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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2260#2260 themegababe's post

Well good luck with all your applicatiing and interviewing!

You definitely should visit NYC when you have *ha* time! The ticket place you're talking about is called TKTS and it's an outdoor stand near Times Square where you can get discounted tickets. Totally worth it if you're looking for a musical!


Reply 2261#2261 studiojek's post

Yep & they have another place down on Water Street which is usually a lot quieter & less of a queue !! The last time we were there we got cheap tickets to see Grease.

Here's a link to discounted shows and their two locations => TKTS discounted shows

If you want something a little different, I highly recommend Avenue Q !!


Reply 2262#2262 shinny's post

I loved Ave Q!  It was hilarious!  

Well I've been going through recruitment for sorority this past week.  Tomorrow is bid day which basically means I find out which sorority I get.  The one I like the best is the same sorority my mom was in in college so she likes to joke that tomorrow I'll find out if I am her sister along with her daughter I'm excited to find out =)

Oh and a little fun fact...Hurricane Fay (the one that just hit Florida) set a record by being the only storm to circle around and hit the same place twice.  That place just happens to be the city in which my school is located.  No worries though by the time it hit us it was only a tropical storm so we just got a lot of rain.


Reply 2263#2263 imarielle626's post

Yikes! I'm glad it wasn't too bad though!

I've never seen Avenue Q, I'll have to put that on my To Do list for next time!


Reply 2263#2263 imarielle626's post

get out all of you its mine i tell you
The Mod Police Are Watching You


Reply 2265#2265 magic4u's post

you been absent


I start classes tomorrow.  I'm am excited =)  I also found out which sorority I got into today and I got the one I wanted so I am so happy!!!  Well I'm off to bed even though I don't think I'll be able to sleep with the amount of sugar and excitement running through me right now!


Reply 2267#2267 imarielle626's post

congrats on getting the sorority that you wanted and good luck with your classes.
hard work never killed anyone... but why take the risk.


Reply 2267#2267 imarielle626's post

That's great Arielle. I'm glad that you got the one you wanted !


Reply 2265#2265 magic4u's post

LOL see how they just pretended you weren't even here.


Reply 2270#2270 gabsimom's post

i wasnt pretending that he/she was not there i just did not understand this post lol.
hard work never killed anyone... but why take the risk.


Reply 2271#2271 angel-87's post

Neither did I!
Arielle, CONGRATS! Your mom must be really happy too!


Magic is a he and he started this thread. It was originally called Seriously, Get out!!! but when Magic was planing his trip to New Zealand Barb grabbed her chance and stole the thread. It was later changed to the girly giggle box. I think he is attempting to take the thread back.

Go back an read the 1st page and then hit page 20 and start reading. lol


Reply 2273#2273 gabsimom's post

I was ignoring him, haha. Sorry Gary, only messing


oh ok then lol. was just far too many pages too read when i first signed up lol.
hard work never killed anyone... but why take the risk.


Reply 2274#2274 shinny's post

I was ignoring it too I joined after Barb took over the thread and while I had heard about the origin, I just didn't know how to respond to Gary's post. looks like you are way out numbered now!  Good luck trying to take back the thread


Reply 2276#2276 imarielle626's post

its mine i tell you not hers or errrrs
The Mod Police Are Watching You


Me thinks me smells an intruder!

Sorry Gary, but the girlie's have invaded and taken over!


so yesterday i went to my first football game at my school.  Football is not my favorite sport to watch, but it is really big at my school so the atmosphere of the stadium makes it fun!  One play I actually happen to catch one guy tried to tackle a player on the other team by grabbing his jersey, but it didn't stop him, the guy just kept on running while his shirt ripped.  They finally tackled him, but it was funny


haha that's funny about football. I thought they didn't do that in college, but it looks like they do! haha  I start my new program on Tuesday.  It will be interested going to school where I am mostly a commuter, versus my undergrad when i was on campus.  I wonder if I will still do school spirit stuff like going to games and rallies, etc.

