsy, I couldn't help but smile even wider when I saw it!!

For those of you that don't know, I was in the hospital, the past 3+ months having a few surgeries. I'm home now, but still recuperating. I seriously cannot believe how much the site has changed....WOW!! It's going to take me a while to see all that has been going on.
Hope to see all my old buddies around the boards.


Reply 2717#2717 gypsiegirl66's post

Welcome Gypsy!  I hope you are feeling better!  It's nice to see you around again =)

and Barb, that was too cute!  Thanks!


Reply 2718#2718 imarielle626's post

Hey Arielle, Hows school going? Are you still enjoying it as much as you first did? Any big news in your life?
Hope all is well with you!!


Reply 2719#2719 gypsiegirl66's post

Hi.  School going well.  Classes are hard, but I'm taking classes I'm interested in so i'm enjoying them and there are always fun things going on around campus and in my sorority.  The only big news in my life right now (other than the Gators winning the national championship again woohoo!) is that I will be going to Israel in 21 days for my spring break.  I'll be mostly in the south doing community service work in underdeveloped poor neighborhoods.  But we will be in Jerusalem for Shabbat so I'll get to do a little bit of the touristy stuff.  I'm really excited!  It's not exactly what I wanted to do (which was build bomb shelters in Sderot) but unfortunately Sderot is not a safe place to be now because of the War with Gaza.  But the money I raised for this program is going toward building a safe playground so the children of Sderot can have a safe place to play.

Oh other big new, my sister got accepted in University of Florida on Friday.  I'm really excited for her.  I want her to be here with me, but I have a feeling she will probably end up at UNC-Chapel Hill if she can get scholarship money.

