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The girly`s ......giggle box

The trouble with my doctors practice is that it's hard to get appointments with the two main doctors that everyone knows are good. If you need an appointment fairly quickly then you end up seeing one of the associates or a locum, I haven't seen the same doctor twice yet. (Although it's probably because I rarely go to the doctors.) Still, I'll have to change doctors soon as I am moving. It should be in 2 weeks, fingers crossed!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2361#2361 meljones_83's post

I'm having to find a new doctor too since I moved.  Thankfully my old doc said I could keep him until I found someone nearer to where I live.  Up here there are often locums filling in too.  There aren't enough doctors here in the north so I'm hoping it won't take too long to find someone.  Apparently many up here don't have a GP, but I think I may have found a practice that's accepting new patients - my fingers are crossed too.  If not, I'm glad to have the old one, even if he is far away.  I can get most of my prescriptions filled over the phone or by fax, and if I happen to catch a bug that needs antibiotics (hoping that won't happen) I can always go to the clinic.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2359#2359 imarielle626's post

  haha  Arielle, My Meez is doing the Hammer dance in the kitchen. Because I was excited for the weekend. But it's not showing the whole dance, just a weird part of it. I couldn't find a good shot of studying either, so hammer dance it was! haha


Hi Gals

Just a quick drop in to let you know I'm still around.  I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Life's still ticking along quite well though it's starting to det chilly up here already.  At least this winter I know I'll have heat which will be a huge improvement to last winter's fiasco of the broken radiator and the idiot landlord.

Mel, I hope your wedding plans are continuing to go well.

Meg & Arielle, I hope school is going well for both of you and you're enjoying your classes.

That's it for me tonight.  I'm off to take a quick scan of the boards.  Toodle-oo!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I'm off on Wednesday to NYC until Friday for a medical conference.  My hospital is sending me and aside from my presentation,(The use of lung sufacants in post operative infants less than 30 days of age....BOOORING!) and a couple of talks I need to hear, I basically have a free vacation to NY and I get to take my wife.  There have been a couple of interesting topics in here recently and I have some comments but they will have to wait until after my trip.


Reply 2365#2365 cshapiro's post

Have a safe trip, and I hope you and your wife get to enjoy some fun things in NYC.  Give my regards to Broadway.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2365#2365 cshapiro's post

I was just coming in to post that I'm off to NYC (as you could tell from my Meez)!! I'll be there from Thursday until the following Tuesday, back home Wednesday morning though. Not work

Enjoy Cshapiro. If you have time to catch a Broadway show I recommend Avenue Q (adult humor!!) - It's very good. Not your average "Broadway Show" !! This is from the London show, which I haven't seen. I saw the one in the Broadway, but it's the same story !!:


Reply 2354#2354 cshapiro's post

Universal health care is lovely, truly, but I find that there still is a marked difference in patient treatment between private and public health care. Those who can afford private insurance here, do. Universal health care should be available (Although I don't believe that mandated health care coverage is a good idea but that's another story) AND the standards of such heath care should be equal to that of private health care, but that does not tend to be the case. [ I grew up very poor and we were always on the public health care system in the US (Medicaid), so when I was very poor, I was covered. Once I grew up and started making money on my own, I no longer qualified for Medicaid, but couldn't afford private insurance either. So I understand the difficulties of a purely private system and those who can't afford it.]

Some of my experiences with the UK heath system.

A guy I work with needed surgery on his arm. The public heath care system had him scheduled for 3 months in the future. He went to a private doctor and was able to get into surgery in 2 weeks.

When I was in the hospital for 5 days, it was the public hospital (I didn't know the difference then!). It was really not a pleasant experience (not that hospitals ever are). I never had the same doctor. I saw a doctor once per day. No medical tests or discharges were done on weekends or after certain times of day. In five days, they only managed to complete one test (an ultrasound) and that was only after I had asked the nurse and 2 of the doctors when they were going to do it.  I was in a ward, there were 8 women in my room.

After being informed by one of the ladies on the ward about the private hospital here, I finally got myself discharged from the public hospital. Because I have private insurance through the military, I was able to be seen at the private hospital. The difference was amazing. I was scheduled for the tests I needed right away, I had one doctor to oversee my treatment, and there was a signficant difference in the courtesy of the staff.

Anyway! Just wanted to share my two cents on that subject.

Onto another: I quit my job today.
Originally I was very happy to get this job. I wanted something to do while my son was in school so was working part-time, at first I was working from 10am to 4pm. I asked if we could change it to from 9am-3pm Tues-Friday and about 8 hours on Saturday for a total of 32 hours a week so I would be available to bring and get my son from school. Around Christmas time, they needed some extra help at the store and asked if I would work 39 hours a week for a while. I said ok.

