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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2054#2054 waterlilybarb's post

You have what is called a Mitral Regurgitation which is a type of Pansystolic Murmur.  In its most common form it is completely harmless but needs prophylaxis against endocarditis by taking antibiotics to keep bacteria from building up on the mitral  valve before dental procedures or any other procedure which leads to bacteria being released into the body.

I'm glad to hear you came through your trip to the dentist OK.


Reply 2055#2055 silver1978's post

Shannon, I hope everything is ok with her, my best wishes for a quick recovery!

Welcome 'back' Arielle! I've been very busy myself, but it's always nice to come back here where everyone welcomes you back with open arms!!


Reply 2061#2061 cshapiro's post

Thanks Doc!   I doubt I'll remember that but I know where to look when I need the correct terminology.  I'm glad my appointment went well too.  I love it when I come out knowing I won't have to return until my next scheduled cleaning.  So much nicer than having to go back for fillings or worse - though other than having my wisdom teeth out, I've never had worse than a couple fillings.

Howdy Studio!  Nice to see you.   Our arms are always open to lovely people like yourself.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2063#2063 waterlilybarb's post

Aww thanks! It's Sunday so that's good because it's the weekend, but not good as I was hoping my weekend would be longer!!

How are you feeling today Barb?


Reply 2064#2064 studiojek's post

You posted just before I finally was able to catch some shut eye.  I'm tired today, as I only had a couple hours of sleep, and broken sleep at that.  The phone rang a few times this morning - usually I don't hear it, but it's one of those days.  I kept getting wicked charley horses in my calves too.   Every once and a while I get them - usually if I've been slack with my calcium intake, but I think this time was just fatigue.  Anyway, I finally just decided to get up because I knew I wouldn't get anymore rest.  Hopefully I'll have a better night for sleeping tonight.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi everyone - have been catching up with the giggle box and seem to have missed a lot, as usual when I am away for a while.

My good news is that my final assessment for teaching was today and it's over! I was observed twice and then questioned at length - more like a grilling if you ask me! They couldn't tell me the result but apparently if it's bad news they have to give you an indication that there are serious problems. They didn't say anything and just left at the end which means it must be good!

Now I can concentrate on wedding plans! Two jobs for this week are invitations to be made and registering for gifts. Am looking forward to both!

Here's to Barb getting some well deserved sleep and hugs to anyone who is in need of them!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2066#2066 meljones_83's post

That's great Mel!  I bet you're relieved.

I'm glad you can now just concentrate on your wedding plans.  You'll have fun, I'm sure.  I've helped make invitations, and I always enjoyed myself.  Registering is not something I've done, but I bet you'll have a ball choosing things that you can picture using once you're married.

Thankfully I got a good sleep last night, well early this morning, but I slept half the day.  I figured I was going to take it whenever I could - so even though I woke earlier, I decided to close my eyes and was able to sleep for a couple more hours.  

There was a program on yesterday about sleep deprivation and how so many people are not getting enough sleep.  The interesting thing about the study was that it showed that not only is brain function affected (slower response times, etc.) but it affects the body & brain on a physiological level too.  People tend to eat more and crave high carb food when they are tired.  It causes a change in insulin levels, and can be included among the top 4 triggers for type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and weight gain, leading to obesity.  Most people don't even realized they ARE sleep deprived, since they think 5 or 6 hours is normal.  One group that was found to be among the most sleep deprived was teens.  They need 9-10 hours of sleep per night, but most do not get that much.  With all the demands on our time sleep is the first thing to get cut for most people.  I know from another study I read that people prone to depression should be sure to get enough sleep as well.  Lack of sleep changes brain chemistry in this area too and can be a trigger for a relapse of depression.  Very interesting.  

The main tips for maintaining optimal health: exercise, eat healthy (including staying well-hydrated), and get enough sleep.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



Hey gals, thought I'd remind you to check out Operation: Phoenix.  Even if you don't have time to play every game, I think it will be fun.  Red has put a lot of effort into it and it would be nice to have a few more participants.   He's even letting mods & s. mods play (though not for the prizes).  I'm looking forward to seeing all he has in store.  I know SOME, and I can't play those games, but from what I've seen, it's going to be fun.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Your post was really interesting, Barb, it makes a lot of sense. I never really thought about it before but last week I wasn't getting much sleep and I definitely ate more!
Talking of sleep, I'm pretty tired so I think I'm going to say goodnight!

Hope all the girlies are well.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 2069#2069 meljones_83's post

Hello and good-night Mel.

I'm hoping for a decent sleep myself.  I have a friend coming to stay for a couple days (she'll be here later this evening) and I'd like to feel rested enough to enjoy her visit.  She's going to help me get a few errands done that I need doing before I move.  

is flying!  Less than a month and a half until my move.  I REALLY got to get myself into gear.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Barb, that information on sleep deprivation is very interesting!  Probably explains why I start to get hungry if I stay awake past midnight.  I hope you are able to get a few good nights of sleep before your friend comes to stay.

Well, I'm off to college tomorrow (for summer semester).  I actually can't believe it is time already!  I still wake up sometimes thinking I am still and Israel and then have to remind myself I am not.  This past year has just flown by for me.  The saying is right time really does fly when you are having fun!  I just hope it is not raining tomorrow!  I dread driving six in the pouring rain!  But I'm excited and looking forward to school.


Reply 2071#2071 imarielle626's post

Well, my friend went back home today.  I was so tired I slept for a couple hours this evening.  Tomorrow I have to seriously start packing.

You must be excited to start classes again Arielle.  I hope the weather cooperates for you in the morning.  We've had some crazy weather here all weekend.  One minute it's been absolutely lovely - sun shining, nice breeze - then the dark clouds roll in and it's raining sheets!  Yesterday it was hailing and raining so hard we got stuck in the Walmart waiting for it to slow down enough so we could make a mad dash to the car.  Needless to say, even though it had slowed down, we both looked & felt like drowned rats.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


  It's just hot here.   no craziness, just hot!  Hope your drive goes well, Arielle!  Have fun getting back into the swings of things!


Reply 2073#2073 themegababe's post

I swear Meg Everytime I see your Meez she looks naked Looks like yu got a little tan though


Reply 2074#2074 gabsimom's post

I hadn't noticed until you said something, but now that I look again, the colour of the bikini is so pale it DOES kinda look like she's naked. Don't see any tan lines though.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


  haha I better change back into my normal clothes, I guess.  Sunday was the only  beach day! haha


Reply 2076#2076 themegababe's post

You could always change the colour of your bikini to one that's a bit brighter.  We can't be having you drive the fellas completely crazy thinking you're lying around in the buff.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


  haha  I just picked the pink one cuz it's my favorite color. But since I'm back to reality now, it was time to get dressed and go to work. haha


Reply 2078#2078 themegababe's post

Look at you snarfing down that cake.   You're Meez is looking cute today - very summery.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


  Thanks!  It's so hot here, it feels like summer in February!  But it's nice to get out in the sun a bit and work on my tan! Not that I have one, but maybe I can get one!

The other night I barbecued chicken and veggies, it was my first time grilling, and it worked out really well!  Quite a tasty meal!  Grilled is really the only way to eat zucchini! haha

