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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2680#2680 shinny's post

Considering how cold it still is here (along with the masses of snow) I'm a little envious of your visions of daffodils.  We won't see those until around early April...possibly late March if we're lucky.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2681#2681 waterlilybarb's post

Lol, well the visions are now covered in snow! We had a cold snap here the past few days and probably for the next and so it snowed all over today! Here are some pictures I found on the website which were taken today:


Reply 2682#2682 shinny's post

Snowy snowy snowy indeed! Love the donkey picture =)


Reply 2682#2682 shinny's post

the snows been great


Reply 2682#2682 shinny's post

ROFL!!!  Happy spring indeed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2682#2682 shinny's post

It's so pretty blanketed in snow!  Though I have to say I prefer visiting not living in snowy climates.  I have learned that where I now live it does get cold enough to be below freezing (no where near as close to where you live though Barb) but we don't have the right weather conditions for snow.  We are now on one of our temperature dropping weeks so by the end of the week it should be down to the 20-30s F, fortunately/unfortunately it will only stay that way for a few days then it is back up and back down again.  I personally love this type of weather where it is cold, but not too cold, but I've also never lived in a place that has such temperature extremes so often that it is really affecting my immune system and I have been constantly sick for the past few weeks, nothing too bad that it affects my day to day things, but due to the weather drops and rises i just can't overcome it which sucks.

On a happier note, did I mention I am going back to Israel in a month?  I'm doing and Alternative Spring Break program and going to help some poorer towns in need and the money I raised to go (it was free with fundraising) is going to help build secure playgrounds for kids who are living in the war zone right now so are unable to play safely outside.  I really wanted to build bomb shelters in the city of Sderot (a city that really needs it, for more info check out wikipedia or if you want) but Sderot is currently in the hot zone of missile attacks from the war with Gaza so instead I'm going to Dimona which is closer to the Jordanian boarder and also where the Black Hebrews live (decendents of the lost tribe of Dan found to be living in Uganda or Ethiopia i can't remember like 10 years ago then were brought to live in Israel to escape a civil war there).  I'm really excited.  It's not going to be a relaxing Spring Break for me, but it should be a great experience.


Reply 2686#2686 imarielle626's post

Wow Arielle that sounds amazing - hard, like you said, but amazing. That's great, and good for you!

In my own news, we just found out yesterday we're having a BABY GIRL! I'm very excited, as is the husband. =)

As for snow, we have had rain practically non-stop for the past 4 months (no kidding) and I would be so overjoyed at one little snowstorm to change it up some!!


Reply #2687 studiojek's post

congratulations! girls rock!

and work hard arielle - we so desperately need more people like you who are fighting to make the world a better place!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 2687#2687 studiojek's post

Congratulations!  That so exciting to know it's a girl.


Reply 2687#2687 studiojek's post

Congratulations on the news!   I have to agree with sddv - Girls rock!

Reply 2686#2686 imarielle626's post

Good for you Arielle.  I know how important Israel is to you, especially after spending so much time there.  I'm sure they are grateful for all willing workers.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Arielle, that's great. I know you loved being there the last time and you will be doing so much to help out there. It's truly amazing that you are giving up your time for this, so well done you !!!

Studio, wow a little girlie. Ah, am delighted for you both. I'd say you just cannot wait now


Thanks everyone! Girls do rock, don't they? And she can one day become part of the Girly's Giggle Box!!


Reply 2692#2692 studiojek's post

I was thinking the same thing.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2693#2693 waterlilybarb's post

Do you think this site will last to when baby grows up 13 years. it makes me wonder what all of us will be like if this site actually survives another 13 years . imagine how many shows this site will have


Reply 2694#2694 bala's post

I have no idea, but I just had a giggle thinking of a new gal joining us here in our never ending hen party...even a tiny new gal.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Wow I must have been away for a good year, and this thread is still going strong.
Very impressive ladies
Peace - through superior firepower


Reply 2696#2696 commando's post

Nice to see you again commando.   We do our best to keep ourselves entertained.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Lol Commando, good to see you back !


Well, I got snowed in at my parents house last night and am only back in my own house now (after lots of shoveling of snow and ice and pushing my car up a very steep hill !)

I'm planning to move nowhere tonight (not that I really could) and catch up on all my TV shows. Is it sad that I'm actually excited about that????

How is everyone else?


Reply 2699#2699 shinny's post

Not sad AT ALL, the husband and I will be catching up on Lost episodes tonight so I can relate completely Shinny!!

Bala, I sure hope this site'll still be here, I think when she's 13 I'm going to need the distraction!!

