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The girly`s ......giggle box

haha yeah I think she is.  There's more to it when it's on the actual meez page. Now it just looks redundant!  haha  I just get full of energy  by the time the weekend comes, and I want to dance around!


Reply 2161#2161 themegababe's post

I know what you mean!!! TGI - well, TGISaturday by now!

So what's everyone up to this weekend? I'm helping some friends move, then tonight going to an Umbria Jazz concert - ever heard of it?


Reply 2161#2161 themegababe's post

I know what you mean about getting all this energy on the weekend and just wanting to dance!  When I was in Israel every wednesday night we had this club that closed down just for us and we would stay there hang out and dance until the wee hours of the morning with all of my best friends.  It was a great way to blow off steam after a week full of classes!

Hopefully tonight I'll be going out downtown.  The people I've been meeting don't really plan in advance so I just sorta wait until we all decided when we are leaving and where we are going.  Now I'm off to this big carnival my school throws where they have slip-n-slides and stuff and a lot of clubs set up so you can learn more about them.  The rest of the weekend is study, study, study...I've got two exams next week cuz it is halfway through the semester.  It's not midterms cuz summer is abridged so we don't have actual midterms of finals.


Reply 2163#2163 imarielle626's post

Ya know, sometimes I miss college and learning all that interesting stuff - but then i remember exams and my nostalgia quickly flies away! Good luck with your exams!


Yes, good luck with the exams. I too am glad that I don't have to sit exams anymore, although I didn't find them too bad as I have a pretty good memory for stuff like that....I just forget what I went upstairs for 5 minutes after going to get it, lol!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


  I graduated with  my bachelors in 07, and I'm (hopefully) going back for my Masters in September. Ugh!  I always liked papers better than exams, but I hated the hours of writing them!  But I felt like I had more control, I guess.  I am interested to see what grad school is like versus undergrad. I feel like it's going to be very different, less of a student life aspect (which I LOVED at school!)


Reply 2166#2166 themegababe's post

I agree, I like papers better than exams too, but hate the hours going into writing the papers!  With papers you learn to write more toward the bias of the instructor (for example for my final papers for my Arab-Israeli Conflict class I focussed on the issues my teacher liked to talk about, not the issues I particularly prefer discussing).  With exams you either know the stuff or you don't.  There is no way to pretend to know what you are talking about even if you don't and still get a good grade (I don't know how many times I've done that )  For one of my classes though our exams are all online so they are open notes and many students take them together in groups.  Summer semester for incoming students is supposed to be and easy class load and just give you a chance to get used to the campus and adjust to college life so the classes they offer are the easy general education required classes and instructors tend to be more lax on grading and course content.


Hi girls!

I'm so excited today!  I got quite a lot of packing done, with a little help from my friends, AND my Mum found a place for us to rent.   We can move into it in September, so I'll initially have to move in with my Mum where she I now.  It sounds fantastic, and is even better than what we were looking for.   Two more weeks and I'll be off to the great white north!  (Thankfully, it's not white right now - but winter will come soon enough.)
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2168#2168 waterlilybarb's post

Congratulations Barb!!!! So exciting!! I'm glad you're managing to get some packing in, too - remember to take lots of breaks and drink lots of water though!


Reply 2169#2169 studiojek's post

Thanks Studio!  I'm pretty good at pacing myself.  I have to or I won't be good for anything.  I packed all my CDs, VHS & DVDs this morning, and transferred the full boxes to the spare room and brought the empty boxes out to the living room.  That's about all I'll do today.  It's really hot & humid today and the air quality is quite bad so I don't want to make myself sick.  Last night we got most of the kitchen packed, which was a great job to get done, and I've already packed all my books - 15 boxes of them!

My next big task is to go through my clothes and sift out the ones I don't wear anymore.  It's one of my least favourite things to do, but I always feel better once it's done.  I'll most likely do that tomorrow.

Staying hydrated and as you can see, I'm taking breaks.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


meg i just noticed our Meez are wearing the same dress in different colors =) good tastes lol

Barb good luck packing and congrats on  finding a place to rent!  Smart to pack in tasks!  I have found though the only thing I hate more than packing is unpacking (unless that unpacking involved throwing everything into the wash lol)!  I too hate cleaning out my closet, but it can be fun finding things you forgot you had.  Packing can be a nostalgic task!


