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The girly`s ......giggle box

  Oooh i love the pictures!  Thanks for posting!  Glad to hear all went mostly well. It's no fun if a few things don't go wrong.  (did that sentence even make sense?) haha  

And Arielle, they really have a gossip website for your school?  I thought that was just in the movies!   That's what I get for going to small schools! haha

Also, I voted too.  First time in an actual polling place, because i voted absentee before!


Reply 2500#2500 studiojek's post

Yeah, that's a good way to describe it. One of my cousins really surprised me by coming over all sentimental - it was quite late on in the evening though so he'd probably been drinking at that point!

Thanks Meg!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2501#2501 themegababe's post

Very funny meez Meg!

mel - LOL, I'm sure he meant it despite the booze


Lol, yeah I'm sure he did but I know he'd never have said it without!

Good news on the kitchen flood! The company we bought our flat from have taken full responsibility as they should have plumbed it all in properly and it wasn't up to us to do it. It's still a pain and at the moment we have a warped lino in the kitchen and a damp living room carpet but it means they'll sort it all out for us.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2504#2504 meljones_83's post

That's great, what a relief! I know you just moved in put I guess you can look at it as a chance for a free new paint job =)

Have a nice Sunday everyone! Mine's been spent catching up on episodes from this week and cleaning the house (guess which thing I've enjoyed more!).


Reply 2501#2501 themegababe's post

yeah theres a gossip website for my school...actaully more of a forum and many schools are on the forums.  The website is if you wanted to take a look and see if there is some gossip from your school.  We had one in high school too actually but it got shut down because people were taking advantage of it and threatening people and posting anti-semetic remarks and such.  

Mel, those pictures are beautiful!  I'm glad the little disasters weren't too bad and all fixable!  I mean there is no such thing a s a big event that doesn't have a few mishaps!

In other news (and the reason for my short disapperance) I was initiated into my sorority over the weekend so I am now officially a sister.  It's exciting!  We also weren't allowed to wear our letters until we got initiated so today around campus we were all wearing pretty much the exact same outfit becuase we all just wanted to show off our letters.   it was funny when we all showed up for lunch wearing the same thing


Reply 2506#2506 imarielle626's post

glad your enjoy your uni experience


Reply 2506#2506 imarielle626's post

I have always loved the idea of sororities and wished they did that here in the UK. Actually I wish that a lot of the uni experience in the UK was more like the US, but that's a whole different post!

Glad you enjoyed your weekend and that you are now officially a sister!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


haha yeah I always wanted to be in a sorority,  but it was never the right time. oh well.

How's married life going, mel?


I'm Back Again!

Hiya Girls!

Thanks for the well wishes on my trip - it went well, and the drive both ways was uneventful.  I'm tired, but Studio was correct...knowing I had the DSL to come back to made returning even nicer since it will make keeping in touch with my family & friends down there SO much easier.

Glad to hear everyone seems to be doing well, and especially happy to hear that Mel's kitchen disaster is being taken care of by the company who installed the plumbing.  That's great news, and I'm sure a load off you & your hubby's minds.

I'm off to catch up on some shows - didn't get to watch ANY while I was away.  Ta for now!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2510#2510 waterlilybarb's post

Mel, glad to hear that company are going to look after the water damage. That's only fair, considering they didn't plumb it in properly !!!

Arielle, that's great that you made it into the sorority. You'll have to keep us updated on that.

Welcome back Barb !!

Hey Studio, Meg!!

I'm having a lazy day today. I was extremely busy in work this week and then on Friday night I met up with some old work mates. We had a blast. It was so nice seeing some of the old faces from when I started there (these are people who have left the job that i am still in).

Next week I'm meeting up with the girls from my previous job that I still keep in touch with. We meet up every 3 months or so.

[ Last edited by shinny at 11-16-2008 18:28 ]


Reply 2511#2511 shinny's post

Hi Shinny! =) Sounds like you've had a fun weekend! I've also had a nice catching up with friends weekend, and tonight we're going to friends' for dinner, though I generally hate going out on Sunday nights since I have work brain looming over me all night!

