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Reply 2200#2200 bala's post

That's one i have already done if it gets added


I have just noticed Moonlight episode guide is not complete and strange that it's in drama on the flash site but action adventure on real player


Season 3

1. Game On
The intervention Kevin and O'Hara staged has taken its toll on Jackie's relationships with them. Meanwhile, nearby hospitals close down which strains the All Saints Hospital resources and Zoey makes her affair with Lenny public.

2. Enough Rope
Eddie is considering telling Kevin about his affair with Jackie. Meanwhile, Jackie finds out that Dr. O'Hara wants to take a new job.

3. Play Me
Kevin's sister stops by to pay Jackie and her family a visit. In the meantime, Lenny makes plans for a romantic picnic for Zoey and Mrs. Akalitus has to deal with Catholic bureaucrats.

4. Mitten
Jackie and Dr. O'Hara settle their differences, and Kevin asks Eddie to come to their family barbecue.

5. Rat Falls
Jackie runs out of drugs and Dr. Cooper decides to compete with Dr. O'Hara for the E.R. chief position.

6. When the Saints Go
The statues of the saints are finally removed from the chapels. Meanwhile, Jackie clashes with the new nurse named Kelly Slater and Eddie considers going out with Tunie.

7. Orchids & Salami
The new nurse Kelly charms the hospital's staff except Jackie, meanwhile a patient eases Dr. Cooper's pain who is depressed about the split of his parents. Kevin discovers a secret stash in a dental floss dispenser while Jackie steals drugs from the Oncology.

8. The Astonishing
Jackie criticizes Kelly's interaction with two flirty high school girls while Mrs. Akalitus seeks Thor's help with a new phone system. Jackie can't arrive in time at her daughter's pageant.

9. Have You Met Miss Jones?
Just when Jackie has run out of pills, she runs into a confrontation about the drugs from Oncology that disappeared. Coop tracks down an old girlfriend on Facebook when he decides to start his own family. Heart problems make Zoey revisit her relationship with Lenny.

10. Fuck The Lemurs
Following HR's inquiry of the missing drugs, Mrs. Akalitus puts Jackie on probation. Meanwhile, Coop plans his wedding and Jackie's daughter Grace wants to be put on medication for her anxiety disorder.

11. Batting Practice
Jackie tries to stay sober and get through probation until Dr. O'Hara has a tempting offer for her. Meanwhile Eddie believes Kevin found out about the affair and Zoey throws a party for her colleagues.

12. ...Deaf Blind Tumor Pee-Test
When HR demands urine samples from all the nurses, Jackie tries to avoid it as long as possible as well as her husband, who seems to have found out about her affair with Eddie.

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If no one has done Psychoville Season 2 Episode Guide i can do it


Reply 2204#2204 codebreaker's post

You are welcome to do it Jim.  

We've all been either busy or not well lately, but do check in.  I will do my best to get these posted soon.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Season 2

Episode 1
Original Air Date—May/05/2011
Those that survived of the explosion at Ravenhill Psychiatric Hospital reunite to bury one of their number killed in the blast. They end up coming under surveillance by the mysterious Grace Andrews and her henchman, Kelvin. Detective Finney begins to quiz the survivors in an effort to find out more about Kenchington's return from the dead and her search for her locket that is missing.

Episode 2
Original Air Date—May/12/2011
The search for the missing locket is still going on and the investigation ends up seeing Christopher Biggins being asked questions. The truth about what happened to Robert and Kerry is revealed as we return to the mysterious cottage located in the woods.

Episode 3
Original Air Date—May/19/2011
Mr Lomax ends up revealing more about his past. Mr Jelly ends up showing up at a booking meant to be for Mr Jolly and hopes no one will be able tell the difference.

Episode 4
Original Air Date—May/26/2011
Jeremy Goode looks for the missing library book and desperate measures end up being needed. Mrs Wren finds herself in peril from several different parties.

Episode 5
Original Air Date—Jun/02/2011
With the danger increasing, and not many witnesses left, Tealeaf, and Peter Bishop, attempt to solve the mystery of the locket.

Episode 6
Original Air Date—Jun/06/2011
The secret of the missing locket is revealed at last and just what is at stake is also revealed.

