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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2460#2460 themegababe's post

I have 9 more days until the hubby deploys so things have been weird around here, to say the least. He leaves on the 9th. He will be spending around 3 months in various training courses before getting to Afghanistan in February. Unfortunately we won't be able to see him during the transition time so when he leaves on the 9th, I won't see him for 9 months.

My son goes on a week long school trip on the 10th, so I am not sure how I will be dealing with the empty house. On the 20th, my son and I will be in the states until December 1st. My mother-in-law and aunt-in-law will be coming to visit for 1 1/2 weeks at the beginning of December. At least all of that will keep me pretty busy until mid-December. I am not looking forward to the Christmas holidays much this year, but at least my son will be with me rather than at his dads (we alternate holidays). I am thinking we will get a small tree and put up a few decorations, but nothing elaborate.

Um yea so thats my stream of consciousness thinking for today- tune in tomorrow when I discuss dinner menus for the next 3 months
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


Reply 2459#2459 waterlilybarb's post

Yay for the DSL and the new glasses Barb - it's your week huh!?

Shinny - congrats on the great news!!

Shannon -  my best wishes for a quick, uneventful deployment.


Lol I just realised how I wrote my last update. I should just clarify that it's my other brother and his wife that are expecting the baby. Their second. Not my brother who is getting married, lol @ shotgun wedding !!

Barb, it will be lovely for you to see your family.

Shannon, that's very difficult. The sooner they can put an end to the war, the better.

Hey Studio, how are you?


Reply 2461#2461 silver1978's post

I echo the sentiments of Shinny & Studio and hope for an uneventful tour for your hubby.  It's nice that some of that time will be spent with your family, and very nice you get to have your son for the holidays this year.  If you come up with any fab & easy recipes for 2, feel free to post them.  My Mum and I take turns with the cooking (though lately she's been doing more because she enjoys cooking, whereas I do it because I need to eat. ) and it's always nice to try something different.

As for myself, my high speed DSL will be activated on the 6th.  YAY!  I can't wait - though I'll be heading down south a couple days later for about a week.  When I get back though, I'll be like greased lightning compared to now.

Shinny - I didn't even think of that!   I was assuming it was 2 different sibings.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2464#2464 waterlilybarb's post

Lol Barb, I've enough of them anyway so I guess that's why I just wrote it that way.

My brother and his now wife to be are home today. I can't wait to see her ring. My brother described it to me by text and it sounded beautiful.

That's great about your DSL line. I know how painfully slow dial up can be. Broadband/DSL is so much better !!


Reply 2463#2463 shinny's post

LOL I also imagined you were talking about different siblings!

I'm great, thanks for asking. Am cleaning out our guest room today (Fall cleaning!) and made a pumpkin pie to bring over to friends' for dinner.

And you all, how's your Saturday?

Do anything fun for Halloween?


I finally had a little time to catch up this weekend YAY!  I've all caught up on shows now and working my way on catching up around the forum.  Every time I think I'm going to have an easier week, something seems to come up that throws me right back to being busy!  But I like being's less boring lol  I can honestly say I ALWAYS have something to do

My Halloween was not too exciting.  I spent the whole week before shopping and helping get our sorority house ready for this event we do the day before Halloween where kids from the area come trick or treating to all the houses on the row and we play games with them and stuff.    It was fun, but by the time Halloween actually came around I was all Halloweened out lol.  Instead I went and early voted for the US presidential election (my first time voting YAY) then I went to see High School Musical 3 with a bunch of my friends.  It actually was actually really cute and they did a pretty okay job with the movie, though I sometimes can't stand Zac Efron's acting skills (or lack there of lol)


Reply 2467#2467 imarielle626's post

Congrats on your 1st voting experience Arielle.  This should prove to be an interesting couple of days, but honestly, I'll be glad when it's over.  I'm so tired of hearing about the election (plus we just had one here), but am interested to see who will win.

My exciting day consisted of holing up in bed and trying to rid myself of a wicked migraine (seems to be mostly gone - YAY!) and making arrangements for my trip down south.  I'm getting excited to see my friends.  I just hope I feel well enough to enjoy the trip.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey ladies. Wow, I've had such an awful day. I was supposed to fly to Paris this evening for a work thing tomorrow and I couldn't find my passport. You can also use your National ID card but unfortunately they don't issue them in Ireland (much to all of our annoyance btw).

I searched for 2.5 hrs and then had to give up. I've no clue what happened to it, but needless to say that I'll have to cancel it. Bummer is that I still had another few years on it. It will cost me €75 to replace now!

Anyway enough moaning!!.....yep we had lots of Halloween fun here on the Friday. My nephew's all dressed up and were suitably scary!!


Reply 2469#2469 shinny's post

Sorry to hear that i always keep my passport in same place so i don't lose it?.


Reply 2470#2470 bala's post

Thanks. Yep, me too. I think what might have happened is that during a big clear out I did a several weeks back, I may possibly have thrown it out in error! I just remembered that I had done the clear out and because I have searched high and low, I can only assume that's what happened

Oh well!


Reply 2471#2471 shinny's post

oh right you don't keep it safety box with key ?


Reply 2471#2471 shinny's post

Oh that's just awful, sorry to hear it =( I didn't know they don't do ID cards in Ireland.

Barb - hope your migraine's better!

Arielle - congrats on voting! I also sent my ballot in a couple weeks ago, hopefuly it gets there and is counted.

I agree, I will be very happy when this election is over!


Reply 2473#2473 studiojek's post

Will we find out result Wednesday/Thursday?


Reply 2474#2474 bala's post

We should know the results in the very early morning of the 5th (thats Eastern time). Basically by the time I wake up on the 5th, we should pretty much know who won unless there is a "Florida fiasco" again.
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


Reply 2475#2475 silver1978's post

Well i hope this forum is buzzing


Reply 2472#2472 bala's post

Lol, no. It's not a gold nugget - I normally keep it in a folder box but on this occasion I obviously didn't!!


Reply 2475#2475 silver1978's post

I hope there is not another "florida fiasco" as you put it!  That is why everyone here is so crazy about voting!  and apparently it is the county i now live in alone that would have changed florida's vote if more people had voted which would have most likely changed the election.  Who knew a small little college town could have so much power? haha  I'll be glad when the election is over too!  I'm tired of getting stalked on campus and asked if I've voted yet!  It's just annoying now!  I just hope the election goes well!


Reply 2478#2478 imarielle626's post

Arielle, you should wear a big badge that says "I've already Voted!" lol !!


Well, we'll know in the morning who the next President of the US is.  All the major US networks are doing election coverage - and so many of the shows on Canadian TV are repeats tonight.  I don't find watching the numbers particularly interesting, so we'll most likely stick a DVD in.  No matter who wins, it has been an interesting race.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

