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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2200#2200 waterlilybarb's post

Hi Barb - sorry to see your Meez freaking out!
They say the 3 most stressful life events are Moving, Divorce and Death. I guess if you want a silver lining, it's that you are dealing with the first one and not the other 2!!


My daughter came home crying this morning with such heart breaking news, it broke my heart. Her fiance' went to the doctor's about 3 weeks ago because he was having a lot of lower leg pain.  They ran a lot of tests and found out that he has some form of rare cancer.  I don't know that much about it yet because she was so upset, I didn't want to upset her more by asking her a bunch of questions.  All I know is that the doctors don't know why the cancer is moving so fast.  They gave him less then a year to live.  He is so young.  I don't think he is even 40 years old yet.  The one thing I don't understand is that he looks so healthy.  I told my daughter that he is in God's hands now.  It's just so sad.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 2202#2202 penny3760's post

That is sad.  I'm sorry to hear that Penny.  I hope that they have sought a second opinion (or plan to).  There are so many treatments these days, and sometimes studies being done that are available to those who have been diagnosed as terminal.  My thoughts & prayers are with you.

Reply  2201#2201 studiojek's post

I agree!  Of the 3, moving is definitely the one I'd choose.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2202#2202 penny3760's post

Penny, I am so sorry to hear that. I also hope he goes for a 2nd opinion. What a difficult time.



Thank you both!  I asked my daughter this morning about getting the second opinion and she said that they already have so many Cancer Specialists from Yale New Haven hospital working on this because of the cancer being so rare. I feel so sorry for my future son in-law's mother.  Less than a year ago, she lost her other son in a fatal car crash.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Penny I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's fiance.  It sounds like he is getting the best care possible which is good. It is so sad though!


Penny, you and your daughter are in my thoughts and prayers. That is so sad, especially in someone so young. It's awful that so many cancer patients look perfectly healthy, and aren't diagnosed before it becomes terminal.


Reply 2202#2202 penny3760's post

Oh my god Penny, that's awful. So sorry to hear that, you must all be in shock. I really don't know what else to say, there's not really anything we can say. I'm sure you know that we are all thinking about you, your daughter & your future son in law.


Reply 2202#2202 penny3760's post

I'm so sorry about your tragic news.  I too have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.  It's a terrible tragedy but you see, at least, you're not alone.  I wish I could help more but what I can offer is to answer any questions you might have and offer one small piece of advice.

Yale NH is a great hospital with one of the best cancer centres in the world and you can be assured your family will get excellent care.  But, it sounds like what your son in law (to be) has is, an osteo-sarcoma, a very aggressive and difficult to detect cancer, which is usually only found in later stages, since it really has no outward symptoms and is usually only caught if you, by chance, injure the limb and an astute  doctor picks it up.  The hospital I used to work at, Massachusetts General, has a new type of treatment called, Proton Beam Therapy, which is like radiation therapy and has been very effective at treating sarcomas.  This new treatment is only available at MGH.  Since you are in New England anyway, this might be an option for you.


I want to thank everyone.  My future son in-law as an appointment on Monday with a Cancer specialist. He had a bunch of test taken and maybe we will be able to find out what exactly is going on when we get the results on Monday.  I hope that it is good news.  At least something that will give us at least a little bit of hope.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


I have just caught up with things on here and was sorry to hear your news, Penny. As others have said before, your family will be in my thoughts, especially today - I hope you get some answers so that you all have a better idea of what is happening and what the doctors can do. It's good that he has people around him that care so much but we know that it is hard for you all.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Penny, I will definitely be praying for you and your family as well.  Engagement is supposed to be a wonderful and happy time, I pray that you will all be comforted.


I just accomplished something and had no one to tell so I thought I'd share my new with you girlies...
After months of frustrating attempts, I have just solved my first 4x4 Rubik's Cube Revenge (with only a little help from the internet to ease my frustration).  Now I just have to see if I remember what I did or it was just a fluke solve.  I know what I'll be doing on my 2 hour plane ride to New York on Thursday now

hmm... maybe soon I'll have to go find a 5x5 to try.  what can I say i like to challenge myself


Reply 2213#2213 imarielle626's post

I got so addicted to the rubik's cube, my husband said that I loved it more than I loved him.  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.



Thank you so much for your kind words.  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 2209#2209 cshapiro's post

I just talked to my daughter and you were right.  She said that the doctor's said that the cancer was called CLEAR CELL SARCOMA.  I really don't understand the medical terms she used, but she said that he has all these turmors all over his body. I asked her why are they giving him all those chemo treatments if they said that there is no cure and they don't think he is going to live that long.  The treatments are making him deathly ill.  My daughter said that he was in a bad motorcycling accident years ago and he had some kind of surgery on his neck, something to do with the spine.  Right now he has one of the tumors near that area where he had the surgery and the doctors said that the tumor is growing bigger every day. The Dr. said that at the rate that it is growing, he will become paralized from the neck down if they can't get the tumor to shrink. They want to give him aggressive amounts of chemo  to prevent that from happening.  My daughter says that she doesn't want him to die but she doesn't want him suffering so much.  He is in so much pain.  I want to thank you for your concern.  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 2216#2216 penny3760's post

That is just horrible. I hope they are able to relieve his pain and avoid any paralysis. Please continue to share with us if you want to vent it out Penny.


so my Meez is of shopping the streets of New York City because that is where I will be this weekend =)  I am so excited!  I am going to meet five of my friends from my program in Israel and we are having a Gossip Girl style reunion in NYC (We watched Gossip Girl religiously together so we found it fitting lol)  I'm leaving thursday right after my classes so after tomorrow i won't be on until I get back sunday night


Good-bye All!

Hey girls,

I'm moving in the morning.  I won't be back online until September, so try not to tear the place apart while I'm gone.

You'll see my Meez is in relax mode.  It hasn't started yet, but come Thursday, I'll be flaked out for at least a week.

Take care & I'll catch you all when the new seasons begin for our favourite shows.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2219#2219 waterlilybarb's post

We will miss you!  The site won't be the same without you.  Have fun!
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.