Source: tvrage
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If no one has done Primeval Season 5 episode guide i can do it


Reply 2207#2207 codebreaker's post

Have at it James.
I have just noticed Moonlight episode guide is not complete and strange that it's in drama on the flash site but action adventure on real player
I've been noticing quite a few shows either in the wrong catagory or in more than one.  Certainly makes it more challenging to find some in the list.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Season 5

Episode 1
An vicious burrowing creature brings chaos to the city, forcing the team to race from location to location to try and trap it. In the creature's final attack one of their own is in the line of fire and the team must fight to save their life.

Episode 2
When a nuclear submarine encounters an anomaly and Liopleurodon in the sea, the team are called aboard to help. They soon find themselves under attack and get sucked back through an anomaly, with Liopleurodons damaging the outside of the sub. The team must not only capture the panicked Eustreptospondylus aboard, but fix the sub exterior in order to get home.

Episode 3
Following a displaced raptor through an anomaly, Matt ends up in Victorian London. Realising its to blame for several gruesome murders in the area, he tracks it down only to find Emily attempting to do exactly the same thing. Meanwhile, back at the ARC, Abby knows she has to try and reconnect with Connor; they've been spending too much time apart. But a nasty encounter with April on the way to his lab makes her wonder if Matt is right - Connor is up to something in his lab that she isn't meant to know about.

Episode 4
Philip and Connor secretly open an anomaly within the ARC, only to be invaded by a mass of scurrying future-beetles, who force the ARC into lockdown. The team have just moments to save the day before the ARC and the beetle threat is destroyed when Philip threatens to incinerate the building.

Episode 5
The exhausted ARC team struggle to cope as more anomalies are opening. As the whole team lets Lester in on the secrets of Matt's mission, they're interrupted by worrying news - anomalies are opening everywhere and there are reports of a huge creature loose on the streets. Matt knows this is something important - the time he's been waiting for is now.

Episode 6
Connor has disappeared through Philip's anomaly, and Matt thinks that his mission is over, Philip has won. But he can't leave Connor to his fate and jumps through the anomaly only to find himself in a barren desert world, with Connor struggling in the immense heat and deadly sun's rays. It's the world of Matt's nightmares, and they are soon being stalked by mutated Future Predators.

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Season 5

Episode 5x01 - Line of Departure [Season Premiere]
Denise is meeting with Tonya, her future daughter-in-law but things get off to a rocky start. They try again, only Molly isn't feeling well and Tonya expresses concern over her health, which Denise interprets as an attack on her parenting ability. Claudia Joy takes Emmalin to college and Frank, Michael, Trevor & Jeremy are still in Afghanistan fighting the war.  

Episode 5x02 - Comand Presence

Pamela makes a decision on whether to join the Atlanta PD or stay at Fort Marshall as an army wife. Claudia Joy graduates law school and Professor Chandler offers her a job at his law firm. Joan tackles a new job including learning to deal with the new stresses. Roland tries to see if he can find time for his wife in her busy schedule.

Episode 5x03 - Movement to Contact

Claudia Joy begins her first day working as an associate to Professor Chandler in his law firm. Things take an unexpected turn when Claudia Joy is scolded by her boss. Roxy feels that Pamela may not want to be friends with her anymore. Roland and Joan have to figure out where their daughter will go for preschool. A wedding shower is planned for Jeremy's fiancée, Tonya.

Episode 5x04 - On Behalf Of a Grateful Nation

The wives deal with a sudden loss.

Episode 5x05 - Soldier On

Denise begins to question whether she is of any value to anyone after the death of her son and Roxy makes a big decision about the hump bar. Joan begins to worry about Roland.

Episode 5x06 - Walking Wounded

Denise needs time alone Claudia Joy worries about her and thinks she sees Amanda on the beach. Roxy continues to drive Trevor crazy with the idea of a truck stop and the possibility of debt. Roland doesn't allow a soldier to go back to his unit because of Jeremy's death and the effect it had on him as a psychiatrist.

Episode 5x07 - Strategic Alliances

Claudia Joy and Grant Chandler try to figure out a way to help an army wife keep from being deported but they run into problems. Roxy is still bound and determined to move ahead with plans for a truck stop without waiting for Trevor to return home and help her make a better decision. Denise is sick with the flu Roland and Joan offer to help baby sit Molly. Roland and Joan decide to have another baby.

Episode 5x08 - Supporting Arms

Claudia Joy receives news good news about her tumor. Roxy and Pamela butt heads over Roxy's relationship with Witt. Roland and Joan talk further about about whether she should have a baby the traditional way or if adoption would be the best way to go.

