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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2660#2660 waterlilybarb's post

Good to hear from you, Barb. I'm thinking about you.


Good to see you Barb!  It sure has been quiet in here. And I'm envisioning the bra with ice too. hahahahaha  I definitely did not use that!

And when I got mine pulled, I wasn't allowed to use a straw. They said it would take out the stitches!


Just dropping in to say "Hi".  I just got back from a lovely long girls weekend in New York with my mom and sisters.  It was nice.  Not too cold, but there it did snow yesterday.  About two inches in the morning and probably another two or three at night.  It'd been a while since I'd seen snow actually falling from the sky.  I saw Equus, the show with Daniel Radcliff and Richard Griffiths.  It was amazing!  Both of them were great and the choreography was excellent!  I also saw In The Heights which was also good.  Both were very different from anything I'd ever seen before.

Anyone here heading down to (or already in) D.C. for the inauguration?  I've got a few friends who flew up.  That's a once in a lifetime experience!


I am looking at an apartment to live in next year here at school.  From what I've seen so far it is really nice and cheaper than some of the other places I've seen.  I am really excited to be done with the whole dorm thing!  I can't wait to have my own bathroom again


Reply 2664#2664 imarielle626's post

That sounds nice Arielle.  I hope when you go apartment hunting you land a good one.   I know when I move back to Windsor I will not do the roommate thing again.  It's a hassle when they move & you have to find someone else.  I'll be looking for something clean & cozy.  

Simplify is my current mantra.  It makes lifes that much easier.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2664#2664 imarielle626's post

Arielle, that will be great. It will be nice to have your a place of your own, so to speak.

Reply  2665#2665 waterlilybarb's post
Barb, that's a really good mantra to have and very true!


Thanks Barb and Shinny.  I actually signed my lease on Friday.  I still have roommates (well housemates) but we each have our own room and bathroom and our rents are individual so we don't have to worry about the others not paying which is one reason why we chose this place over others.  Then my friend and I went out to celebrate.  We ended up taking a spontaneous road trip down to Orlando yesterday to see Rocky Horror Live at the movie theatre in CityWalk (where Universal Studio's entrance is).  Her aunt was staying in Disney so we had a free hotel room to crash students on a budget It was a lot of fun!  I absolutely love that movie and with the audience interaction it just makes it so much fun!  One weird thing about it though is that the movie starts out with a flat tire and our little trip started out with a flat tire too (my car unfortunately but an easy fix!)  We considered it either a huge coincident or it was fate for us to take this spontaneous trip lol


Reply 2667#2667 imarielle626's post

Congrats on your new place Arielle!

Hi everyone! I haven't had a chance to read up the posts I missed - work's been very busy and while I am having a very happy, healthy pregnancy, I am EXHAUSTED lots of the time!!

Hope everyone's well!!


Reply #2668 studiojek's post

omg, OMG! i just happened to see your name and decided to check up on you! what have you kids been up to??!! - it's not like i never checked the forum even though i was super busy last semester!

how pregnant are you? are you going to find out the sex beforehand? are you going to have him/her abroad or back in the states? how are you feeling?

i hope all is going well and that the pregnancy isn't giving you any troubles. take it easy! CONGRATULATIONS
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Wait yeah when did you get preggers???  So exciting!

Barb, are you moving again?  back to the city?

And glad to hear you got a sweet deal on a place to live Arielle. I remember the days of roommates. Once our checks weren't cashed right. So it looked like we didn't pay our rent, and it was the exact amount that one roommate owed.... I was peeved. Thankfully we got it figured out and didn't have a black mark on our renter's history!


Reply 2669#2669 sddvasquez's post

LOL!! I did make an announcement a while back but it's easy to get lost on here!!

I'm due mid-June, belly's starting to, er, protrude!! We will be finding out the gender - hopefully at my ultrasound next week. We've decided to have the kid here, but whatever the future decides to bring us (or, rather, WHERE the future decides to bring us!) is yet to be seen =)

And you, how have YOU been,? Haven't seen you around in a while!

Barb, I didn't know you were moving again?!

Meg, married life treating you ok?


Reply 2670#2670 themegababe's & #2671 studiojek's posts

Yep, I'll be moving back down to Windsor in the spring - most likely the end of April/beginning of May.  There's no reason to stay here anymore except to finish up get rid of huge amounts of household items, furniture, excess dishes, etc.  

I will definitely NOT do the roommate thing again.  In the end, it wound up costing me money rather than saving (the last roommate I had in Windsor).  When I was young like Arielle though, having a roommate worked out well.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2672#2672 waterlilybarb's post

Well, I'm married which in some ways is like having a roommate, but if I weren't and I were a single girl I'd definitely have my OWN place. Having roommates was great, but even with the best of roommates you have to be a lot more considerate than I'm willing to be anymore!


Reply 2673#2673 studiojek's post

I lived alone for a long time.  I got a roommate to try and cut some expenses and pay down a bit of debt I had, but in the end it woulnd up putting me further in the hole.  I liked living alone - and never found it lonely, so I'm looking forward to having my own place, near my friends again.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Sorry I haven't written you back yet Barb. This race and babysitting has me running ragged.


Reply 2675#2675 gabsimom's post

No worries Tina.  I've been crazy busy and will continue to be come Monday...thank goodness for weekends.  I was just checking in to see what was happening here.  Looks like the race is going well.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey Barb, good to see you in here

Well, I'm off to NYC again, lol. My friends are all like "Will you just move there" - Maybe I will. I'm going with my Mam and my sister this time. We're going around the end of April, which will be a lovely time. I've been to NYC in all of the seasons; Spring/Autumn are my favourite times. Christmas is lovely for the atmosphere, but it's not very conducive for doing things!


I meant to say that Spring starts today in Ireland and The UK, although it doesn't feel like it yet. I really think we should revise our seasons!!

So happy Spring Day!


Reply 2678#2678 shinny's post

Wow!  I had no idea spring began so early in Ireland & the UK.  Here it starts around March 21st, and sometimes then there's still snow on the ground.  I guess everything really is all relative.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2679#2679 waterlilybarb's post

I know, our seasons don't line up the same. Although it may seem a little early even to us, actually Spring has Sprung! We're already seeing Daffodils blooming, Cherry Blossom Trees blooming and plenty of Spring Lambs have been born !!