Reply 2170#2170 waterlilybarb's post

Barb, try not to do too much.  You don't want to get worn down.  The kitchen is always the hardest to pack up. Thank God you have good friends that will help you with everything.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 2171#2171 imarielle626's post

Thankfully, or unfortunately (depending on one's perspective) I've had plenty of practice with moving, and thus packing.  I've got it down to a science now.  The challenge this time is moving so far away plus being ill.  I've had the illness for years but it's worse now which has my energy levels quite low and from all the viruses I had in the winter I lost a lot of muscle - which just adds to the fatigue.  I do look at it as a chance to purge myself of anything I haven't used in a while which is always good.  I feel better after it's done, I just don't enjoy the tedious process of going through everything.   It will be a bit easier this time because I've lost weight and refuse to keep anything that is too big, except for a gorgeous cashmere coat I have, which I'll have tailored to fit in the fall.  I also am getting rid of some of my furniture since my Mum's living room set is nicer than mine.

Just found out today that the new house has 2 bathrooms.  I know it doesn't sound like much but it's really quite a luxury for us.  It will be especially nice when we have guests.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2173#2173 waterlilybarb's post

I can understand how you feel.  All winter I have been petrified of doing anything because of the nerve damage in my back.  I was always in so much pain.  I found a new doctor and he changed my pain medicine and what a difference it made.  Now at least I can do some house work and I can get along a lot better.  I lost a lot of muscle also.  A couple of weeks ago, I started feeling lousy and almost every joint in my body hurt so much I wanted to cry.  I couldn't figure out what was going on.  My daughter was combing my hair for me and she found a round rash on the back of my neck. Then I knew.  I had Lyme disease again. I live in a wooded area and the ticks were very bad this year.  I went to the doctors and he confirmed it, that I had Lyme again.  He put me on antibiotics and I am starting to feel better.  
The last house I lived in had 2 bathrooms and when I moved here it only has 1 bathroom. Boy, do I miss that second bathroom.  The area that you are moving to, is it a lot colder than were you live now?  I know when your not feeling well the cold weather can make you feel even worse.  Good Luck in your new home.  I hope it brings you lots of joy and happiness.  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 2174#2174 penny3760's post

OH, I know Lyme disease is common in Conecticut, but I'm sorry you caught it again.  Glad you've seemed to have found it early enough and the meds are helping though.

Yes, it's quite a lot colder where I'm moving.  It's approximately 400 miles north of where I am now, but the cold there is more tolerable than here because it's not so damp.  I often feel better in cooler weather, so in that sense I should be OK.  Thank you for your good wishes.   I know we'll do well there, plus just being with my Mum always makes me happy.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Yeah Arielle, I guess we just have good taste!  Although I think I'm going to dress my meez up or the beach, where I will be tomorrow!  And I have to agree with you on the packing thing. I am way worse at unpacking. haha

Glad you are finding things to get rid of Barb, simplifying is always nice!


Reply 2176#2176 themegababe's post

I've thought about putting a bathing suit on my meez, but I'm SO white it would look just as shocking as it does in person.   I haven't had a chance to go swimming at all this summer yet.   If it stays hot in August I'll go to the lake after I move.  There are so many of them up there, but the one I like isn't too far a drive from my Mum's and it's a smaller lake so it warms up a bit in the summer.  I might frighten a few fish with my glow in the dark legs but I'll have fun doing it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2174#2174 penny3760's post

I'm so sorry to hear that the Lyme's disease came back again Hopefully it won't be too debiletating.

Barb, glad you're an experienced pack-rat and know how not to overdo it! My least favorite part to pack up is the office - all those books!!!


Reply 2178#2178 studiojek's post

I caught the Lyme disease  in time before it got too bad.  I have had Lyme so many times,I think I am going to start wearing one of those flea and tick collars they have for dogs and cats.    The first time I had the disease, the doctors said that I must of had it a long time before they finally figured out what was wrong with me.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 2179#2179 penny3760's post

That's odd that it took so long, I thought the symptoms were on the obvious side aren't they? Lethargy, aching bones. I guess if they didn't find a rash right away it could've been a lot of things?

