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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2080#2080 themegababe's post

I LOVE grilled vegetables.  I wish I had a grill, and a place to do it - I'd be more inclined to eat all my veggies.  When it's hot I have a hard time choking down anything.  Thankfully it's pretty nice today.  We've had so much rain that it's a treat to see the sun shining - and it's quite breezy, so the apartment is cool.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


  Where are you singing barb?  It looks like an airport?  or a lounge?  Fun times!


Reply 2071#2071 imarielle626's post

Good luck on the new semester.  I hope you have a good year.  Any chance on letting us know where you are now(City).  I found that the surroundings where I lived a very important part of the experience.  I was in Boston for med school and I really enjoyed the city.  It was a great place to live and study.

I can sympathize with what you are going through.  I lived in Israel for a little over 2 years and it was a big adjustment   when I came back.  Life was so different in North America from Israel in ways to numerous to mention in a post.  Israel today is very different, as well, to what it was like back then.  It was much less American.

[ Last edited by cshapiro at 6-25-2008 11:19 ]

[ Last edited by cshapiro at 6-25-2008 11:20 ]


I'm sorry I missed Meg in the buff, that must have been something (I know you were in a swim suit), still hilarious!

Barb I hope that the rain at least helped the banging, that's the one good thing about rain for me!! So your friend has left, what a bummer, I always hate good-byes. You best get on with the packing, not much time left now, and you'll be making the big move.

Arielle, have a great summer session, hope the drive is at least a bit of a scenic, so it will be more enjoyable!

As for me, I'm trying to enjoy the time I have with my daughter, while she is here. I'm still working on resting to get back to a more healthy me, so not much time for the forum with my daughter here and keeping rested. Oh, and I broke my coccyx (tail bone) three days ago, I'm such a kluts, so I'm on the mend for that too!! I hope to soon back feeling like my old self (which isn't great, but better than I am), in a month or so!!

I hope you all are enjoying the summer, here in S. Florida I can only describe it as

Hot, Hot & Hotter!!

[ Last edited by gypsiegirl66 at 6-26-2008 10:21 ]


Wow, that's hot!  At least you are lookin cool with your drink at the pool!  I wish I could do that, oh work! haha  Have fun with your daughter!


Hi all! Just popping on in the middle of a crazy work week - and a HOT work week! It's boiling over here in Italy, though I can't really complain after all my moaning about the rain we had for 3 months straight!

How's life in the giggle box?


Reply 2082#2082 themegababe's post

I was actually just singing around the house, but I thought it would be more fun to sing in space.

Gypsy, the rain has helped a bit with the migraines, but because the storms have been rolling in and out they aren't staying away completely.  I had the wickedest aura in my sleep last night.  It was what I imagine an acid trip to be like.   So far I've got it under control today - fingers crossed, it will stay that way.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2083#2083 cshapiro's post

Thanks.  I go to University of Florida which is located in Gainesville, FL.  It's pretty much just a college town.  We are a big spirit and sport school too so it has a great college atmosphere.

As far as the adjustment back to living in the States is going...I'm taking Hebrew this fall so it'll help with the adjustment by bringing some of Israel here with me, but I don't think the adjustment will be so hard.


Reply 2088#2088 imarielle626's post

Are you still learning to play the guitar, or have you just not changed your Meez for a while?  I know you've been busy, but it's nice to have something you enjoy in your down time, like playing music.  I play a little, but don't have a guitar anymore.  I've been thinking I might get myself one, or a keyboard, after I move...probably a while after I move, unless I come across a really good deal.  The move is going to cost some cash, plus when we find a place, there will be all the fees to turn everything on.  Oh, joy!  More stuff to add to the list.

BTW, your family lives in Florida, don't they?  That would be nice, especially for them, since you were gone for the past year.  At least you'll be able to see them more often.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2088#2088 imarielle626's post

I can definitely relate about the whole culture shock thing Arielle - it's not easy, but it does get easier with time. Just remember that all this makes you a better and stronger person.


