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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2600#2600 waterlilybarb's post

Wow that's a lot of snow!  I can't even imagine what a Canadian winter must be like!  I out by Lake Louise one July and there was a snow storm.  I also got stuck in a soft patch of snow that ended up coming up to my waist.  Though it was fun to hike in the snow in the summertime .  Even when I used to go skiing we went in the Spring not Winter because it is warmer.  The one winter we went skiing and we got caught dog sledding when a blizzard began.  Luckily we got back inside to defrost in front of the fire place before the storm really picked up.  I don't think I'd ever been so cold!


Reply 2601#2601 imarielle626's post

LOL!  That must have been some fluke snow storm.  It doesn't usually snow at Lake Louise in the middle of July.  It would be neat to hike through the snow in summer, though because we get enough of it throughout the winter, that's one experience I'd gladly bypass.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2602#2602 waterlilybarb's post

I take it back it wasn't july.  I was there in June.  It was actually the first week of the season and much of the snow had not melted yet thus turning easy hikes into hard ones and many trails were still closed.  But still I don't think snow in June is all that common either



Well, it's snowing again here.  We may get up to 35cm by tomorrow.  I've already been out shovelling today, and no doubt will have heaps more to do tomorrow.  

I just hope that anyone travelling in this kind of weather uses common sense.  I also hope that the weather doesn't leave anyone planning to fly stranded or unable to get to their destinations.  

It's quite pretty - in spite of all the work.  Plus, I don't think we have to go anywhere we might stay up and watch movies tonight. I bought Mamma Mia, which we watched last night.  It was fun to watch with someone who hadn't seen it yet.  I'll be singing ABBA again for days on end.   It doesn't hurt (or maybe it doesn't help - you'd have to ask my Mum) that there's a sing-along option on the DVD.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2604#2604 waterlilybarb's post

Wish me luck!

I'm at Pearson(Toronto) airport right now awaiting my flight to Munich.  I'm here with the whole family and my kids are watching shows on VIP on my laptop so at least they are occupied.  They are showing the flight as delayed by an hour but they say we should get out then and we won't be canceled.  I'm told the weather is quite nice in Munich right now.


Reply 2605#2605 cshapiro's post

I was thinking of you earlier.  I thought you were flying out in the next day or so.  I sure hope your flight takes off and you all arrive safely in Germany.  

Enjoy the wedding, and the time with your friend and family.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2606#2606 waterlilybarb's post

I was only delayed about an hour which isn't too bad.  Thanks for your kind wishes.  I haven't been able to fall asleep and since it's like 4am and everyone is sleeping, I thought I would check in  here.  The weather here is nice (relatively) and we are all having a great time.  Munich is beautiful and has a very different atmosphere on Christmas eve from Ontario.  The whole family made it, kids and all and it is amazing to see everyone together again.


Reply 2599#2599 shinny's post

Thank you very much for recommending the Munich Christmas market.  We went yesterday morning and we all had a great time, particularly the kids.


Reply 2607#2607 cshapiro's post

Glad to hear you all arrived safely and are enjoying your time together.  I can imagine the atmosphere was different.  In this small town, it feels like everything closed yesterday at about 4pm.  I had to go pick up a prescription for my Mum at the hospital (the pharmacy was closed & her doc was working the ER) and I think I only saw one other car on the road.  Of course, the fact that it was snowing (AGAIN) probably didn't help. The roads were terrible.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2608#2608 cshapiro's post

That's great. I'm glad the children liked it !!

Just back home now after a hectic day celebrating Christmas. It was a great day, but I'm so shattered now and to think we'll do it all again on New Years Day.......


Hey all, how is everyone? I've managed to lose my voice ! Yep, good old laryngitis. I couldn't speak at all yesterday, only whisper. Today it's coming in and out. I sound like a teenage boy who's voice is breaking


Reply 2611#2611 shinny's post

LOL!  I can just imagine what you sound like.   I'm OK, just tired.  I've had 2 shovel-free days, but the pressure system is up & down so have been fighting with the dreaded migraine beast.   

