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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2438#2438 meljones_83's post

i just heard thank barbs new topic best of luck and hope you enjoy your wedding. man you probably going to start to get nervous a hour before actually wedding start. That what i heard from my married friends. be sure you post picture like Gypsiegirl did.


Hi all!
Wow I just realized it's been a while since I've been on and even longer since I've posted.  School and sorority have sort or been taking of my life so I haven't had much time for anything else!  It seems my exams come in waves so i'll have 3 exams one week then a few weeks without exams then another week with 2-3 exams, etc.  This past week was a 3 exam week, but it was nice to get it all over with because we have Homecoming this next week and I'm gald I don't have any exams to worry about during homecoming week!

Mel, best wishes to you on your wedding!  It sure has come around fast!


Reply 2442#2442 imarielle626's post

Glad to hear things are going so well Arielle.  Sounds like you're having a good time AND learning a lot.  Nice to see you - even for just a few minutes.    I hope you have fun with Homecoming.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2442#2442 imarielle626's post

I'm the same, I haven't posted here for a while.

Mel, I wanted to wish you all the best before you take your leave of us for your big day !! I hope you have a really fabulous time.

Arielle, hope you enjoy homecoming!!


Me neither!  Sorry guys!  I feel like a bad mod too!

And Mel, you probably won't freak out. I didn't. I mean, I had one moment, literally a moment, like 2 weeks before, when I realized we didn't have any vows written. But nothing else (and we found vows online pretty quickly!) haha  Have fun and soak it all in!


My last check into the giggle box before the big day! Thanks for all your kind words and advice!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


yay! have a wonderful wedding!


Reply 2446#2446 meljones_83's post

Mel's getting married today!  Have a GREAT day Mel!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2448#2448 waterlilybarb's post

Yay!! Best wishes Mel!!!


I'm finally getting new glasses!  I can't remember if I mentioned it, but I lost my specs about 2 weeks after I moved up here and have been trying to do with just my contacts and (old) prescription sunglasses since.  I have to wait 2 weeks though, because I think they send them to Toronto to have them made.  Talk about a pain in the butt.  I'm ever hopeful that when I get them I'll have a few fewer migraines, as I'm sure the eye strain hasn't helped my head any.  

And that's the exciting news from the back of beyond.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2450#2450 waterlilybarb's post

OK, I know I'm replying to myself, but I'm excited!  I must have made a good case for myself because my glasses are ready and I get to go pick them up today.  I know it's not earth-shattering news, but I'm delighted.  it will be SO nice not to be wearing my sunglasses all the time.  It's bad enough when I have to wear them when I have a migraine, but it sucks when trying to watch TV in the evening.   Little things like this just make me happy.    

Now, if I could only fall asleep so I won't feel like absolute crap in the morning.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2451#2451 waterlilybarb's post

i love getting new glasses


Reply 2452#2452 bala's post

I do too.    I'm especially happy this time since I've been without a proper pair for a couple months now.  Thank heaven for contact lenses & old sunglasses.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2453#2453 waterlilybarb's post

one thing i love about glasses is that changes the way you look


Reply 2454#2454 bala's post

True, but I tend to stick to the same colours.  The frames I got this time are a bit more square than my old ones.  Being a red-head and quite fair I don't like anything too severe - like black frames.  I'm also not crazy about the frames that have those little nose pads, as they always wind up irritating me, no matter how well they're fitted.  I chose ones that are kind of a dark tortoise shell colour, which is similar to the ones I lost.  I like them because I don't tire of the colour quickly and they go with everything.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2455#2455 waterlilybarb's post

i like black frame my last one was black but the one i have now is dark brown i like it-i like it more than black frame i had because it matchs my skin colour . i agree about nose pad i find them annoying but nothing i can do about them i just get used to it


Reply 2456#2456 bala's post

My reading glasses have those nose pads, but because I have sinus problems (allergies & such) I find I can't wear that type of frame for long periods of time (like all day).  I picked up my new glasses and they're great!  I like them even better than I thought I would.  Plus, I can see better now that I have the proper prescription.   My contacts are good, but with an astigmatism they don't give me 100% clear vision, so it's a real treat to be able to see clearly again.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey all, Barb congrats on the new glasses. When I was younger, I wanted a pair of glasses. My eyesight is 20/20 so I have no need. I tried to talk my folks into getting me clear glasses, didn't work. Haha !!

My brother (second eldest) and his girlfriend got engaged. We're delighted for them, they've been together for a while. They went to New York to get the ring and so my brother could properly propose.

Big year for us next year. A new baby on the way + a wedding !


Reply 2458#2458 shinny's post

How exciting!  It's so nice to have things like that to look forward to in a family.  Weddings are so nice - it's been a while since anyone I know (closely) got married...over 2 years. I doubt there will be any more babies in my family, at least not for a long time.  My sister would (possibly) have another child, but she'd like to wait until she's married.  She says she'd like to have 1 that she planned and that came in the order she expected (ie: marriage 1st, then baby ).  I love that she doesn't view the 2 she already has as accidents though - she views them as surprises - something she didn't know she wanted until she got.    

I'll be heading down there in a week or so (got to see my doc before winter sets in up here), so I'm excited to see the little ones.  My youngest nephew turned a year in September, and is growing by leaps & bounds.  I can't wait to see how much he's changed and if he has any hair yet.    Plus, my niece is just lovely, and loves her Aunt Barb, so I can't wait to get a big hug from her and hear all about her new school.  My brother has a 6 year old boy too, so I'm really hoping to get some time with him as well.  That's a tougher situation since his Mum doesn't speak to me (not sure why - she's just odd.  She's fine with my Mum though which is more important).  Hopefully my brother won't get sent out of town for work.

BTW, it looks like I'll at least be able to get high-speed DSL in November.  I did a little checking and it appears like the upgrades have been completed.  I'll be calling tomorrow about it, so am very excited.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Yay for DSL!  It seems like we have all gone into hibernation. Maybe because summer is oveR?  And where's Gypsy? I miss her! haha

On another note, happy halloween to all of those who celebrate! woo!!

