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The girly`s ......giggle box

more cat pictures

Don't mind me today. The cat pretty much sums up how I'm feeling.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2141#2141 waterlilybarb's post

Barb, I love that picture. I've saved it to my photobucket. Hilarious !


Reply 2142#2142 shinny's post

My friend sent it to me in an email today - she subscribes to the site newsletter - and found it oh so fitting.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


haha I like the misc medical terms too!  I  have been gone for 5 days and it feels like forever!  Glad to see everyone is doing well!


Reply 2139#2139 cshapiro's post

I will never object to to reading your medical comments!  My medical knowledge is much more limited than yours, but I am occasionally able to pull out medical facts or terms into everyday conversation.  I get called a nerd all the time by my friends!  I've learned over the years just to embrace my nerdiness =)  so i like science, math, solving my rubik's cube and watching ER thats just who I am


Reply 2141#2141 waterlilybarb's post

Barb, I love those cat pictures!  A friend of mine introduced me to a little while ago.  We could sit on that site for hours cracking up at the photos.  They have their own unique cat language too.  Here's one of my favs:



The weather here has been nasty today!  It's no surprise that it is raining because this is Florida and it rains everyday, but it has been monsooning for the past 2.5 hours now!  You seriously cannot see a thing outside the rain is just falling so hard!  I guess it is a good thing I have a test tomorrow and just planned on staying in and studying all night  (with short study breaks like this one )


Reply 2147#2147 imarielle626's post

One of my friends lives in Florida. I've been over to see him a few times now. About 3 years ago I was there for about 2.5 weeks in July. We had the best weather ever. It hardly ever rained and when it did rain, we never saw it. It was so funny, we'd go into the supermarket and when we came out, the ground was wet. We'd be like, "When did that happen?" !!

We left on Saturday and that morning the heavens literally opened. My brother and his girlfriend flew in that same day (to a different part) and it never stopped raining for the two weeks they were there. It was awful weather ! I'll never forget it because it was the best weather we'd had there and the worst they'd had, almost all in the same month !!


It's been pretty bad weather where I am today too. It's been raining all day and I was hoping to take my class out for our Olympic games practice! They're awful when they've been stuck indoors all day. I live in one of the dryest parts of the UK so we're not used to it, apparently we've had a months worth of rainfall today!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


  What are you doing for Olympic Games practice?  That sounds like fun!


Reply 2149#2149 meljones_83's post

That sounds great fun Mel. My brother's girlfriend is a teacher also and they started a summer camp a few years ago. It runs each summer in July and August.

We brought my two four year old nephews to it the other day, for a few hours and they loved it. She is taking them for the full day tomorrow and they are both so excited.

You really have to be inventive for that + really fit. She is exhausted at the end of the day. It runs from 9.30am to 2.30pm, long enough when you are on the go the whole time !

[ Last edited by shinny at 7-9-2008 19:13 ]


Reply 2141#2141 waterlilybarb's post

That's hysterical Barb! I am having that same kind of day, must be the heat!

As for the summer camp talk - you absolutely have to have a LOT of stamina for that!


Reply 2150#2150 themegababe's post

We have chosen some events from the games that we can do at school like 100m, javelin, walking race, relay (or that we can do variations on - we use foam javelins obviously!)
The children have also made up some of their own events.
We are having heats within our classes then the winners will go on to represent our class in our school Olympics. Each class is representing a different country which we've been researching and making flags for. We've also created our own warm ups and healthy meals for athletes. It's great fun and the kids love it!
It's such a shame though, we were supposed to be doing lots of practice outside this week and we've not made it out once because of the weather. It's not usually like this here in July.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2153#2153 meljones_83's post

That sounds great - especially considering there's such a problem of obesity (as we were talking about last week) right now, especially for kids.

I remember we used to have color wars at camp, is this all going to be similar?


Yeah, I guess it is pretty similar to color wars, but with different countries instead of colours.

You are right about the problems with obesity - we do projects around other subjects so why not PE?! A lot of people just don't see it as an important subject but it really is. We are hoping to continue something similar next summer but it obviously won't be based on the Olympics, we'll have to find a different 'hook' for it.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Just got home from a REALLY long day of running errands.  I'm about ready to keel over.    Tomorrow I have an early morning, but get to come back home & have a rest.  Then I'm away for the weekend - leaving tomorrow evening and back on Sunday night.  I've got everything set so I hope I can sleep well while I'm away.  I bought earplugs, a new sleep mask, I'm bringing my sleeping pills and pillow.  If all that doesn't work, nothing will.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2156#2156 waterlilybarb's post

Sorry if you already said, but where ae you off to Barb?


Ooh cute meez, Barb!


Your meez looks very energetic, Meg, I'm worn out just watching!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2158#2158 themegababe's post

Meg is you're Meez doing Soulja Boy?  I sat there trying to figure out what dance it was doing and that is the closest i could come up with lol

