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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2300#2300 bala's post

Lol, I have always thought that kind of job would be really difficult. Knowing the best advice to give to other people depends on so many factors to do with those people, their backgrounds and their state of mind at the time. I admire people who do that for a living, it's quite a responsibility.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2301#2301 meljones_83's post

i am not trying offend anyone I'm just trying to understand why it takes such a long time how can you test these type of skills-i mean exam paper case study and writing how you would treat them. i just think anyone with good head on their shoulder can give advice-all you need is to be a good listener look signs that might suggest depression, suicidal tendency and any dangerous behaviour before giving advice. we all giving advice to your friends when it comes to their problem council ling is same thing only diffrence your dealing with stranger but they don't become stranger if they become your regular patient?


Oh I didn't think you were trying to offend. I just thought that it's funny how people have different ideas about different jobs and whether or not they could do them - I have had people tell me they couldn't deal with 30 kids all day wheras I find it's the adults I have to deal with that are more problematic!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2303#2303 meljones_83's post

trust me i wouldn't want deal 30 kids -hence why i didn't become a teacher i could of


Reply 2294#2294 bala's post

Unfortunately I'm living in the rural north and apparently there is work being done to upgrade the phone lines so I won't be able to get a high-speed connection until November at the earliest.   I can't wait until I can have a faster connection and also not have to worry about tying up the phone line.  Pain in the bum.  Everyone used to have this, so I guess I've just been spoiled with high-speed internet.  I'll get used to it and be even more grateful when I'm able to be Speed Racer again.

I'm off to sleep.  It's been a very busy day of unpacking.  Take care all and enjoy your week-end.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey Meg, it's great to see you, I know that you will be a huge success at being a therapist. Hows married life treating you? Is the honeymoon over yet?

Mel, your dress sounds beautiful, when is the wedding again? Happy to hear you're enjoying your students, I'm sure you'll have a great year.

REL-I live in FL, I know that football is big here, and I grew up in Maine, where the Patriots have a huge fan base. I too have always loved school spirit, I was a cheerleader and some of my favorite times were pep rallies. Enjoy your time in college, you only get to do it once!!

Hmmm I think I'm forgetting someone??? Oh, Barb well you know I'm thrilled to have you back!

I'm thrilled to be back myself and feeling better to boot...bonus!!


Welcome back Barb!! I've been thinking of you and wondering how the move went!! Congrats and I'm all fingers crossed that you get high-speed asap!! =D

Mel, your dress sounds really nice - that's too bad about the dressmaker ripping you off like that, hope it gets resolved.

Glad you're feeling better Gypsy!

Good luck to all you back-to-schoolers!!!


Reply 2306#2306 gypsiegirl66's post

Glad you're back and feeling better Gypsy

The wedding is on 25th October - 7 weeks today!
I'm going shopping with my mum this afternoon to see if we can get her an outfit but she's terrible to take clothes shopping as she's one of these people that thinks nothing looks quite right, even when it looks great.   If she finds a top she actually thinks is ok, she buys it in every colour they have so she can wear it all the time. Fingers crossed that we can get her something she loves! There's a first time for everything
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2308#2308 meljones_83's post

My mother is the same exact way!! She hates her body so much - and can never 'see' things properly on herself. It was a mess when she had to go shopping for her dress for my wedding without me, I got a LOT of cell phone photos entitled "So? What do you think?" LOL! Good luck to you!


Reply 2308#2308 meljones_83's post

Thank you both, it's great to feel like me again!
Yep, my Mum is the same way too, she buys the same shirt in all colors, and can never find anything she truly likes on her body. I on the other hand love to shop, I could spend $1000 in about 4hrs. I try to stay away from malls or sales ads, they always lead me on a shopping spree.

A fall wedding, how wonderful, that is my favorite time of year. Are you using fall colors, for flowers....etc? I'm sure it will be beautiful, no matter what you use.


Sounds like everyone is starting the school year off well!

Wow Mel, less than 2 months!  The date is approaching fast!

So this weekend is one of the most exciting weekends at my school!  We are playing my hometown's school in football tonight.  They only play each other once every 7 years and my school hasn't won since 1985 (though we are favored to win tonight)!  The rivalry is huge and so much fun!  I've already seen a bunch of my friends from home who have driven up for this game.  Last night my friends and I were just sitting at Ben and Jerry's ice cream shop (it is located between a major local bar and some other smaller bar) just watching the interaction between the two fan groups.


Reply 2311#2311 imarielle626's post

That's wonderful, it should be great fun. I've gathered that you are a Gator fan from UFL, what a great school to attend. You're right they are right up there, for best school spirit. I hope that you and you're friends have a great time, it looks like it's right at the right time, and will have no hurricane activity up there. Well, except for "The Hurricanes", good luck on winning.
Go Gators!!!


Reply 2310#2310 gypsiegirl66's post

We're not really using fall colours, it's all going to be green and white. We needed to save money as flowers are so expensive and I love green so we decided to go with lots of foliage with a few white flowers. The bridesmaids are wearing dark green.
My mum found an outfit although now she's got it home she's doubting it - even though we all think it looks great! I just hope she doesn't feel uncomfortable on the day!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Let me know if I go on to much - after all there's still 7 weeks to go and I don't want to bore everyone!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2314#2314 meljones_83's post

You go on as much as you like Mel!  Weddings are exciting and of course you wan to talk about it.  I'm delighted your Mum found an outfit she likes and I hope she feels good in it on the day.  Green is my favourite colour (can you tell? ) so I think dark green dresses sound lovely for the brides maids.  White flowers will be beautiful.  A simple colour palate can look gorgeous in photos!  Plus, I love the look of white & green together - very fresh.