I've a bit more on my plate these days as my Mum's health is getting worse.  She's so cheerful though, that it's a pleasure to be around her and to do things to make her more comfortable.  She is a bit frustrated in not being able to be as active as usual.  She isn't used to being stuck inside (what normal person likes that anyway?) and not able to get out and see other people.  Thankfully, we've had some friends pop in for visits.  I think they'll start doing it more frequently now, as they're also getting used to her not being out & about.

I hope your laryngitis doesn't last long Shinny.  I usually get it, but fortunately not this winter, thus far.  It's a bit of a drag though - especially if you're a chatty person like me.  I bet if you're around any of the nieces & nephews they find it quite amusing.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2612#2612 waterlilybarb's post

Thanks Barb. Yeh, I was sounding very funny alright. I text my friends to say I'd lost it so they wouldn't ring me, but of course then they had to ring me to hear for themselves!!

I've never had it before, so it's quite funny. I mean, I've had a husky voice before from colds & singing too much (usually at concerts!!), but never lost it !!

I'm a lot better today, it's practically back, just a little husky.

Sorry to hear you Mum's health is worsening, but it's great that you are there with her too. I'm sure she really appreciates that. It's good that people are calling to your house though, that's thoughtful of them.

I hope your migraine clears up soon. Take care.


Reply 2613#2613 shinny's post

Glad to hear your voice is returning.  I know how frustrating it can be without it - especially on the phone.

I'm really glad I'm here with my Mum.  She is too - even when I'm a miserable grouch (it happens occasionally).  Today I've had a whopper of a migraine.   The weather has gone crazy and gotten milder and rainy - plus very windy.  I prefer the snow to the mess created by the rain...especially because it's going to get colder and no doubt freeze up like an ice rink.

I'm off to do a very quick scan of the boards before turning the 'puter off again.  My head can't take it today.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hope your migrane gets better Barb!  

And cshapiro, glad to hear Munich is treating you well!  How long have you been a mod?  i'm so out of it!  I need to unbusy my life. I feel like a bad mod!


Reply 2615#2615 themegababe's post

Thanks Meg.  Today is better - my head doesn't hurt too badly.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey guys. Hope everyone is feeling ok today, especially Shinny and Barb after feeling under the weather.
I also hope you all had a really good Christmas! Looking forward to New Year now!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2617#2617 meljones_83's post

Hello Mel!  Hope you're enjoying your first holidays as a Mrs.   I also hope you're feeling heaps better from that bug you had and are able to enjoy the time off.

I'm still in my pjs, but I still had to go out and shovel the snow that had drifted into the driveway and clean the car off so my Mum could get out this morning.  This brings me to something I've been thinking about lately - chivalry.  I think it's pretty much dead in this town.  We have neighbours with a teenage son who has never once offered (even for $$) to clean our snow away.  My idea of romantic is a man that will shovel the snow, clean & warm up your car on a cold day without being asked; one who sees you've had a rough day and makes you a cup of tea or coffee just because you look like you need one.  I know they're out there - they're just already married...and to my friends.  I'm not looking - but if I ever am, those are a couple things I'll be looking for in a fella.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


hahah they're already married to my friends.  

Any ways, I agree,  chivalry does seem to be rather lost.  It is wonderful, but seems to be non-existant.  That is so sad that he never offered to shovel.  You'd think his mom would have made him, at the very least!

My hubby is pretty chivalrous.  I can't remember the last time I opened up my car door!  And sometimes he surprises me with coffee or tea at work.  But I think it is important that I bring him things and do things for him too!

Augh my head hurts!  No migraine, but hurting!


My idea of romantic is a man that will shovel the snow, clean & warm up your car on a cold day without being asked; one who sees you've had a rough day and makes you a cup of tea or coffee just because you look like you need one.  I know they're out there - they're just already married...and to my friends.  I'm not looking - but if I ever am, those are a couple things I'll be looking for in a fella.
Wow that's what husbands for i think but i have to admit i don't blame the boy for not helping i mean I'm sure he's got better things to do. please don't take this wrong way most people are selfish.

Whether we like it or not. being helpful to other people create obligation which is annoying if you think about it from other perspective if he had offered to shovel the snow you would expect him to do it everyday and that's the problem. it creates an expectation   .

Why should he offer?

