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The girly`s ......giggle box

Hi Barb, yes it obviously was a blessing in disguise. All though it's hard sometimes we just have to be realistic about things like that. Doesn't make it easier though !

Hey Studio, how are things with you?

The weather here has been sooooooooooooooooo cold. We might even have a white christmas here !!


Reply 2553#2553 waterlilybarb's post

I know how you feel. I had to give up my dog for adoption a couple of years ago, because I couldn't give her the exercise that she needed (I have rheumatism, among other things). I felt terrible for a long time, but now I know I did the right thing. I'm sure you did too.


Reply 2562#2562 serena75's post

Thank you.  One nice thing is the family that took the dog said we could go visit him whenever we go to the city (we live about an hour from there).

Haha Shinny.  What exactly constitutes cold there?  I imagine you get a quite damp cold - the worst kind, in my opinion.  It's been snowing again here, but it was a slushy snow, so it has made for really ugly weather.  The roads are a mess.  I just hope it melts a little before it freezes because it will make the roads and sidewalks quite treacherous if it just gets colder.  I much prefer the nice crunchy snow we had until today.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2563#2563 waterlilybarb's post

That was really nice of them


Reply 2564#2564 serena75's post

It really was.  And I know it made my Mum feel more comfortable.  They even offered to bring him with them when they come down our way to visit their relatives.  They seem like a very nice family.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2565#2565 waterlilybarb's post

You're lucky to have found them. It makes it a lot easier for you and your mum.


I realized it'd been a while since I changed my meez.  I was trying to find something winter-y but unfortunately couldn't find cute winter-esque clothes so i went for a cute outfit and coffee cuz i'll be running off of caffinee for the next week and a half due to finals


We're in the same cafe Arielle!  Must be something about being a student in winter... I did the hyped up caffiene tho, because that's how I feel!


Reply 2567#2567 imarielle626's post

I've updated mine.  Take a guess as to what kind of weather we're having.    And yes, shoveling the driveway and sidewalk IS my responsibility.  I'm counting is as my exercise for the winter.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey girls,

Barb, I don't really know how to describe it, lol. It's actually quite sunny here, but cold. We generally describe it as crisp cold or fresh. It's actually quite nice once you are wrapped up well. I read the other day that it was the coldest November that we've had here in Ireland in 20 years ! Every morning the roads are very icy and then it thaws out during the day, only to refreeze and night. It makes driving very hazardous! We've had some snow too, but only on high ground.


gift for female


Hey everyone, hope you are all well. I have the start of a cold but it was bound to come sooner or later and I've got the school play out the way so I can afford to be a little ill now!! If it gets too bad I may even take a day off as I think I could use it, although knowing me I'll keep going thinking that it might get worse and so I'll take the next day off and before I know it, I'll be better!

It's been very frosty here over the last few days (in comparison to the weather we usually have, not compared to those of you who live in really cold places!) and my poor car doesn't like it!
On Wednesday I was late to work because I couldn't open the car! First the key wouldn't go into the lock so I had to go get some hot water but even when I got the key in it wouldn't turn! I eventually managed to unlock the passenger side after a long time trying but the door wouldn't open as it was frozen shut! That's when I decided to go and get my husband to come to my rescue but it took him a while too!

Then on Thursday when I'd finished work my car wouldn't start at all! That time I ended up ringing my dad for help! I'm a stereotypical female when it comes to my car!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2570#2570 shinny's & 2572#2572 meljones_83's post

I totally understand that kind of weather.  It's sounds a bit like what it was like in the fall where I used to live - though we didn't often have icy roads until winter...those are treacherous.  Mel, I feel for you.  The door was frozen shut on my car today (again) so it was a big pain in the bum trying to clean it.  Thankfully one of the passenger doors wasn't as bad, so I climbed in that way to warm it up while I was cleaning the snow and ice off of it.

We had to go to the city today, and the roads were AWFUL!  Usually the plows are out right away up here, but they were a bit slow getting started today and it was ugly driving.  Thankfully it was better on the way back...though I had to shovel AGAIN (I did it before we left too) when we got back because it had been snowing all day.  The forecast said we could get over 15 cm today, and tomorrow high is only going to be -17C.  Sounds almost tropical, eh?   I'm very glad I bought some extra sweaters for both my Mum & I.  Both of us are smaller than last winter so all of our warm clothes were too big, and they just don't keep you as warm when they aren't as close to the body.

