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The girly`s ......giggle box

ugh!  this election has me so anxious right now!  i just can't wait for it to be over!  I've even resorted to surfing my school's gossip website to keep me distracted from refreshing the election results page every 5 seconds lol


it's over now and the right person won now question is what will he do make the country  better. the next couple years are going to be a testing ground.


Reply 2482#2482 bala's post

Unfortunately for him he has inherited an awful lot of cr*p from Bush and as such it will take possibly more than the 4 years he will be in power to fix. But he can make a damn good start + he has the houses to support him which will make it easier to pass motions.


Reply 2483#2483 shinny's post

so you don't think re-electred after his 4 years?


Reply 2484#2484 bala's post

I've no idea Bala. All I know is that the term may be too short to make major impact. Perhaps that will help him get re-elected. It all depends on what he does over the 4 years though.


Reply 2485#2485 shinny's post

wow this bring us to interesting question where will i be in 4 years time or you. can you imagine how much this site would grown in 4 years


Reply 2483#2483 shinny's post

I agree with you on that!  I am curious to see what Obama will do as president now.  Bush did not leave the country in the best of places so if done right (not that i know the right way lol) Obama can really impact the country for the better.  I just hope his lack of experience isn't going to hurt him!  But he is so much better than the alternative!!!  If McCain would have won, I don't think I would have been able to stick around long enough to see how he affects the US lol.  I'm glad I don't have to pick up and move out of the country so soon



Today is the 6th, so sometime during the day my high speed DSL will be activated.  I can't wait!

I won't really get a chance to enjoy it until I get back though, since I leave on Friday for about a week.  I plan on giving my Mum a crash course in basic internet use tomorrow so she can have a little fun surfing the web and figuring out how to do things with the computer while I'm away.  Should be fun.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2488#2488 waterlilybarb's post

that's very nice of you


Hi guys!
I have enjoyed catching up on the giggle box and so many things have been said so I won't comment I'll just say that I hope all is well and it's good to be back!

The wedding wnt well although we did have a couple of near disasters! Oh, and New York is amazing, I want to to go back!
I know that at least one person asked me about wedding pics, official ones are not being given to me for another 2 weeks or so but I have an inbox full of pics people have sent so I'll post a couple when I have sorted through them!

I have no internet access at my new flat as yet so I don't know when I'll be back, am borrowing my parents at the moment! They thought they'd got rid of me on the wedding day!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2490#2490 meljones_83's post

Welcome Back Mrs.!

I'm so glad you had such a nice honeymoon.  I'm off tomorrow to head down to where I used to live for a week, but look forward to your pics whenever you're able to post them.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2490#2490 meljones_83's post

Welcome back!  Glad the wedding went well!  Sounds like you had a good time in NY.  It's such a fun city!  So much to do!

random fact of the day:  I just learned the Greek alphabet so now I can sing the alphabet in 3 languages (it would be 4 but my spanish teacher never taught us the alphabet so i still don't know all the letters lol)


Reply 2490#2490 meljones_83's post

Welcome back! Oh dear, what kinds of near disasters??!

Barb, congrats on the DSL and have a great trip!


  My kitchen just flooded! It's a new build and we were told everything was done for us so, stupidly, we didn't check. Turns out that the waste pipe wasn't connected so when I went to do our first load of washing, the water emptied out into our cupboard and all over the floor
Sorry, rant over! It means I am back at my parents house to finish the washing and the silver lining is that I get to use their computer!

The near disasters were the youngest usher's trousers not fitting after getting them changed because they didn't fit the first time! (He ended up wearing school trousers which were black instead of grey, nobody noticed on the day but it does show up in the pics.) The others were that my dress broke while my mum was lacing it up and one bridesmaid's straps were wrong on the dress as you could see the hook and eye fastening. These were also nicely averted by my cousin's girlfriend and my mum who are great with a needle and thread! As soon as I got to the church everything was fine though, it went smoothly from then on.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Here's pics as promised!

I think it was Bala who asked if I was going to post pics. It seemed like a good idea as I have talked quite a lot about the wedding!
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"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2495#2495 meljones_83's post

So pretty!! Thanks for the pictures. Loved your flowers and dress =)


Reply 2495#2495 meljones_83's post

Awh, lovely Mel. Did you have a great day?

Sorry to hear about your kitchen flooding !

I'd say all of those little things seemed huge on the day, but thankfully you had family on hand to sort it for you !!


Reply 2495#2495 meljones_83's post

So sorry about your flood.  That sucks!  I know what a hassle it can be to clean up a mess like that, but thank goodness for parents, eh?

Your pictures are lovely.  I love your dress, and the coat that went with it.  The green is beautiful on the girls, and looks just gorgeous with the white flowers.  At least your "disasters" weren't show stoppers and everything went smoothly for the most important bits.

BTW, my high speed is now activated.  I can't believe how slow the dial-up really was.  I was beginning to think I was just being a big whiner, but I downloaded a bunch of stuff I needed, in about 5 minutes or less.  It would have taken HOURS on dial-up.  I'll be a crazy internet junkie when I get back from my trip.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thanks guys, like I say, they were only 'near' disasters! They made me feel awful briefly but I had plenty of people there to put them into perspective for me!

Barb - glad to hear you've got the internet sorted and, though you probably won't see this til you get back, have a good trip!

Shinny, we did have a really great day and were so lucky. Everyone who was doing anything was brilliant - especially the usher whose trousers didn't fit. He was an absolute star and had a permenant smile on his face all day. (Genuine, not just for the camera!) We were also lucky with the weather as the two days either side were pretty horrible and wet. I am just so thankful for everything I have and for my family and friends who made the day what it was.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2499#2499 meljones_83's post

I remember from my own wedding day just how overwhelmed with love I felt from EVERYONE. It was a once-in-a-lifetime feeling really (though of course I hope to feel it again someday!)!

Barb, YAY for internet addiction - hey, at least knowing you're coming back to DSL will make the end of your upcoming vacation slightly sweeter!

