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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2520#2520 themegababe's post

neither have I, only people over 65 are encouraged to get them


Reply 2518#2518 cshapiro's post

Thanks for the reminder.  I was planning to get my flu shot when I saw my GP last week, but I had a very sore throat and stuffed up sinuses.  I'm sure there will be a clinic around here for flu shots.  I just have to feel well enough since I can't get when if I'm already sick.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2521#2521 bala's post

It is not true that only the elderly should get a flu shot.  There was a time that only people over 50 and people with other health issues were given a flu shot but now, it is recommended for everyone starting at 2 years old.  I am required by law to have one as someone in the health care field but it is a good idea for everybody.  In Canada it is free for everybody now.


In the UK it is only offered to people over 65, people with certain medical conditions, people working in health or social care and people who work with poultry! Guess that last one is due to bird flu?

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 11-20-2008 20:17 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2524#2524 meljones_83's post

That's odd, but you're probably right Mel.  I guess they figure - better safe than sorry.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Feel better sick ladies!! I guess the change in season does that, it certainly has gotten very cold, very fast over here too.

My parents arrive tomorrow for a week-long visit and I'm looking forward to it, but running around trying to get the house cleaned before they get here!!

Oh and I've been meaning to ask: anyone seen Granny Penny around here lately? If I remember right it's been a while now...


Reply 2526#2526 studiojek's post

I've been wondering about Penny too.  I was thinking that I keep missing her, but she also hasn't posted in a while.  I hope she's OK.  I think she may have mentioned needing some more surgery, but I'm not positive.  If so, maybe that's why she's away.

Have a great visit with your parents!  Don't sweat it if everything isn't perfect.  I'm sure they're coming to see you not your house.   

We are painting the living room this weekend - I'm still aching from yesterday , but will check in again later.  My Mum had to go out this morning so I slept in.  I just having my coffee now so I can get going on the 2nd coat.  It wouldn't be bad, but we have at least 10 foot ceilings, so my shoulders are killing me.  One good thing - I figured the painting would make me feel like crap anyway, so we're doing it while I'm already a bit  under the weather.  My reasoning (or the method to my madness ) is why ruin 2 weekends feeling awful when you can cram it into one.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2527#2527 waterlilybarb's post

The cold over here in uk is bad i went outside for 5 minutes and my feet became numb


Reply 2528#2528 bala's post

Were you wearing boots or warm shoes at least?  At the very least make sure you have good warm socks.  

We have about 6 centimeters of snow on the ground - not much so far, but it's cold.  I went out yesterday and had on my hat, coat, boots, gloves, and  2 scarves and was still cold because I didn't have warm enough stuff under my coat.  I thought I'd be OK since I was just running out for a little bit, but I'll know better next time.  Plus, it's now time to dig out my really warm boots.  Winter has definitely arrived.  I actually enjoy winter - as long as I'm dressed for it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2529#2529 waterlilybarb's post

normal trainers


Reply 2530#2530 bala's post

Get some warmer footwear if the cold is going to last any length of time.  Also, wear a hat.  Keepng your feet & head warm are the best ways to keep the rest of you warm, since the majority of body head escapes from those extremities.  Do that and you'll thank me when you're waiting for the bus or train on a cold morning.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2531#2531 waterlilybarb's post

i don't really like boots, winter is only a season over here-i have a lot sweat-shirts to keep me warm.


Reply 2532#2532 bala's post

Even without boots, warmer socks can help.  I know your winters aren't like ours, but cold is cold and it's wise to be sensible, though when I was a teen I was notorious for leaving for school with my hair still wet.  In the winter it would actually freeze by the time I got to the bus stop, which was only half a block from our house.  I'm much less worried about looking cool now, plus, I found a cute hat so I don't have frozen hair anymore.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


It's cold here too...well Florida cold lol I love it!  It can be as cold as the 20s or 30s in the mornings and as warm as the 60s 70s or even on a warmer day 80s in the afternoons.  I usually have to come back and change mulitple times in a day lol but i love this weather!