Reply 2089#2089 waterlilybarb's post

I am still learning how to play the guitar and I haven't changed my meez in a while.  I am acutally working on a new one right now.  I didn't bring my guitar up here for summer session, but i'll resume learning in the fall.  I'm hoping to find someone who can give me proper lessons and with a campus as big as mine i don't think i'll have much trouble with that.  My family does live in Florida, but it is about a six hour drive from my university.  Not too far so I can see them occasionally on a weekend, but too far to just go home for the day.  Still a lot closer than Israel


Reply 2091#2091 imarielle626's post

Six hours isn't bad.  Currently my Mum lives 7-12 hours away (by car), depending on which route I take.  I'm looking forward to moving up there, but I've done the drive so often it doesn't seem too bad at all anymore, especially the shorter route.  That's good, because I'll still have to come down here every so often - to visit, but also because my doctor is here.  I won't be able to get a GP up there any time soon, so mine has agreed I can keep him for now.  Some things I can do by phone, but I will have to make the trip at least every 3 or 4 months.  It's a good thing I don't mind driving, it's just too bad the gas prices are so high.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


This is funny

A new survey has found that women rush through s*x so they don't miss their favourite TV shows.

According to a poll conducted by telecommunications firm Tiscali, 17% of women between the ages of 16 and 24 confessed to speeding through sex or putting it off completely so they didn't miss TV appointments.

More than half the women in this age range also admitted to watching episodes of their favourite programmes a minimum of five times.

Of all the 1,600 people questioned, 12% claimed that watching TV is more pleasurable than spending time with friends and family.
[ Last edited by bala at 6-27-2008 13:11 ]


  haha I love how Bala posts random women things on here.

Arielle, I lived about 6 hours from my parents when I was in college too.  I thought I would go home on weekends, and I rarely did.  The drive was just rough!  I made it for all of the holidays. But by the end, my dad was just flying me home, the flight was about the same prices as gas and 60 minutes on a plane versus 6 to 7 hours driving! haha  That being said, I still live in my college town, but I'm going home to visit my parents next weekend, and for my cousin's wedding.  

I lived in Austria for about 4 months when I was in school, so I also had to struggle to adjust back to the States. It really wasn't hard  And for me, I lived with a couple of the girls that I lived with in Salzburg, once we were back in the States.  It was just for a month, but it helped a lot!  The weirdest thing was parking lots for me.  I got so used to a country with hidden garages, where there did not seem to be a lot of traffic. And everyone walked everywhere.  And then I come to see this huge waste of space with giant parking lots here. And people would drive from one lot to the next, even if just down the street. That drove me crazy!


Reply 2094#2094 themegababe's post

what can i say when i find something amusing i try find a place to post it


Reply 2094#2094 themegababe's post

That drives me crazy about the States  too - people can't even walk a single block without taking the car out!! I didn't realize it at first but now every time I go back it's something that I'm really aware of - that and the size of U.S. gas-guzzling cars!


Reply 2096#2096 studiojek's post

I find that irritating about North America too.  It's much the same in Canada.  I don't have a car, so there's no fear of me driving a block to buy a loaf of bread.  I will be sharing a car when I move, since it will be quite rural, but my Mum has a small car - which is great with the price of gas right now.  It used to cost $20 to fill her tank, now it costs at least $50.  Insane!

BTW, Bala, I know that the quote is from a study, but I hardly consider teenage girls to be women.  That whole group is much better classed young women, and is not really representative of adult women.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2091#2091 imarielle626's post

It's nice to be able to have the option to visit even if you don't get the chance very often.  Sometimes I found I just got so run down I just needed to crash somewhere quiet.  I lived in Boston when I was in med school and mt parent were in Toronto and it was about a 10 hour drive.  I ended up having some issues with my green card application and couldn't visit my parents for three years until I got my green card.  It was kind of a downer but Boston was a great town to go to university in.  I wouldn't call it a college town, it's too big for that  but, university is a very big part of life there and is big enough to have everything.  I did always want to live somewhere that had warm winters though and Boston is as bad as Canada.  University of Florida sounds like a good place to go to school.  Good luck with your  term.


Reply 2092#2092 waterlilybarb's post

I hope the move is going well.  I saw your post about not having a GP  in your new area.  I do know how hard it is to find any doctor in Ontario.  It's hard to get a GP even in Toronto but I do know a few physicians  in northern Ontario.  If you give me an idea of the general area you will be living in (if you are comfortable to do so) I may be able to refer you to someone in your area.  At least closer than 7-12 hours away.  Do you know how far you will be from Toronto?  If it is much closer I could for sure find you someone here and even get you a choice of a few.


Reply 2099#2099 cshapiro's post

Thanks, things are moving along.  I can't believe it's almost July.  I still have a lot of packing to do.  I sent you a PM re: the GP situation, and thanks for the offer.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