At the end of January, I asked to go back down to 32 hours a week, but was told they couldn't do that! Apparently, they had put in paperwork to the home office changing my contract hours to 39 hours per week until the end of September. I was mad, but I said ok, I can deal with that as long as we can arrange something so on the days my husband is unable to pick my son up from school, I will be able to. Ok, so I was now working 39 hours a week at my part time job. This means I was at work for 41.5 hours a week (lunches).

After coming back off sick leave, my new manager informed me that the old management had allowed the employees too much flexibility and too many accommodation  to the employees and that the employees should be accommodating the needs of management instead. She also informed me that I would be moved from the section I was working in to the front office (which I was ok with). I explained to her that I was happy to move and I was ok with the schedule changes, but the only thing I asked was to not come in until 9am (otherwise I would need a sitter in the morning and in the afternoon). I get my schedule the next day: 8:30am-5:30pm this week and 7:30am-4:30pm next week. I tried talking to her about it and all I could get out of her was basically, It doesn't matter what you want, this is what I need.

So between this new rigidness in scheduling, her general attitude and the fact my husband will be in Afghanistan (leaving in November) and I will be single parenting for 9 months, I went in Monday to talk to the other manager (her boss). I told him the situation and informed him I would be putting in my two week notice. This morning, I was getting ready for work and I couldn't for the life of me understand why I was bothering with the two week notice- the times they wanted me to work made things very difficult. SO I went in this morning and gave him written intention of immediate resignation. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted already.

Wow, didn't mean to write so much. Thanks for letting me rant lol.
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


Reply 2368#2368 silver1978's post

Wow Shannon, lol.

First thing, your experiences of the UK Health System is almost exactly the same here (Ireland). If you are on a Public waiting list (which is free) you can wait for months & months to be seen (depending how lucky you are) - If you go private, it's a matter of weeks, sometimes days ! They also tell you that if you go public you may not be guaranteed to see the consultant themselves, but one of his/her team. However, generally that doesn't happen here, about 90% of the time you will see the actual consultant.

I was in a public ward also when I was ill a couple of years back (I was in 3 different times) each time I was in I shared the room with either 3 or 5 other women. I was in my twenties at the time and on two occasions I was put in with at least 1 or 2 elderly ladies who were very ill and needed constant attention. As sick as I was, I was often out of the bed helping them to the loo or whatnot. When I think back now, that was very wrong.

I also have private insurance, but the way it works here is that not all Consultants accept that (I know) so sometimes even though you go Private, you end up beside a Public patient & you get the same attention but then you end up paying for maybe your MRI scan because your Private Healthcare doesn't cover that. It's a bit of joke to be honest. The system here may be free, but it's pretty bad. It always comes up as an issue around General Election time!

On your job. I can't believe that. The cheek of the. Well, you did the right thing because you wouldn't  have gotten any good out of that.


Reply 2367#2367 shinny's post

I doubt I will be able to catch a play.  We will only really have one free night and I'm looking forward to a nice long romantic(i.e. without kids) dinner with my wife.  It will be nice to have some quiet time together.   If you stand in the spot where your meez is standing I will see you from the window of my hotel but I will be spending a good part of my time at Mount Sinai Hospital all the way up at 98th street.  I will comment on public health care when I get back.  I may have come across as a blind devotee of public health but it's not the case.


Hi everyone,

The wedding plans are still going great thanks barb - 3 more days til I can try the dress on!

Sorry to hear that you were treated that way in your job Shannon - their loss! Some people just don't seem to understand the importance of people skills!
I'm really enjoying my job at the moment but our headteacher keeps saying how we'll have OFSTED in soon (school inspectors) and it's making me a little nervous!

I've been baking spiral shortbread today, wish I could share it with you guys but this is as close as I can get! (Although these look a lot neater than mine do!)

"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2370#2370 cshapiro's post

Well enjoy your alone time then cshapiro with your wife, I know that can be more valuable than anything else.

Lol, I think I know the hotel you mean. If  I'm right, I stayed there once before with my Job years ago.

Reply  2371#2371 meljones_83's post

Mel, that's great. I hope the fitting goes well, I'm sure it will. You'll have to come back and let us knw. Those biccies look lovely *drools*

I made a white chocolate raspberry cheesecake last week and it was very nice. It's a Cheesecake Factory recipe.