For those who celebrate American Thanksgiving, HAPPY THANKSGIVING (i know its a little early, but i have a research paper to get done before i leave for break so i don't know if i'll be back before then).


Hey all,

Chapiro. You are right about taking care of yourself. Actually, my company gives out the flu shot for free, seeing as our health providers over here don't. However, I never get it done. Don't ask me why, but I just feel a bit funny about it. The thing is, I really hate when people say they have the flu when what they have is a bad cold. I remember only ever once getting the real flu and I will never forget it. I was in my very early twenties, just after I had the chicken pox and it knocked me for six. Since then (over 10 years now!!) I haven't had the flu. Touch wood. I've had bad colds and bronchitis this year (my first time ever) but not the flu.

Studio, I'm laughing at you trying to get the house clean before your parents arrive. Isn't it funny how they'll always have that effect on you!? Enjoy having them there.

Lol Barb, I love your reasoning !! There is some good logic in that. My cold is all but gone. Have a little bit of a sniffle, but otherwise it's fine. I know it was prolonged by how busy I was in work, plus people forget (in our world of antibiotics) that colds last that long!

Bala, I've two words for you cayenne pepper. Go and buy some of it. Put a little bit in a glass of water and knock it back. It immediately warms you up. Plus it's good for your blood circulation. In fact, cayenne pepper has been used in medical emergencies for people suffering heart attacks or stroke.

Arielle, it's a little bit like that here during our winters. Morning freezing, midday mild, evening cool!


Reply 2535#2535 shinny's post

Well, we finished the living room this weekend.  I guess it was a little ambitious to think we'd get both rooms (living & dining rooms) done, considering we both have poor health.  I can't believe how much nicer the room is now.  Colour makes SUCH a difference.  I'm hoping to get the dining room done during the week.  Can't wait until it's finished though because the fumes (though they don't smell as strong as the old stuff) still knock both my Mum & I for six.  It's more the off-gassing of the chemicals than the actual smell.  Unfortunately, it's too cold to open up the windows.  

It's snowing/sleeting tonight - so that gives you an idea of the lovely weather we're having.  I'd much prefer a nice blanket of snow that is crisp to this sloppy wet mess.  Oh well, complaining won't change just makes me feel better to have a wee whinge.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2535#2535 shinny's post

I agree with you about people who say they have the flu when it's just a bad cold. I know a couple of this year who have been walking around saying they have flu - the fact they are walking round makes me think it's prbably not flu. I have only had it once too a couple of years ago and I couldn't do anything. For 3 days I could hardly get out of bed to go to the toilet as I ached so much everywhere and felt exhausted!

I'm not saying that colds aren't bad - they can also make you feel really ill and unable to work but when you've had both you know the difference!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2537#2537 meljones_83's post

I know what you mean about not being able to get up when you have the flu!  I vaguely remember when I had the flu.  I was about 12 at the time.  I spent the entire 48 hours on the couch watching tv cuz i couldn't do much of anything else and the couch was closer to the bathroom than my bed was so just in case.  I've also never gotten a flu shot.  I mean yeah I've been sick during flu season, but it usually just a cold or once a stomach virus, but nothing that the flu shot would help prevent.


Reply 2537#2537 meljones_83's post

Flu is DEFINITELY different from a cold or stomach bug.  I've had it a couple times and ended up in hospital once from complications.  I wound up with viral pneumonia, which is NOT fun.  Because of being at high risk, I usually am able to get my flu shot early, but being in a new place I don't know where to go to get one this year.  I'm pretty sure there's a weekly clinic for shots somewhere around so I'm going to check into that.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


And don't even get me started on the "Man Flu" - sorry boys, but it is true that you are the worst patients ever when you have a sniffle.

Man: "I think I might have Meningitis. Look at this rash I have"
Woman: "No love, that's where you fell asleep on the remote control"

