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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2218#2218 imarielle626's post

Your Meez picture is so cute.  I wish Meez had items for the elderly.  I feel funny having my gray haired meez picture wearing a itzy, bitzy, bikini.    I hope you have fun in NYC.  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 2219#2219 waterlilybarb's post

I was just thinking about you and your move, Barb! Good luck to you, see you in September!!! (fingers crossed!)


  So Arielle, have a wonderful time in NYC!  i am so jealous!  

And Barb, have a safe move. You will be missed over here!


Arielle, I hope you have a good time in New York. I'm off there in October for my honeymoon and I feel excited just thinking about going!

Barb - we'll miss you on here but good luck and hope everything goes according to plan.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Ooh Mel I forgot when your wedding was, for a moment.  It's getting so close!  Are you excited??


Reply 2225#2225 themegababe's post

Yeah it sure is coming up quick! I'm very excited, not just about the wedding but we are also in the process of buying an apartment together.We should get it at the start of September which will give us just under 2 months to get it ready to move into once we're married.

It seems like there's so much to think about and I'm not the most organised person so I'm sure I'll forget something! Plus, to top it all off I start my new job on Septembert 1st - although that's not as bad as it could be as I am still working in the same school, it's just my responsibilities that are changing. I'm having to be ultra organised over the next few weeks while I'm off work to make sure I get as much as possible done.

Lol, I sound like I'm complaining but I'm not really - I know how lucky I am. Can you have good stress? I think you can!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2226#2226 meljones_83's post

I wouldn't worry too much about having everything ready in advance.  When my wife and I got married our apartment wasn't ready until the day of our wedding.  We moved in a week later without any furniture and slept in sleeping bags the first night until the bed was delivered the next day.  We got married in Toronto and from there we had to move our stuff from our parents' places to Boston where I was starting med school(not to mention the hassle of getting visas and bringing the stuff across the border since we were both Canadian citizens). We were both students and didn't have any money but we look back at those times as some of the best we ever had.  We were just young and in love.  20 years(almost) and 4 kids later and we are still young and in love and I never take for granted how lucky I am.  It seems people today don't do things that way anymore.  I think today most people prefer to be more established financially and in their careers before getting married.  I also find people are engaged much longer than we were back then.  Congratulations and try to relax and enjoy every minute.  Anything that isn't ready by the wedding you have your whole lives to finish.   I wish you a lifetime filled with happiness.


hi, im fairly new to this site and just stumbled onto this thread and read that you where getting married mel, so i just wanted to offer my congratulations. and i wish you all the luck. and as for good stress, i reall wouldnt know i have only ever suffered from the bad kind lol. but anyway good luck.


I am now back from New York and had an amazing trip!  It was my friends first time in NYC so it was fun to show her around and see her reactions to everything.  She was like a little kid in a candy store I saw Spring Awakening on Broadway which was a great show!  and one of the actors did a lot of TV including a reoccuring role as Kyle on Lost.  If I would have known this before I would have gotten his autograph, but i did get to see him up close =)

Reply  2226#2226 meljones_83's post
Mel that all sounds very exciting!  I think there can be good stress!  The feeling of being stressed isn't that wonderful, but on a situation by situation basis it guess it can.  A wedding is probably the perfect example because while the planning of it is stressful, the outcome is supposed to be one of the happiest times of your life right?  Have fun with it and don't worry about the small details those can be worked out later.  (my first apartment in Israel wasn't fully furnished until the week before we moved out and we had no kitchen table for about a month so we found an old coffee table someone discarded and brought it up to our apartment so we could have something to eat made the experience unique )

Reply  2228#2228 angel-87's post
angel-87, welcome to the girlie's giggle box and welcome to the forum!  its always a pleasure to see new faces around (well so to speak )


thank you for the welcome.