Well girls, keep warm, and Mel, try to take care of yourself.  If your cold starts getting too bad do take a day off to give yourself a chance to get better.

I'm off to make a hot cuppa and curl up in front of the telly.  Catch you all later.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2573#2573 waterlilybarb's post

I had to make a correction.  Tonight's high is supposed to be -17C.  Tomorrow it's supposedly going to be a balmy -4C.

Alright, I'm off to get some sleep.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


How cold is it over there?  I didn't think Ireland and the UK got that cold in the winter.  I suppose cold is relative but, right now, as I look at my outdoor thermometer it reads, -8 and very windy.  Tomorrow it is supposed to be another 10 degrees colder.  My whole life I have lived in places with harsh winters and Toronto is probably the mildest of the places I've lived, but I like winter and snow and wouldn't feel right if the winter was warm.  I grew up in Quebec and winter was much harsher and there was a lot more snow so, it doesn't seem so bad to me.  I guess it's what you're used to that defines what is considered warm and cold.


Reply 2575#2575 cshapiro's post

Exactly, it's relative to what you are used to. Last night was our coldest night so far. It was -6c. So the roads were pretty awful this morning, big ice rinks! and all the cars were frozen solid.

The thing is, because we don't get really cold days here that when we do get relatively cold ones we're not that well equipped. For instance, if we had a heavy snow fall now, we'd most likely be stuck. We don't have snow ploughs or the like!! A few years ago I had to take force majeure day from work because I couldn't get into the office due of the snow fall!!

And as for our "cold gear" - you might find one or two places that specialise in snow boots or extreme out door wear, but they'd charge you an arm and a leg. Because it's not the norm, we wouldn't have many places that sell clothes like that. I actually bought my Columbia jacket in New York a few years ago. It's getting great wear at the moment !!

Mel, hope you feel better soon.

[ Last edited by shinny at 12-7-2008 12:00 ]


Reply 2568#2568 themegababe's post

Meg i probably would have chosen that hyped up on coffee animation too if I had seen it.  On a given exam day i go to starbucks usually twice (once in the morning and once before the exam) All that caffinne affects my sleeping but at least i don't fall asleep during my exams

Woah my smilies are rearranged!  I couldn't find the one i was looking for cuz it moved...that was weird!

And as much as all of you seem to love living in such cold places, I don't think I could live in a place where you have to defrost your car just to get inside.  I love the cold, but that is just too cold for me!  I prefer to freeze while walking to the car then get right in and blast the heat to warm myself up.  Or our recent coldness which actually isn't that cold just really comfortable especially in the sun.  I do wish it would snow though!  It has been cold enough, just not the right type of cold since well this is florida


Reply 2575#2575 cshapiro's post

Yeah, that was my point. Usually I don't HAVE to defrost my car to get into it as it doesn't get that cold here so I wasn't prepared for it. If it happened usually I would know that I needed to leave earlier to deal with it. I realise that there are places much colder but as Shinny said, people know what to do as you get used to it!

My cold got much worse and I went to school today only to be sent home by lunchtime! I hate having time off but it will probably do me good as right now I ache all over! I'm generally pretty healthy though so hopefully I'll recover quickly and be back at work soon. I don't like leaving my class in other people's hands as I have a set plan of what I want done by when and it doesn't usually happen that way when somebody else has to take over!!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Heh, it's 50 degrees here and everyone is freaking out!  But it feels like there is no point for coldness.  my hubby and I were discussing how it's okay when it's cold and theres snow... cuz there's snow! haha  But now its like, it's sunny, palm trees everywhere, and cold. weird.

When I went to Salzburg I adjusted really quick.  After living there for 4 months (Jan - April), 30 was super warm. It was like t shirt weather! haha

Good luck on the exams Arielle, and good luck on the frozen cars to everyone else.  I have just one paper to finish. And it's not due til Friday.  So I'm trying to motivate myself to get it done now!


Reply 2578#2578 meljones_83's post

Sorry you're feeling so rough Mel.  Here's a little basket of goodies to help you feel better ASAP.

BTW, try not to worry about your class.  They'll be delighted when you get back - and I'm sure the substitute won't completely undo all your hard work.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

