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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2240#2240 silvermage2000's post

Welcome to the giggle box.  I stop by every now and again but have a 3 year old who is more active everyday.


Reply 2240#2240 silvermage2000's post

Hi Silvermage!  Welcome to the site!  There are so many kind and friendly people here.  I think I am one of the oldest members and I think that it is great the way you go to nursing homes and help out with the elderly.  My father was in a nursing home up until a couple of months ago.   He use to tell me how he looked forward to seeing the volunteers arriving and doing things with him and the other elderly people.  It really made a big difference to the elderly when the volunteers arrived.  I think what you are doing is really great!  It takes a really special person to do what you are doing for them.  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Hi everyone. I've been on holiday for a week and it rained practically the whole time! Good old British summer. Luckily there were 20 of us together in a big house so we didn't get too bored.

Thanks Arielle, Shinny and silvermage. In answer to your questions, we are having the DJ play the song - we are only having a small party to follow the wedding so we went with a DJ rather than a band. We are going to NYC the following day - the 26th October. Very much looking forward to it but will have to look up what to expect weather wise!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2243#2243 meljones_83's post

It's been raining all week here too!  There's a hurricane on it's way to south florida.  my brother and sisters were supposed to start school tomorrow but they cancelled the first day of school due to the hurricane.  luckily it isn't going to reach this far north, we will just get some rain off the bands.

I'm all moved into my new dorm room. I start rush for sorority tomorrow and classes start a week from tomorrow.  It feels like I never left here (i was only gone 5 days )

oh and on the topic of wedding mom just figured out how to customize ringtones on her phone so now every time my dad calls her it rings Your Song by Elton John which was their wedding cute!


Reply 2236#2236 imarielle626's post

Hi everyone! I just got back from a 2-week visit back home in NJ/NY (I just missed you in NY Arielle!). It was great but I have some serious jet lag now, and the trip wasn't all that relaxing as we did a lot of running around. Happy to be back home actually!

Mel, that's a great song!

I hope Barb comes around soon, I wonder how the move went.

Welcome to silvermage! Hi to Bala and shinny, megababe and Penny and all my other long-lost giggle box pals

So, did I miss anything this summer? I'm still trying to figure out the F$ deal but I will, eventually!

[ Last edited by studiojek at 8-19-2008 18:40 ]


Hi Silver, welcome to the Girly's Giggle Box !!

Arielle, my little brother & girlfriend are heading to Florida (kissimme) next week. He just heard about the hurricane and is gutted. I hope it will have passed by then. It's their first proper holiday together. They've been together for years (about 5/6) but they are only 22/23. I hope the weather gets better for them !

Studio, welcome back. Glad you had a good time there. Yep, NY can be hectic alright. I'm going again in about 4 weeks time now. I've been many times before so this time we are going to take it very slowly. Take in a few new sights here & there & only a small amount of shopping. That's the plan anyway !! We got an apartment this time around, so really looking forward to that. Good to see you back !


Reply 2246#2246 shinny's post

Ooh an apartment! My husband and I did that - subletted a place in Brooklyn one summer and absolutely loved it. Generally we stay with my parents in New Jersey but the commute just makes it so much more inconvenient.

So what's your favorite site to visit in NYC? Oh, and good luck to you in trying to keep the shopping to a minimum!!


Reply 2247#2247 studiojek's post

Yeh, we thought it would be different to go to an apartment this time. We got one right around the corner from Macy's on 34th and 6th. Delighted with that location. It was a good bit cheaper than a hotel too & it's all ours, yay!

I have to say, of all the "touristy" things I've done before, I just love Central Park. I could stay in it for the day, lol. It really is wonderful. This time I want to take in more museums etc, have done all of the other attractions to death!!

A friend of mine just moved to Brooklyn. She married her American boyfriend & they are both living in Brooklyn now. So we are meeting up with them. I've actually never been to Brooklyn before, so that will be something new !