Reply 2230#2230 angel-87's post

You are very welcome!  I remember when I was a newbie on here (it is hard to believe it's almost been a year!)  Anyway I came across this thread and everyone was so nice and welcoming I stuck around.  I came on this site to earn points and todiscuss all the shows I love with people who equally love them, but I keep coming back for the people.  This thread is the only one of its kind where we just chat, giggle, vent, we used to use a lot more images but don't really do that much anymore.  We are one big happy FriendVista family!


Thanks Angel, and welcome to the giggle box - I hope you'll stick around. As Arielle said, everyone is very friendly and good when you need to moan, get advice or have a laugh! I think we must have joined at about the same time as I've been here nearly a year, although I've not been around so much recently as I have so much to do!

Glad you had a good time in NYC, Arielle, I'm so excited to be going soon. I've never visited America at all, there are so many places I'd love to see but I think that New York is a good place to start.

Thanks for the advice CShapiro, I'm not too worried about it all really, I'm looking forward to it but it's still a lot to deal with all at once.
I guess maybe it's not stress when it's something you want to do and are looking forward to. They should invent another word for it - or maybe they have and I just don't know it   Anybody else know?

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 8-5-2008 15:52 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply #2229 imarielle626's post

I only browse through here every so often, but I read that you saw Spring Awakening...a friend of mine from a photography camp I went to saw that 3 times and she loved it... I listened to the songs on Napster and they aren't half bad... Definitely NOT a family friendly show ...

Good luck on the wedding, Mel!



I have just had a breakthrough! My fiance and I have been struggling to find a first dance song as we don't have a romantic song that we'd call 'our' song. I'm a little fussy and didn't want anything too traditional or cheesy and my fiance says he doesn't mind what we have but has vetoed quite a lot of songs - he said he'd know it when he heard it! We searched through loads of songs a while ago but couldn't find that perfect song so we gave up. Either we loved the music but the words weren't quite right or the words were great but it wasn't a song we could dance to. Today I was listening to an old album that I hadn't listened to in ages and found a great song that I'd completely forgotten about. I played it to my fiance and he loved it too!

It's called Without You Here by the Goo Goo Dolls and is here if anyone is interested. I also absolutely love the little viseo they've made up on this version from loads of different films, although there's a couple there that I don't recognise. I even had goosebumps at the end with the Pirates of the Caribben scene.
Just had to share this with everyone as it's made my day!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2233#2233 redsoxpatriot30's post

definitely not a family friendly show, but the music and choreography are great!

Mel, you'll have a great time in NYC.  It is one of my favorite places to visit because there is always something to do!  It is a great place to make your first trip to the State.  The most common first trips (at least within people i've met) are New York, Miami, or California.  New York has great shopping, great food, great theatre, a great atmosphere and is like no where else!  I mean when I was there I was just walking down the street and walked right by a photoshoot.  Now that can only happen in a place like New York City!


Where is everybody?

This site has been unusually quite these past couple of days.  I know certain people are away, but where is everyone else?


Hello all, sorry I havne't been around much!  I've been working a lot and just got accepted into grad school. So with working full time and going to grad school full time, i don't know how much I will be around in the future.

anyways, glad you had fun in NYC!  I want to go visit there again!


Reply 2236#2236 imarielle626's post

I'm asking the same question

it's summer i bet by September we have lots more comments ,also most people are on vacation

i think fact it been ages since last new shows were added make it a lot slower people to come back


Reply 2234#2234 meljones_83's post

That's a great Song Meg, glad you both found something that you will like. Are you having a band or will a DJ play the actual song?

When are you going to NYC? As Arielle said you will have a great time there. I love NYC, have been countless times now & am going again in just over 5 weeks.

Reply  2236#2236 imarielle626's post

I know, I've just been extremely busy both in work & my personal life, so not getting much time to be on here. I think Bala is right, will get busier by September.



Hi happy wedding mel. It's pretty nice here in the 70s. And the gas has finnally came down to 3.72. Hopefully I't will keep coming down. I am not really busy as of yet. But soon I think I will go through this program that I can help with actiivites at a nursing home and play bingo and stuff with the older people.