Episode 5x09 - Counter Measures

As the 43rd comes home to Fort Marshall and Roxy finds herself in big trouble. With Trevor coming home she hopes to delay news of the truck stop as long as possible. Joan and Roland are still pursuing ways to adopt a baby. Things get a little complicated for Roland and Joan after meeting Bobby.

Episode 5x10 - Battle Buddies

It's truth-telling time all around. For Pam and Claudia Joy, getting a homeless vet to tell the whole truth is the key to helping her get her life back on track. A hidden truth at the law firm makes for a stilted work atmosphere. Roland and Joan consider the true meaning of raising a child with special needs. Roxy and Trevor better face their fear of the truth together, or their marriage and their careers might be in jeopardy.

Episode 5x11 - Drop Zone

Claudia Joy is happy to have her husband and daughter at home and but wonders why they show no cause for celebration Pamela gets nervous and as her six month evaluation and given by her partner draws near. As the 23rd division gets ready for a night jump exercise and Denise realizes that she's ready to go back into nursing with a little help from Joan.

Episode 5x12 - Firefight

With her husband and daughter both dealing with issues, Claudia Joy is caught in the middle. David has a hard first day of school and ends up in detention there and grounded at home, mostly because he's accustomed to keeping his own counsel. When he later runs away in frustration, T.J.'s help makes all the difference. Denise returns to work at Mercer Hospital to find Jeremy's fiancée on staff. Tonya rebuffs Denise's friendly overtures until the perfect present punctures her reserve. Chase tells Trevor that he's already an outstanding leader; does he really want to deal with the politics that go along with being an officer? When Pamela is in a firefight at work, it makes the news, live, and Chase gets a little taste of what it was like for her when he was on a Delta Force mission. Roxy supports Trevor's decision about applying for OCS, no matter which way he decides, as long as he makes his own decision and remembers that he's not Chase, nor is he Col. Sherwood.

Episode 5x13 - Farewell to Arms [Season Finale]

Now that Denise is back at work at Mercer Hospital she needs to help Tonya realize that Tonya should and talk about her feelings more instead of keeping them inside. Roxy's dream of opening her truck stop is about to open for business. Due to Michael's recent behavior and on post and Claudia joy has difficulty and coping and with the reaction and some people have what happened to her husband. Joan still can't figure out why David isn't bonding with her. Fort Marshall receives news that has an effect on every one.  

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If no one has done Luther Season 2 Episode Guide i can do it


If no one has done Treme Season 2 Episode Guide i can do it


Reply 2212#2212 codebreaker's post

Go ahead with both of those Jim & thanks.  On different new meds now, and trying to get past the side effects.  Big pain in the arse, but it really limits my online time.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Season 2

Episode 1
Luther remains tortured by the past a year on from the death of estranged wife Zoe and friend Ian Reed's betrayal. Alice is in a psychiatric unit and Ripley is stuck in uniform whilst Luther shuts himself away with dusty files working on cold cases. Martin Schenk ends up offering Luther a place working in the new Serious and Serial Unit and he ends up accepting. The team finds themselves being immediately faced with a surreal and nightmarish case. They have to find a man who hides behind a Punch mask as he brutally kills his victims.

Episode 2
News of Ripley's abduction devastated Luther but he refuses to believe that he is dead. Luther leads the investigation, knowing that Cameron has an ultimate plan that is far more scary than any of his previous murders. Cameron has Ripley strung up in an underground bunker and is attempting to get information out of him. Ripley is determined not to reveal anything about the case. Cameron ends up calling Luther and plays the sounds of Ripley's screams down the phone. Luther remains determined not to engage. When Caroline calls it forces Luther to put his investigation on hold. He ends up coming face to face with Baba, Jenny's vengeful gang boss.

Episode 3
Luther's affections for Jenny continue to increase. He ends up decising to take a holiday from work but their domestic morning is interrupted with news of a violent attack at a petrol station. Luther is forced to return to work but warns Jenny to be careful before he leaves. Baba and her thugs continue to make their demands on Luther.

Episode 4
Luther finds both his personal and professional life spiraling out of control as he attempts to cover up a death and keep a suspicious Baba happy. He also has to protect Jenny from anymore harm. There is also a killer at large whose rules his actions by the throw of a dice.