Barb, WELCOME BACK! Glad the trip went well and that DSL is helping your return be a little less bitter!

Arielle, congrats on becoming a "sister"! Did they make you do all sorts of things, like I always hear about? (sororities and fraternities weren't big at my college so I have no idea, only what I've seen in movies!)

Hi Meg, hi Mel!


Hi everyone

I'm enjoying married life but still settling into it! I am quite an untidy person but like everything clean (work that one out!) Wheras my husband hates clutter but doesn't seem to notice if things are dirty! I think we've been good for each other and we've started to get into a routine of who does what and when. Mind you, my hubby does the washing up because I cook and he's already looking into how much a dishwasher would cost....

Glad to hear things all seem to be going well for everyone at the moment!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2513#2513 meljones_83's post

Hi Mel!

Glad to hear you're settling into your new life.  I TOTALLY understand where you're coming from.  I too am a very clean person, but not always the tidiest.  I used to be a complete neat freak, but I jus don't have the energy for it anymore, so am very glad I've learned to not be irritated by a bit of untidiness.  Before it would have driven me completely mad.   We have a dishwasher in our new house, but my Mum never uses it.  She's never had one, so doesn't think of it.  Personally, I'd use (and will) more often.  We have enough dishes to last us until we get a decent load so it makes sense to me.  Also, cold& flu season is coming, and the dishwasher can actually disinfect the dishes, which I think will be great.

I was sick as a dog last night and am just hoping that it's all the running around catching up to me because I don't relish the thought of having any kind of bug.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2514#2514 waterlilybarb's post

Hey all. Hope you are all well.

Barb, I picked up a flipping head cold. Smothering at the moment, but I've just had a medicinal hot whiskey and it seems to be helping. My sister also has it so we think we picked it up from someone at my work reunion on Friday night. My sis was there too as she used to work there during the summer months when she was in college.

I'd say it'll pass very soon though. I normally on get a head cold for a day or two, when I do get them.


Reply 2515#2515 shinny's post

That sucks Shinny.  Hope this one only lasts for a couple days too.  I hate head colds and feeling all "snuffy".   Hot whiskey sounds good.  My stomach is what's really not good so I'm on hot ginger drinks and dry toast.  Mm-mm good (she says with just a hint of sarcasm). lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2516#2516 waterlilybarb's post

Thanks Barb, I wish I could take the day off work and recover but we are just too busy at the moment. I'm still all stuffy, but I don't feel as bad as I did yesterday. For me, it's my sinus' that always give me so much hassle when I get a head cold !!

Hot Ginger drinks sound lovely actually. I really like Ginger. I actually don't like the taste of Whiskey at all, but we had it laced with cloves and lemon and plenty of water to drown out the taste, lol. It definitely does help though !! I'm not sure why it works, but it does !!

Hope you feel better soon.


Reply 2517#2517 shinny's post

Sorry to hear about all the colds going around.  I hope you all recover real soon.  As for needing a day off to recover, that is the story of my life.  I end up going to work no matter how sick I am, which of course makes me end up taking longer to recover.  I just can't seem to avoid going in for at least part of the day.  Taking care of yourself is the best medicine.  I had pneumonia 3 years ago and it took me three months to fully recover because I never got enough rest to allow my lungs to fully heal.  Try to avoid making that mistake if you can.  I'm a big fan of folk remedies though.  My grandmother had a bunch of them and they all seemed to work.  At the very least you can't go wrong with a big bowl of chicken soup, the best cure there is.  Everyone should remember to get there flu shots now.  This is the beginning of flu season and now is the time to be immunised.

Feel better Barb and Shinny.


There seem to be a lot of bugs going around at the moment, most people I know seem to have had something. Must be the time of year. Hope you both feel better soon.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


  I've never gotten a flu shot in my life.  Maybe I should start this year. Altho making it to November without getting sick is a first for me!