[ Last edited by shinny at 9-17-2008 17:04 ]


That sounds delicious, white chocolate and raspberry is my favourite kind of cheesecake. Closely followed by chocolate!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Mmm those cookies look delish!  I made some spiral sugar cookies last 4th of july, they were a huge hit!  And you can change the sugar color to make it for any holiday! haha  I can't find the picture, but it looks the same as your picture, except color in the middle (not brown). You basically roll out sugar cooke dough, sprinkle with lots of colored sprinkles, and then roll up and cut.  I did red and blue (layers) for the 4th of july.  Lots of fun, really cute, and super easy!

And Shannon, we are here for you to vent to. That's tough leaving your job, but with your husband gone, you need a strong support system, especially in the work office.  Hopefully you can find something else (or just spend the time at home with your son!)


those cookies do look good!  Well it seems like everyone is going to be in NYC this weekend.  I wish I could be there too!  But I am going to the beach this weekend (the closet one is about 2 hours away).  I haven't been to the beach since I was in Israel so I'm excited.  I'm also going to a social tonight for my sorority.  The theme is Disco Inferno.  I love dressing up and I'm really looking forward to having some fun in the middle of all my studies.  It's that time of year that all my classes are starting to give first exams and I'm on like study overload lol.  This week has been so long already and it is onlly wednesday!


Thanks for the idea Meg - I hadn't thought of doing them so they are different colours, I always just do a plain shortbread layer and a chocolate shortbread layer! I might have to try doing some red and green ones for christmas presents this year.

Arielle - Hope you enjoyed the social and enjoy your weekend, it's nearly here! I'm counting down the days
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Hi everyone! I've been so MIA, been very busy! It's time for me to catch up on my tv shows and giggle box! Though all this talk of shortbread and swirly cookies is making me want to grab a snack first...!!

Shannon, sorry to hear about your job, hope things work out all for the best!
Hi Barb,how's the new place and your mom?
To all our studious giggle boxers, hope school's going well!
Mel, good luck with trying the dress on!!

Oh and a p.s. on the healthcare discussion: here in Italy there is public healthcare which, yes, can be slow. However, you are guaranteed (especially as an unemployed or self-employed individual who, in the U.S., would pay $1000 per month for private coverage). For example, my mom had a car accident and after every 10 physical therapy sessions she needs to re-send in her case to the insurance company which has tried on numerous occasions to not cover her for them anymore. If the accident had happened here, she wouldn't need to be worrying about being covered for PT on top of everything else.

That being said, here in Italy there is also something that they call a "ticket," which is the state giving you allowance for private care at a lower rate (covered in part by the state, in part by you).

Just another point of view from over here in Europe!

[ Last edited by studiojek at 9-18-2008 19:22 ]


hey everyone. mel those cookies look awesome. making me hungry and i have just eating.  am so jealous of everyone going away for the weekend wheras i am stuck at home packing up the house ready to move(again )  next week. am so scared about driving the entire length of scotland on my own, well my sis will be in car but she cant drive lol. will hopefully get to orkney in one piece lol.
hard work never killed anyone... but why take the risk.


Reply 2378#2378 angel-87's post

I'm sure you'll do fine on the trip angel. When I moved in August it was only half way through the province of Ontario and it was a 12 hour drive.  If I do the trip by cutting through the US I can get it down to about 7 hours.  It's a trip I've been taking since I was a kid, so it doesn't seem so bad anymore.  The first time I drove it on my own though was a bit daunting.  I hope your move goes smoothly, and I feel for you having to pack.  I'm on the other end of that, and unpacking is much better, though still tiring.

Mel, those cookies look yummy.  I've had a yen for some homemade cookies lately but with still getting settled into the new house (and our oven being tempermental ) we haven't done much but basic cooking.  It will be nice to bake and make nicer meals again - even though what we do make is tasty, it's getting a bit boring.  I also really hope your dress fitting goes well.

Shannon, sorry to hear your boss was such a butt.  I remember when you got the job and how excited you were.  I hope all goes well and you are able to enjoy some of the time you now have with your husband before his deployment.  I also hope he returns safely.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi everyone, just thought I'd let you know that the dress fitting went fine, only one minor alteration to be done on mine - it fit pretty perfectly. Plus I have a jacket which is gorgeous. I think my fiance will be surprised by what I chose, I certainly was. I've gone back to the days when I used to love watching walt disney and gone for a dress that makes me feel like a princess! I always thought I'd want something much more slimline but trying them on I found that nothing went the way I expected it to.

All the bridesmaids dresses were lovely, the youngest just needs hers taking up which we knew that it would. It's all starting to feel very real!!

Hope everything goes ok for you when you move Angel - I'm sure you'l get there just fine!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"