Reply 2248#2248 shinny's post

I love Brooklyn. The place we subletted was in Fort Greene and it was so quaint and multi-cultural and welcoming.

As for museums, my favorite are the MoMa and the Museum of Natural History (if you go, be sure to see a show at the Planetarium), but as you surely know there are hundreds of them! Actually, the Tenement Museum downtown is really great too and very interesting - they give you a taste of what life was like for the first immigrants in NYC. If I remember right, they just opened a tour of old Irish tenements you might be interested in.

I'm so jealous, even though I just got back!! =)


I'm making notes here on what to see while in NYC. Something tells me we're going to have to go back, we'll never do all I want to in a week!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2250#2250 meljones_83's post

Well, a week's not a lot of time, but you'll get a good taste of it anyway!

Here are a couple more Must-Do's for ya mel:

1. if you have time, walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. It's a great photo op and is especially romantic too =)

2. try some dim sum in Chinatown - the best place I've found is called HSF (or is it HFS?) and it's located at 46 Bowery I believe.

3. Get the best view of the city from the 'Top of the Rock' in Rockefeller Center.

4. Go for the world's biggest hotdog at the Brooklyn Diner near Columbus Circle.



Yum, sounds good!
Had already been told about the rockefeller center but not about brooklyn bridge.
I want to get a great photo as I have one from Paris of the eiffel tower (near where we got engaged) and I want one of New York to go with it so we can have them put onto canvas to go up in our new flat when we get it!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2252#2252 meljones_83's post

studiojek forgot to mention Central Park.   Whether you just have a nice picnic and enjoy the scenery of the park or choose to do a carriage ride around the park, it's a beautiful site!


Reply 2253#2253 imarielle626's post

Very true! If you're the athletic type you could even rent bicycles - I could find out more info about from where for you if you like, mel!


That sounds great, thanks studio. And arielle too. Central park was on our to do list although I know it's huge and we haven't really looked into what exactly we could do there. Bicycles would be cool, we often go cycling here, although I suppose a carriage would be more romantic!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2255#2255 meljones_83's post

Why not do both? A nice bike ride, a picnic, then a restful carriage ride! A perfect day if you ask me!

I just sent my friend in email asking about the Central Park bike rental info, I will send it over as soon as she replies.


Central Park gets a big Thumbs up from me. I love it !!

Also, do the Staten Island Ferry. It's free & you get to see a great view of the City, the Statue of Liberty & it's all free of charge !

I was at a wedding yesterday and I am so tired. We didn't get to bed until 5am & I'm not one for lying on so I was awake by 9am. I'll just have to catch up on my sleep tonight.

We had a fabulous day. One of the girls who was with us is from Poland. She's never been to an Irish Wedding before, so it was an eye opener for her. The funny thing is, she caught the bouquet. I was delighted she got it, what a nice way to remember your first "Irish" wedding !!


Sounds like great fun Shinny!
It's a bit odd but one of the things I'm looking forward to at my wedding is seeing who'll catch the bouquet! (Obviously not as much as the getting married part!)

That's really kind of you Studio, thank you so much. I think you're right about doing both, my fiance loved the idea of getting bikes and suggested we try to do an evening carriage ride as well. Central park is on the list of things we have to do, we have another list of things we'd like to do with time!

I'm off on holiday tomorrow so have a good week, girlies!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2258#2258 meljones_83's post

Well have a wonderful time!

My friend never wrote me back, but I see there are a lot of bike rental places to choose from. Here are 2 related links: ... re-results&cd=1


Oh!  All of this New York talk makes me want to visit!  I went once, but I was 13, so I just did what my parents wanted to. We had a great time, but I would love to go as an adult. Also, theres a great place where you can get tickets to shows, the day of, for half price.  It's a little different, because you might not get to see your favorite show, but it's great.

Sorry I've been absent. I was finishing up my grad school application and doing interviews and such. So I don't know how present I will be in the next while either, because I start school in a week, and am still working full time!   But I will do my best to visit yall