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If no one has done About for Off The Map and season 1 episode guide  i can do them


I would also like to do both for Perfect Couples and Mad Love


Reply 2216#2216 codebreaker's post

Go ahead with all the ones you listed in the above 2 posts.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2217#2217 waterlilybarb's post

Can i also post both for Harry's Law and Come Fly With Me


About Perfect Couples

Perfect Couples premiered on NBC on December 20, 2010

About the Show:
Perfect Couples is a romantic comedy that follows three flawed pairs trying to get it right.

Dave (Kyle Bornheimer, "Worst Week") and Julia (Christine Woods, "Flash Forward") are the "everyday couple," messed up in all the "normal" ways. Dave struggles to keep both his wife and his needy best friend, Vance (David Walton, NBC's "100 Questions") happy. Vance and the volatile Amy (Mary Elizabeth Ellis, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia") are the high-passion, high-drama couple who bring out the best and worst in each other.

The third duo features Rex (Hayes MacArthur, "She's Out of My League") and Leigh (Olivia Munn, "Attack of the Show," "The Daily Show"). Rex is a reformed party guy who has channeled his jock energy into a competitive drive to be the ideal mate. Leigh, a self-anointed relationship guru, has formed the perfect union with Rex, and now considers it her duty to mold the other couples in their image.

Kyle BornheimerDave
Christine WoodsJulia
David WaltonVance
Mary Elizabeth EllisAmy
Hayes MacArthurRex
Olivia MunnLeigh


Watch It Here

How to become a VIP Member.


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-11-2011 20:05 ]
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Season 1

Episode 1: Pilot
When Dave and Julia's plans for the perfect anniversary fall through, Rex and Leigh gear up for game night instead. Vance and Amy break up and make up again.

Episode 2: Perfect Tens
Dave confronts Julia about her slovenly ways, and the two push each other to be "perfect tens" by dressing up and going out every night.

Episode 3: Perfect Proposal
Vance and Amy return from their engagement trip to Paris, but Dave is unsure they're making the right decision. Meanwhile, Rex tries to convince Dave to buy a new car. Amy makes outrageous demands of her maid of honor Julia and Leigh takes the reins as wedding planner.

Episode 4: Perfect Health
After discovering that Dave has high cholesterol, Julia puts him on a strict diet and realizes it's time to start acting like adults. Vance tries to curb Amy's outrageous spending. Rex takes Leigh's suggestion of building a man cave where there are no rules and no judgments.

Episode 5: Perfect Jealousy
After Julia is upset that Dave has met a woman while hiking, Dave becomes jealous when Julia thinks her co-worker is funny. Rex has a difficult time telling Leigh that he's in financial trouble. Vance and Amy try to make each other jealous.

Episode 6: Perfect Crime
Dave becomes obsessed with gender roles after attending Rex and Leigh's "Mad Men" party, so Julia tries to make him feel more like a man. After Leigh's shrimp rolls give everyone food poisoning, Vance and Amy argue about her job as the wedding planner. Rex tries to start a prank war.

Episode 7: Perfect House
When Leigh's injuries prevent her from participating in a doubles tennis tournament with Rex, Julia steps in as her replacement. Dave, Vance and Isabella set up shop in one of the houses they're selling until Amy spoils the fun.

Episode 8: Perfect Job
Julia gets jealous when Dave hits it off with her coworkers. Vance beats Rex at a game of miniature pool and refuses a rematch. Leigh makes a career plan for Amy and becomes (Amy's wife.)

Episode 9: Perfect Lies
Julia plans a quiet bachelorette party for Amy in Vancouver, however Amy has failed to tell her childhood friend that Julia is the maid of honor. At the bachelor party, Vance hopes to have a special moment with his friends while Dave tries to impress the guys with his camping skills. Rex and Leigh can't bear to spend one night apart.

Episode 10: Perfect Exes
After finding out that Amy has invited all of her ex-boyfriends to their wedding, Vance bonds with them but worries that he will become one of them. Rex finds out that Leigh keeps a file of her ex-boyfriends and is anxious to see it. Dave and Julia tie up some loose ends as they help prepare for Vance and Amy's wedding.

Episode 11: Perfect Wedding
Leigh takes charge of the day as wedding planner as Vance and Amy struggle with cold feet. Dave and Julia argue about their toasts to the happy couple. Rex will stop at nothing to be a part of the wedding.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-11-2011 20:06 ]
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