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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2279#2279 imarielle626's post

hey Arielle, what sorority do you belong to? If you are in college you never outgrow footbaLL!


Reply 2281#2281 gypsiegirl66's post

I'm in Alpha Epsilon Phi (AEPhi for short).  Football isn't just for the students here though, people come in from all over the state just for the games! Next week we play Miami (my hometown).  It is one of the biggest games of the season because they only play each other once every 7 years.  Tickets are going for hundreds of dollars and people are driving up just to be up here during the game even if they don't have a ticket. My school was just voted the #1 stadium filler school!  I love how spirited the school is because my high school was anything but spirited.


I like the new avatar, Arielle. Good to hear that everything is going well!
I was back at school today - my first day as a 'proper' teacher! So far so good but I don't want to speak too soon!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


I like your avatar too, Arielle!  And I go back to school today too.  grad school!  We will see how it feels, getting back into the swing of things (working 38 hours a week, school full time, and being a wife!)  Hope school continues to go well for you mel!


Hope it all goes well for you too Meg, sounds like you've got an awful lot to keep up with but it sounds like it's all good. I find that when I have to juggle a lot of things that I'm fine once I have established a routine for myself, it's what I'm having to do at the moment (although I'm sure I'm not doing as much as you are!)
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2284#2284 themegababe's post

Wow Meg, that seems like a busy schedule!  I'm sure you'll be able to balance once you get into the grove of things.  good luck

Mel, good luck too!  I hope your class treats you well!


So far, so good. They seem like a lovely class and they are quite bright on the whole. Am having trouble keeping them quiet at the moment but they're getting there!

I'm very excited today as I've had the phone call to say that my wedding dress is ready! I'm so looking forward to picking it up, I just hope that it fits after the two holidays I've had recently! I have to wait 2 weeks before I have any free time to go and collect it though
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2287#2287 meljones_83's post

Mel, that's so exciting!  What does the dress look like?


It's a pretty traditional long white wedding dress, with flower beading, lace-up back, quite full but not too meringue-like! The only slightly unusual thing is that it's a halterneck, with a sweetheart neckline at the front.

Have had a bit of trouble with the dressmaker and her alterations policy (when we went at first she said they were included, then she changed her policy by which time it was getting too late to look elsewhere.) If it needs altering it could end up costing money that we don't have so am just praying that it's fits. If not I'll just have to take it as it is and hope I can find someone through friends who will do it cheaply.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Hello Girlies!

I'm Back!

I haven't had a chance to go back and read the comments yet but I just wanted to let you all know I'm finally back online.  YAY!  Currently I'm stuck with dial-up so I still won't be able to be quite as active but I'll be checking in regularly, daily if possible.

You must be so excited about your dress Mel.  I hope it fits you like a glove.

You gals who are back to school (though it seems like you've always been at school Arielle ) sound like you've been busy.  

It's so nice to see all of you.  I'm well and am finally finished moving.  There's still plenty of unpacking to do but it's SO nice to be home.  I'll catch y'all around the forum.

Ta' for now,

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2290#2290 waterlilybarb's post

Welcome back Barb.  It's nice to see you around again!

and I does seems like I'm always in school but then again I was not in school for 9 months last year so it evens out


Reply 2290#2290 waterlilybarb's post

Welcome back.
The place isn't the same without you.


Reply 2290#2290 waterlilybarb's post

Hey Lady, welcome back.

Good to see you about again


Reply 2290#2290 waterlilybarb's post

Will you be get broadband soon?


welcome back barb
hard work never killed anyone... but why take the risk.



Yay!  You are back, Barb!  Welcome back!

and your dress sounds beautiful Mel, I hope it fits!  How's everything else for the wedding coming along?

I had my first day of classes Tuesday. They went well.  One is going to be easy, and the other more work. But I feel like I really need to focus and study now, because this is my life (unlike undergrad, where some was just classes I had to take). This is the beginning of my counseling career. And next year, I start interning!  Crazy!


Reply 2296#2296 themegababe's post

wow your training to become a  counser-what type


Marriage and Family Therapist, for now. But I am realizing just how many opportunities are out there. I can do my internship in a local hospital, that would be cool.  Or I have thought about working with troubled teens, especially girls struggling with eating disorders.  So I'm not sure exactly what type, but the Master's Degree is for Counseling, with an emphasis on the MFT (Marriage and Family Therapy) licensure.


Welcome back Barb   - you have been missed

Wedding plans are going ok but it seems way too close now and I'm sure we're not doing everything we need to be! My first week as a 'proper' teacher went without any major problems though so all is good in my world for the moment!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2298#2298 themegababe's post

ok that nice

i always think that type of job is easy because listen people problem give them advice. yet i don't understand why it takes 5 years to get qualified?.