Arielle, I hope you had fun at the football game and I hope your team won.  I'm glad to hear it sounds like you're really diving into the whole college experience.

Studio - thanks for the welcome back.  Unfortunately there's no high-speed for me until November.   I'm adjusting.  It's just another one of the lovely things (read sarcasm here ) about country life.

And my sweet Gypsy. I so pleased to hear you're feeling better, but you know that.

I've sure missed you all!  I'm off to bed, but I'm sure I'll catch you all around.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2315#2315 waterlilybarb's post

Well, I suppose there are a lot of PRO points to make up for the one big CON of dial up! Good to have you back, no matter how slow it may be =)


Reply 2311#2311 imarielle626's post

You are definitely getting the whole college experience, good for you.  I kind of missed out on a lot of it.  
even though I went to university in the US being from Canada I never really understood all the big deal about college football.  In Canada it just isn't a big deal.  Also in Canada the whole greek thing isn't very big and I just ignored it.  Not to mention the school I went to wasn't really a big football place.  I think now I missed out on something.  I do have a soft spot for the Gators though.  I remember going to a friend's house who was really into college football and he made me watch a Penn State, Gators game and it was one of the best games I've ever seen.  This actually was in '85 and the Gators lost but it was a very exciting game.  Hope they won this time.  Keep on getting all you can out of  college.  I was so worried about marks back then and I still didn't get a 4.0 GPA.


Reply 2313#2313 meljones_83's post

Well, I'm sure the whole wedding will be lovely, green is a favorite color of mine too. You go, on and on, as much as you like. Planning for the big day (especially for the bride), is the best part (at least is was for me). I rambled my friends ears off, they totally understood also. Plus, I love hearing about all the plans.

Hope you slept well sweet pea, I've been up all night, and I have to fly home for a week (this afternoon), then back again.

Can you believe this is the only airport meez has, I've never been to one, that looks like this, it kind of looks like a high end nightclub, or a very upscale bowlig alley. lol


Mel - I think I was all wedding on here for a month or so before the wedding. And I'm loving hearing all about yours!

Gypsy - Welcome back, glad you are feeling better. It's so great seeing you around so much more!  Hope your trip home was successful.

Bala - Well I wasn't offended at all by your question.  I actually thought that might be the case at first too, just listen and tell people what to do. But it is actually so much more than that.  You have to be a close listener and be able to read between lines, basically our professor described it as holding up a filter all day, to see what people are actually saying. And then we have to be careful not to divulge too much information as well, because we need to have proper relationships with our clients.  The biggest problem facing therapists is emotional burnout, I mean we have to listen to all sorts of emotions from people, all day long. And it's not like a friendship where you can talk back and forth and get out your feelings too, nope, you have to hold yours in. And the schooling is about learning to cope with that and how to handle different clients. Also how to diangose harder disorders. etc.  it's 2 years for a masters degree, and then 3000 hours interning, where you are being supervised the whole time. Mostly, the time is so you really know what you are doing. I mean, people's minds are in our hands, we don't want to harm them. Sorry, that was a long answer.

about college, I loved my undergrad, but I never did the greek thing, I'm kinda sad about that, but the time passed and it never happened.  I was on cheer though, like you Gypsy, and LOVED it. Football wasn't huge at our school, but we definitely had fans come and it was fun to see everyone. There were only 2500 people at my school, so you kinda knew everyone. Very weird, but I loved it. We also knew our professors really well. I loved that aspect. They were always available to meet with you or answer any questions. Now, I need to get some more reading done. ttyl


Bala - Well I wasn't offended at all by your question.  I actually thought that might be the case at first too, just listen and tell people what to do. But it is actually so much more than that.  You have to be a close listener and be able to read between lines, basically our professor described it as holding up a filter all day, to see what people are actually saying. And then we have to be careful not to divulge too much information as well, because we need to have proper relationships with our clients.  The biggest problem facing therapists is emotional burnout, I mean we have to listen to all sorts of emotions from people, all day long. And it's not like a friendship where you can talk back and forth and get out your feelings too, nope, you have to hold yours in. And the schooling is about learning to cope with that and how to handle different clients. Also how to diangose harder disorders. etc.  it's 2 years for a masters degree, and then 3000 hours interning, where you are being supervised the whole time. Mostly, the time is so you really know what you are doing. I mean, people's minds are in our hands, we don't want to harm them. Sorry, that was a long answer.
i perfectly understand that i think it going hard not to express your opinion,  you have to listen and be able help them but i just wondering if you don't mind because it's very personal and i wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable but what type of mistakes have you made during the course?. have they just minor or have you ever did mess practice diagnosis?.

Also can you tell me how many times you are allowed re-take any of it ,if fail first time and is there limit on how many times you can do same test?. As you said people minds are in your hands?.

i'm glad you weren't offended i did want make it sound like that i could do it but i just better understanding why it takes so long and you provided with it.

